
  • 网络Hyderabad
  1. 巴基斯坦南部的海得拉巴市已增派了军队和警力。

    Troops and police have been reinforced in the southern Pakistan city of Hyderabad .

  2. 托雷是英国纽卡斯尔大学(newcastleuniversity)的教育学教授,他在考察海得拉巴又是在印度的贫民窟时,第一次接触到面向穷人的私立学校。

    A professor of education at the University of Newcastle , Tooley first encountered private schooling for the poor while exploring the slums of Hyderabad , again in India .

  3. 工作中心位于Kolkata,海得拉巴和喀拉拉邦。

    The work is centered in Kolkata , Hyderabad and Kerala province .

  4. 美国人西娜·霍尔(SheenaHall)是美国马里兰州本地人,在华盛顿霍华德大学(HowardUniversity)攻读政治学,她今年春天曾作为本杰明·吉尔曼(BenjaminA.Gilman)学者在印度的海得拉巴(Hyderabad)学习过6个月。

    American Sheena Hall , who is a Maryland native studying political science at Howard University in Washington , studied in Hyderabad , India , for six months last spring as a Benjamin A.Gilman scholar .

  5. 纳德拉生于印度IT业中心海得拉巴(Hyderabad),赴美前获得了门格洛尔大学(MangaloreUniversity)电子工程学位。来美后,他继续深造,取得计算机科学硕士和MBA学位。

    Born in Hyderabad , a centre of the Indian IT industry , Mr Nadella took a degree in electrical engineering at Mangalore University before moving to the US , where he went on to complete a masters in computer science and an MBA .

  6. 印度海得拉巴的一家名为Shantha的公司已经同意制造这种药物,印度政府将支持该药的临床试验。

    An Indian company , Shantha , based in Hyderabad , has agreed to manufacture the drug , and clinical trials will be supported by the Indian government .

  7. 正如一位CGIAR海得拉巴会议的与会者在会议上评论说:“你可能把所有这些耐旱、耐盐碱和耐虫害的特性放进同一个植物中&然后你发现它根本就没有产量!”

    And as one participant at the Hyderabad conference commented ," You may put all those traits for tolerance to drought , salt and pests in a plant & and then find it has no yield !"

  8. 沃尔福威茨晚上回到海得拉巴之后,在邦首席大臣Y.RajasekharaReddy的陪同下,会见了100多名来自该邦其它地区的自助小组代表。

    Back in Hyderabad in the evening , Wolfowitz , in the company of state chief minister Y.Rajasekhara Reddy , met more than a hundred self-help group representatives from other districts of the state .

  9. 巴基斯坦卡拉奇&海得拉巴区域地震危险性预测

    Seismic hazard estimation for KARACHI-HYDERABAD region of Pakistan

  10. 这张照片拍摄于印度的海得拉巴(印度南部城市)。

    I shot this in Hyderabad , India .

  11. 印度新硅谷:海得拉巴

    Hyderabad , New Silicon Valley in India

  12. 这两起爆炸案发生在海得拉巴人口密集区,前后间隔仅几分钟。

    The blasts went off minutes apart in two crowded areas in the city of Hyderabad .

  13. 海得拉巴开发银行业务管理研究所

    Development Banking Management Institute of Hyderabad

  14. 像印度南部信息技术城市海得拉巴等一些城市,则不得不同时进行上述两项工作。

    Some , like the southern Indian information technology city of Hyderabad , have to do the two simultaneously .

  15. 水上公园瀑布:在一个在海得拉巴,印度,水主题公园玩上周四印度儿童。

    WATER PARK WATERFALL : Indian children played at a water theme park in Hyderabad , India , on Thursday .

  16. 27日晚,海得拉巴(印度南部的一个城市)的一场阵雨给一直祈求下雨的数百万人带来了一丝安慰。

    On Wednesday night , a light shower in Hyderabad brought some relief to millions who had been praying for rain .

  17. 一个男孩安排在一家商店前,在海得拉巴,星期三,2009年10月14日印度排灯节手工灯罩。

    A boy arranges handmade lamp shades at a shop before the Diwali festival in Hyderabad , India on Wednesday , Oct.14,2009 .

  18. 我刚刚在印度和在海得拉巴的饭馆,我发现我的零食一次的冒险的关键工具。

    I 've just been in India and in a cookshop in Hyderabad I found the key gadget for my next adventure in snacks .

  19. 反对建邦的人担心安得拉邦因失去信息技术和制药中心海得拉巴而受到影响。

    Their opponents fear the impact on Andhra Pradesh of the loss of the city of Hyderabad , a hub for information technology and pharmaceuticals .

  20. 她如今在海得拉巴的一个呼叫中心工作,也许曾为了你的信用卡账单骚扰过你,用她那纯正的英式口音。

    She has now joined a call center in Hyderabad and may have tortured you about your credit card bills in a very clear English accent .

  21. 孩子就坐在灯节在印度海得拉巴,星期五,2009年10月16日前夕,附近的印度教女神拉克希米,财富的女神,偶像。

    A child sits near idols of Hindu Goddess Lakshmi , the Goddess of wealth , on the eve of Diwali in Hyderabad , India , Friday , Oct.16,2009 .

  22. 甚至表面看来兴旺繁荣的孟买,其经济增长却落后于本加卢鲁(班加罗尔)金奈与海得拉巴等地。

    Even Mumbai 's economy , successful though it seems , has been growing less fast than the economies of such places as Bengalooru ( Bangalore ), Chennai and Hyderabad .

  23. 而且,据报道,根据小米的发展蓝图,小米希望接下来可以在德里、孟买、海得拉巴以及金奈开店。

    Furthermore , as per their roadmap , Xiaomi is reportedly looking forward to opening Mi Home stores in Delhi , Mumbai , Hyderabad , and Chennai in the upcoming days .

  24. 如果你在萨克拉门托、西雅图、堪培拉、加尔各答、海得拉巴、金边、开罗、北京、日本中部、斯里兰卡中部或者波特兰,那么你离大海的距离比你离太空的距离还要远。

    If you 're in Sacramento , Seattle , Canberra , Kolkata , Hyderabad , PhnomPenh , Cairo , Beijing , central Japan , central Sri Lanka , or Portland , space iscloser than the sea .

  25. 发布该研究的团队来自爱丁堡大学和印度海得拉巴市的尼扎姆医学研究所。之所以选择印度城市海得拉巴作为研究对象,是因为多元的文化使得多语人士在当地很常见。

    The study was carried out by a team from the University of Edinburgh together with the Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences in Hyderabad - with the Indian city chosen as the location for the study because its multi-cultural nature means many languages are commonly spoken .