
gōng wù
  • public property;assets
公物 [gōng wù]
  • [public property] 国家或集体所拥有的东西

  • 不要损坏公物

公物[gōng wù]
  1. 爱护公物,人人有责。

    It is everybody 's duty to take good care of public property .

  2. 你做什么?你破坏公物呢。

    What are you doing ? You 're defacing public property .

  3. 我们这一带从来没有多少破坏公物的问题。

    We 've never had much trouble with vandals around here .

  4. 过去这里很少发生故意破坏公物的事。

    Vandalism used to be a rare occurrence here .

  5. 这毁损显然是些恣意破坏公物的人所为。

    The damage is clearly the work of vandals .

  6. 圣坛受到破坏公物者的肆意践踏。

    The altar had been defiled by vandals .

  7. 破坏公物者把门踹倒了。

    Vandals had kicked the door down .

  8. 一个故意破坏公物的人用链锯伐倒了一棵树。

    A vandal with a chainsaw cut down a tree .

  9. 只是为了好玩而破坏公物是很愚蠢的行为。

    It was stupid , just vandalism for the hell of it .

  10. 在公共建筑或车辆上涂抹也是破坏公物。

    To make dirty public buildings or vehicles is antisocial too .

  11. 火车上的座位套子被破坏公物者故意撕破。

    The seat-covers on the train had been ripped by vandals .

  12. 你偷公物?那些毯子和沙发?

    Pledge prank ? You boosted a carpet and a couch ?

  13. 毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的人干的。

    The damage to the painting is the work of vandals .

  14. 你们这些小崽子以为可以随意损坏公物?

    You brats think it 's okay to destroy municipal property ?

  15. 论公物的特别使用及其许可

    Research on the Special Use and Its Permission of Public Property

  16. 这里的公共财产包括公款和特定的公物。

    The public property here includes public fund and specific public property .

  17. 我们必须在更广的范围里考虑恣意破坏公物这个问题。

    We need to consider the problem of vandalism within ar context .

  18. 公物的设定、转换与废止

    The Enactment , Conversion and Extinction of the Public Property

  19. 在客体上,建议将一般公物纳入犯罪对象。

    The object of the crime should also include general public properties .

  20. 谁要毁坏公物,他总严厉批评。

    He always came down on anyone damaging public property .

  21. 珍惜他人的劳动果实,自觉爱护公物。

    Value the labor and take care of school property .

  22. 基于公物法理论的自然遗产保护法研究

    Natural Heritage Protection Law Research Based On Theory of Public Property Law

  23. 公物致害的国家赔偿研究

    A Study on the Country Compensation for the Public Property

  24. 但是,你生气也不能破坏公物,损坏座椅呀。

    But you had no reason at all to damage the seat .

  25. 严禁破坏公物,禁止在墙上乱写乱画。

    Stop vandalism . Don 't scribble on walls .

  26. 恣意破坏公物的人用剃刀把轮胎割破了。

    Vandals had slashed the tyres with a razor .

  27. 公物利用中的权利型态及保护制度论析

    The Rights and the System of Public Property Utilization

  28. 你因涉嫌损坏公物被捕

    You 're ... You 're under arrest on suspicion of criminal damage .

  29. 火车上的所有椅套全被破坏公物者故意撕破了

    All the seat - covers on the train have been torn by vandal

  30. 并以此探讨了行政公物制度的理论基础。

    After this , it discusses the theoretical foundation of the official property system .