
ɡōnɡ lù yùn shū
  • road transport;road transportation;highway transport;highway transportation
  1. 公路运输企业前沿面生产函数的估计及应用

    Estimation and Application of Frontier Production Function for Highway Transport Enterprises

  2. 黑龙江省公路运输业技术创新策略的分析

    Policy analysis of technology innovation of highway transport industry in Heilongjiang province

  3. 如果政府开始对公路运输征收碳税,那么水运就会变得更加具有吸引力。

    If the Government introduces a carbon tax on road haulage , then carriage by water will become more attractive .

  4. X型固体导弹公路运输随机响应分析与减振方法

    Response analysis of X missile during road transportation and investigation of the vibration control system

  5. 省级公路运输行业管理MIS的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of MIS for Vocational Road Transportation Management

  6. 基于VB的公路运输计量信息管理系统在煤矿的应用

    Measurement OP Road Transport Information Systems AT Coal Mine Based ON VB

  7. 基于因子分析与Kohonen网络的公路运输枢纽分类方法

    Classification of Highway Transportation Hubs Combined Factors Analysis with Kohonen Network

  8. 分析了液化天然气(LNG)罐式集装箱公路运输设备的现状,讨论了LNG公路运输的经济性和应注意的问题。

    Current situation of highway transportation with tank-type container for LNG is analyzed , and economy and problems that need to be paid attention for highway transportation of LNG are discussed .

  9. 在研究国内公路运输行业管理MIS设计与开发方案的基础上,结合湖南省公路运输行业管理的特点和实际,设计与实现了省级、地州市级和县级行业管理广域网下的MIS。

    On the basis of studying the practice and characteristics of Hunan vocational road transportation management , an overall framework of management system is presented and the MIS , by means of WAN connecting province , city and country , is designed and realized .

  10. J企业的危险化学品原料保供和产品销售主要依赖于公路运输,由于事故频发,已造成多人死亡和较大的经济损失,而且,在一定程度上给企业带来很多负面影响。

    Hazardous chemical raw materials for this enterprise and product sales primarily depend on road transport , because of frequent accidents , have resulted in many deaths and a large economic losses , as well as , to a certain extent , a lot of adverse impact on the enterprise .

  11. 首先对公路运输最短路线问题进行了分析,建立其数学模型,提出采用路段分组策略、局部Dijkstra算法搜索和全局遗传算法优化的综合求解方法。

    This paper firstly researches the shortest path of the road transport , sets up its mathematic model and brings forward the method of road-section grouping strategy , searching in grouping road-section with the Dijkstra algorithms and optimizing in all road-section with GA.

  12. 市场经济下公路运输效率的新定义及评价

    New Concept and Appraise of the Highway Efficiency Under Market Economy

  13. 集装箱公路运输企业规模经济水平研究

    The Study on Scale-Economic Level for Container Road - Transportation Enterprises

  14. 主枢纽城市在我国公路运输网络上起着支撑性作用。

    The main hub city supports highway networks of our country .

  15. 交通事故与公路运输业状况的关联分析

    The Correlation Analysis between Traffic Accident and the Road Transport Situation

  16. 公路运输化学事故应急救援体系研究

    Study of Emergency Rescue System of Chemical Accidents in Road Transportation

  17. 论公路运输企业在竞争面前的对策

    On the Strategy of the Highway Transportation Enterprises Facing the Competition

  18. 河南省公路运输超载问题的经济分析

    Economical Analysis of Overloading Problem of Highway Transportation in Henan Province

  19. 公路运输超载现象及其解决对策分析函数与运算符重载

    Highway Overloading and Countermeasures The Overloading of Function and Operator

  20. 浅谈ITS技术在危险化学品公路运输过程中的应用

    Application of ITS in the Road Transportation of Dangerous Chemicals

  21. 公路运输统计指标管理信息系统

    The Management Information System of Main Hub City Road Transportation Statistical Index

  22. 最后提出了公路运输枢纽层次划分的结构,对未来公路运输枢纽规划奠定了基础。

    Finally , the structure layer of transportation hub is further discussed .

  23. 公路运输在整个交通运输业中处于基础地位。

    Road transportation is at the basic rank in whole carrying trade .

  24. 基于灰色预测模型的公路运输量预测

    Amount Forecast of Highway Transportation Based on Grey Model Theory

  25. 公路运输系统可持续发展的评价研究

    Study on the evaluation of the sustainable development of highway transportation system

  26. 公路运输企业技术创新的基本途径及未来趋势

    Basic Approaches and Future Trends of Technology Innovation on Road Transportation Enterprise

  27. 公路运输中超限货物运输的组织与管理

    Organization and Management of Spillover Goods Transport in Road Transport

  28. 南平市公路运输危险化学品污染事件的研究

    Pollution Events Caused by Dangerous Chemicals in Road Transportation in Nanping City

  29. 设备运输采用木箱包装,公路运输,由乙方负责。

    The equipment shall be road transported in wooden packages by Party B.

  30. 公路运输枢纽是综合运输系统的重要组成部分。

    Highway transportation hinge is an important part of integrated transportation system .