
dàn shuǐ hú
  • freshwater lake;fresh water lake
  1. 洱海其实是一个淡水湖。

    Actually , Lake Erhai is a freshwater lake .

  2. 海洋是能找到淡水湖的最后的地方。

    An ocean is the last place you 'd expect to find a freshwater lake .

  3. 尼罗河的主要支流白尼罗河发源于位于非洲中东部的世界第二大淡水湖维多利亚湖的正上方。

    The main branch of the Nile , the White Nile , starts just above Lake Victoria , the world 's second largest fresh-water lake , in east central Africa .

  4. 太湖是我国的第二大淡水湖,也是我国重要的渔业基地,但对于该湖区鱼类脂肪酸的含量与组成以及PCBs和PBDEs在鱼类的暴露水平和分布特征很少报道。

    Taihu Lake is the second largest lake in China , and also is an important fishery base . But report on fatty acids , PCBs and PBDEs in fish from this lake was limited .

  5. 太湖是中国第三大淡水湖。

    Lake Taihu is the third largest fresh-water lake in china .

  6. 鄱阳湖是中国最大的淡水湖。

    The Poyang lake is the biggest Chinese fresh water lake .

  7. 洪泽湖是我国五大淡水湖之一,也是全国最大的平原型水库。

    Hongze Lake is one of the greatest freshwater lakes in China .

  8. 西津水库是广西最大的人工淡水湖。

    The Xijin Reservoir is the largest artificial fresh lake in Guangxi .

  9. (台风)于下午三时在船湾淡水湖登陆。

    It made landfall at Plover Cove reservoir at 3pm .

  10. 我们所用的地表水几乎全由淡水湖和河流供给。

    Fresh-water lakes and streams furnish nearly all of our surface water supplies .

  11. 洛蒙德湖这个内陆淡水湖是英国最大的湖泊。

    Inland , freshwater Loch Lomond is Britain'largest lake .

  12. 水为流动相;变咸水湖为淡水湖

    Change Salt Water Lake to Fresh Water Lake

  13. 巨型“雪画”的黑冰原来就是世界上最古老、容量最大,最深的淡水湖贝加尔湖。

    Remote Lake Baikal is the world 's oldest and deepest fresh water lake .

  14. 这个国家水资源丰富,有很多淡水湖。

    The country is rich in water resources . It has many big fresh lakes .

  15. 世界上最大的淡水湖;北美五大湖中最深的一个。

    The largest freshwater lake in the world ; the deepest of the Great Lakes .

  16. 这里有很多淡水湖。

    It has many big fresh lakes .

  17. 华东江西省的鄱阳湖是中国最大的淡水湖。

    Poyang lake in East China 's Jiangxi Province is the country 's largest freshwater lake .

  18. 它是是世界上第二大湖泊,也是世界上第一大淡水湖。

    It 's the world 's second largest lake and the world 's largest freshwater lake .

  19. 最大的淡水湖是江南的鄱阳湖,面积3583平方公里。

    China 's largest freshwater lake is Lake Poyang with an area of 3,583 square kilometers .

  20. 世界最大的淡水湖:苏必利尔湖岷江叠溪古堰塞湖的发现

    Lake Superior Discovery of huge ancient dammed lake on upstream of Minjiang River in Sichuan , China

  21. 峡谷南端是黄石谷,全世界最大的淡水湖之一。不要想在这里游泳――这里的水太冷了!

    South of the canyon lies Yellowstone Lake , one of the world 's largest freshwater lakes .

  22. 明天,我们将去中国的第二淡水湖,洞庭湖。

    Tomorrow we 're gong to the second largest fresh water lake in China , Dongting Lake .

  23. 他们很幸运地找到一处地下淡水湖,但是获取食物就困难了。

    They 'd been fortunate to find an underground freshwater lake , but food was more difficult .

  24. 海峰湿地是在高原上由喀斯特地貌发育形成的永久性淡水湖类型湿地。

    Haifeng wetland developed and formed form karsts physiognomy belongs to the permanent fresh water lake type wetland .

  25. 合肥是全国省会城市中唯一濒临五大淡水湖之一的城市。

    Hefei is the only capital city in China adjacent to one of the five major freshwater lakes .

  26. 滇池是我国污染最严重的大型淡水湖之一。

    The Dianchi Lake is one of large-scale fresh water lakes which were polluted seriously in our country .

  27. 洞庭湖是湖南省最大的湖泊也是中国第二大淡水湖。

    Lake Dongting is the largest lake in the province and the second largest freshwater lake of China .

  28. 长江下游三大淡水湖的湖泊地质及其形成与发展

    Geological studies of the formation and development of the three large freshwater lakes in the lower Yangtze Valley

  29. 同时指出白垩纪湖泊为开放型淡水湖。

    At the same time , and points out that the lake of Cretaceous is open-type fresh water lake .

  30. 鄱阳湖是我国第一大淡水湖,也是亚洲最大的生态湿地。

    Poyang Lake is the biggest freshwater lake in China and the biggest ecological wetland in Asia as well .