
hǎi fǎ
  • Haifa;maritime law
  1. 它由位于以色列海法市的IBMResearch实验室的研究人员开发,可以从alphaWorks获得ConTest的有限制的试用版。

    Developed by researchers at the IBM Research laboratory in Haifa , Israel , ConTest is available from alphaWorks in a limited trial version .

  2. 得主是来自以色列海法理工学院的DanielShechtman。

    The winner was Daniel Shechtman of Technion , a technology institute in Haifa , Israel .

  3. 根据海法大学(UniversityofHaifa)的心理学家Shaman-Tsoory博士说:“能否理解他人的思维状态和情绪与他能否理解挖苦密切相关。”没错,这也就意味着他们能够看透你和你呈现的迷雾幻境。

    According to Dr. Shaman-Tsoory , who is a psychologist at the University of Haifa , " understanding other people 's state of mind and emotions are related to our ability to understand sarcasm . " Yes , this means they can see right through you and your smoke and mirrors .

  4. 海法的医务人员表示,至少有10名以色列人受伤。

    Medics in Haifa say at least 10 Israelis were wounded .

  5. 论公益经济诉讼的独立试论海法独立学科体系

    Trial discussion of the independent subject system of the Maritime Law

  6. 告诉卡伯特我会从海法给他电话。

    Tell Cabot I 'll call him from haifa .

  7. 他们对于海法发生的事情感到紧张,不安和焦虑。

    They are tense , nervous and anxious about what 's happening in Haifa .

  8. 日本海法生成与体系研究

    Japanese marine law generation and system research

  9. 游客们飞至伊斯坦布尔或海法,而不是雅典,给当地的酒店和零售业带来了滚滚财源。

    Tourists flew to Istanbul or Haifa instead of Athens , and rewarded their hotels and vendors .

  10. 库依特还没有资格代表利物浦参加下周在基辅与海法马卡比的欧冠资格赛。

    Kuyt is ineligible for Liverpool 's Champions League qualifier against Maccabi Haifa in Kiev next week .

  11. 一消防飞机飞过太阳超过上周五在海法,2010年12月3号火台。

    A firefighting plane flies as the sun sets over a fire in Haifa on Friday , Dec.3,2010 .

  12. 介绍以色列海法市卡梅尔山上的巴孛陵寝梯田平台花园。

    Introduc of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Bab on Mount Carmel in Haif a , Israel .

  13. 在特拉维夫、海法、耶路撒冷,有许多穿着很时尚的年轻人,穿梭于街道两旁的商店之中。

    Jerusalem , there are many young people dressed very fashionably visiting this or that shop on the streets .

  14. 以色列西北部一港口城市,位于海法湾。黎巴嫩北部的一个城市,临地中海。

    A port in northwestern Israel on the Bay of Acre . a port in northern Lebanon on the Mediterranean .

  15. 本片是一个发生在以色列的当代故事,故事背景是海法市(导演的出生地)。

    Broken Wings is a contemporary story set in Israel , in the city of Haifa ( the city of the director ) .

  16. 劳埃德银行集团最近收购的苏格兰海法银行的损失远远超出意料,令股市感到不安。

    Much larger than expected losses at Halifax-Bank of Scotland or HBOS , which Lloyds recently acquired , sent jitters through the market .

  17. 因此,大型邮轮公司往往在热那亚、海法和伊斯坦布尔等城市起航及结束旅程,对希腊则是避之不及。

    As a result the big lines start and finish in places such as Genoa , Haifa , and Istanbul rather than in Greece .

  18. 然而,这项研究包含了106位男士所填的调查问卷,这些人已经在海法的卡梅尔医学中心进行了精子分析。

    However , this study involved questionnaires filled out by 106 men who had already been referred for semen analysis at Carmel Medical Centre in Haifa .

  19. 以色列海法大学脑部研究专家阿维?卡尼针开展的一项最新研究探讨了白天小睡有助于巩固长期记忆的可能性问题。

    New research conducted by brain researcher Avi Karni of the University of Haifa in Israel explores the possibility that naps help lock in sometimes fleeting long-term memories .

  20. 他谈及了以色列施加的诸多安全威胁,并表示,如果伊朗的核基础设施遭遇袭击,伊朗将摧毁以色列的特拉维夫和海法两座城市。

    Many spoke of security threats posed by Israel and pledged his country would destroy Israeli cities Tel Aviv and Haifa if Iran 's nuclear infrastructure came under attack .

  21. 拉法贝尼特斯承认利物浦的队员们不愿意去以色列参加欧关联赛与海法的第二回合比赛。

    Rafael Benitez has admitted he 's relieved his Liverpool players don 't need to travel to Israel for the second leg of their Champions League qualifier with Maccabi Haifa .

  22. 早前几年,因为有报道称,海法公主的部分资金流向了一个为9·11事件中的劫机者提供援助的人,她受到了新闻媒体的关注。

    A few years earlier , Princess Haifa had been in the news because of reports that some of her money had gone to a figure who aided the Sept. 11 hijackers .

  23. 海法是一支不错的球队,有名好教练和好球员。但我们知道这场比赛对俱乐部意味着什么,我们有信心取得理想的结果。

    Haifa are a good side with a good manager and good players but we know what this match means to our club and I 'm confident we 'll get the right result .

  24. 以色列海法理工大学的玛莎·迪恩菲尔德教授说道:“我们对活跃的游动精子进行了分析,其数量和质量都有所下降。”

    Professor Martha Dirnfeld , of the Technion University in Haifa , said : " We analysed the amount of active swimming sperm and the quality and found that it had been reduced .

  25. 这次活动为位于沃森、霍桑、剑桥、奥斯汀、苏黎世、海法、阿尔马登、北京、上海、东京、新德里和班加罗尔的研究人员提供实时广播。

    This event was broadcast live to researchers gathered Watson , Hawthorne , Cambridge , Austin , Zurich , Haifa , Almaden , Beijing , Shanghai , Tokyo , New Delhi , and Bangalore .

  26. 奥克斯曼在以色列海法市长大,她的父母罗伯特和丽芙卡是当地知名的场景设计师,以理论和计算作品著称。

    Oxman grew up in Israel , in the city of Haifa , and her parents , Robert and Rivka , were well known in the design scene there , namely for their theoretical and computational work .