
  • 网络western philosophy
  1. 我们有必要向西方哲学的某些基本假设提出质疑。

    We need to challenge some of the basic assumptions of Western philosophy .

  2. moralagent一词,是西方哲学史上有着相当长历史的术语,在不同的研究领域它所指代的具体涵义是不同的。

    Moral agent , the word has a long history in the history of western philosophy . In the different research field , the specific meaning is different .

  3. Sein(存在)问题,是整个西方哲学的基本问题。

    " Sein ( being )", is the basic question for the whole western philosophy .

  4. 希腊哲学作为ontology的起源地,其on(συ)的原义是什么,如何理解和翻译,已经成为希腊哲学和全部西方哲学研究中的一个关键问题。

    In Greek philosophy , which is the birthplace of ontology , what on (συ) originally means and how to comprehend and translate it have posed a major problem in the study of Greek philosophy and the study of all the western philosophy .

  5. 在西方哲学史上,理论知识episteme支配着人们对知识概念的理解,是传统认识论研究的主要对象。

    In the history of western philosophy , the understanding of knowledge had been dominated by the Aristotelian notion of episteme . Theoretical knowledge had been the main object of traditional study of epistemology .

  6. 略论当代台湾学者的西方哲学研究

    Introduction of the Study on Western Philosophy by Scholars from Taiwan

  7. 论西方哲学史上的直觉思想

    On the thought of intuition in the history of western philosophy

  8. 20世纪的西方哲学研究为什么体现出“社会哲学转向”?

    Why was the Western philosophy research switched to " social philosophy "?

  9. 论语言观在20世纪西方哲学中的演变

    On the Evolution of Language Conception in the 20th Century Western Philosophy

  10. 西方哲学与马克思哲学的互动

    The Relationship Between Western Philosophy and Philosophy of Karl Marx

  11. 试论现代西方哲学的语言转向

    Talking about the " Linguistic Turn " of Occidental Philosophy

  12. 对现代西方哲学时间观念的批判与反思

    Critique and Reflection on the Time Concept in Western Philosophy

  13. 反思现代西方哲学的理性批判及其问题

    Reflection of the Criticism to the Rationality from Modern Philosophy

  14. 西方哲学史中的价值主观论和客观论

    The subjective and the objective theories of value in the Western Philosophy

  15. 相对主义、怀疑主义:现代西方哲学中的幽灵

    Relativism and Skepticism : Ghosts in Modern Western Philosophy

  16. 希腊古典哲学是西方哲学与文化之源。

    The Greek classical philosophy is the origin of western philosophy and culture .

  17. 近代以来西方哲学中物的概念&从康德、胡塞尔到海德格尔

    The Concept of das Ding in Modern Western Philosophy

  18. 近代西方哲学主要是在伦理学论域探讨同情问题。

    Sympathy was used and investigated mainly in ethnics during modern western philosophy .

  19. 西方哲学基本不含家哲学。

    Nearly No Family Philosophy exists in Western World .

  20. 主体客体问题是近代西方哲学的重大问题。

    The problem of subject and object is important in modern western philosophy .

  21. 在西方哲学史中,良知是一个相对复杂的问题。

    Conscience is a comparatively complex problem in the history of western philosophy .

  22. 在西方哲学史上,本质主义源远流长。

    In the history of Western philosophy , essentialism has a long history .

  23. 其二,实现了西方哲学由本体论向认识论的转换。

    Second , the implementation of Western philosophy from ontology to epistemology conversion .

  24. 论西方哲学演进的思路和问题

    On the Logic and the Issues in the Development of the Western Philosophy

  25. 翻译与形而上学批判:在西方哲学的转折点上

    Translation and Critique of Metaphysics : At the Turning Point of Western Philosophy

  26. 现象学开启了西方哲学的现代转向。

    Phenomenology initiates the modern turnaround of western philosophy .

  27. 20世纪西方哲学开始了“语言学转向”。

    The linguistic turn took place in western philosophy in the 20th century .

  28. 略论近代西方哲学主体性的彰显与张扬

    Brief Discussion about the Appearance and Display of Subjectivity in Modern Western Philosophy

  29. 价值与超越&一种对西方哲学的文化搜寻

    Value and Transcendence-The Searching for the Western Philosophical Civilization

  30. 关于西方哲学范畴Being及其汉译

    Being as A Philosophical Category and Its Chinese Translation