
  • 网络freshwater fish;fresh water fish
  1. 低pH和铝对几种淡水鱼类早期生活阶段的影响

    Toxic effects of low pH and elevated Al concentration on early life stages of several species of freshwater fishes

  2. 十种常见淡水鱼类的RAPD鉴定

    Use of RAPD to identify ten freshwater fishes

  3. 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳对几种淡水鱼类培养细胞的LDH同工酶分析

    The Analysis cf LDH Coenzyme of Several Culture Cell Lines of Fresh Water Fish with PAGE

  4. 然而210Po在淡水鱼类和虾类中转移是明显的,肉配对检验有非常显著性差别(P<0.01)。

    Paired comparison test of the activities between raw flesh and cooked flesh showed very significant difference ( P < 0 01 ) .

  5. 目前对Vtg的研究主要集中在淡水鱼类,对海水鱼类的研究较少。

    Studies so far about Vtg as a biomarker for environmental estrogens were mostly limited to freshwater fish .

  6. 另外,还需要对其他淡水鱼类进行研究,特别是来自热带的鱼如尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromisniloticus)和尼罗河鲈鱼(latesniloticus)。

    Studies on other fresh water species especially those from the tropics e.g. oreochromis niloticus ( Nile tilapia ) and lates niloticus ( Nile perch ) need to be done .

  7. 刺鳅(Mastacembelusaculeatus),属鲈形目、刺鳅科(Perciformes,Mastacembelidae),是广泛分布于中国南方的小型淡水鱼类。

    The spiny eel ( Mastacembelus aculeatus ), belonging to Perciformes , Osteichthyes , is a kind of little freshwater fish distributed in Southern China .

  8. 青岛及其附近地区淡水鱼类的寄生甲壳动物

    The parasitic crustaceans of freshwater fishes from Tsingtao and adjacent territory

  9. 信阳溪流淡水鱼类资源调查

    Investigation on the Resource of Freshwater Fishes in Stream of Xinyang

  10. 三株菌对小白鼠和三大淡水鱼类安全,未发现任何毒副作用。

    The three bacteria were safety to mice and freshwater fish .

  11. 盐度对淡水鱼类的毒性效应

    Toxic effects of salinity ( s ‰) on some freshwater fishes

  12. 咸水鱼类与淡水鱼类营养物质研究

    Study on Nutrients in Sea Water Fish and Fresh Water Fish

  13. 五种淡水鱼类的颜色视觉初探

    A preliminary study on colour & sense of five freshwater fishes

  14. 海、淡水鱼类能量收支的比较综述

    Comparison of energy budget of sea and fresh water fishes

  15. 关于舟山淡水鱼类分布区划的商榷

    On the distributional division of fresh-water fishes in Zhoushan Archipelago

  16. 咸淡水鱼类32种,占30.19%;

    The brackish water species 32 in number , about 30.19 % ;

  17. 黄鳝是我国重要的淡水鱼类。

    Monopterus albus Zuiew is a important freshwater fish in our country .

  18. 几种主要淡水鱼类温度基准值的研究

    Studies on the criteria of water temperature for major cultured freshwater fishes

  19. 三种淡水鱼类胚胎低温保存及其降温和复温速率的研究


  20. 淡水鱼类寄生线虫三未定种

    On three indeterminate species of nematodes ( familyphilometridae ) from freshwater fishes

  21. 淡水鱼类生态对策的主成分分析研究

    The Principal Component Analysis of Ecological Strategy of Freshwater Fish

  22. 淡水鱼类养殖类型的重新划分及在生产中的应用

    Re-division and Its Application in Production of Fish-water Fish Farming

  23. 多元判别在淡水鱼类生态对策判别中的应用

    Application of Multivariate Discrimination in the Ecological Strategy Analysis of Freshwater Fishes

  24. 浙江淡水鱼类寄生粘孢子虫初步调查

    Preliminary investigations on Myxosporea of freshwater fishes in Zhejiang Province

  25. 淡水鱼类血清转铁蛋自遗传多态性研究

    Studies on genetic polymorphisms of freshwater fish serum transferrins

  26. 中国淡水鱼类种质资源的保护和利用

    Utilization and Protection of Freshwater Fishes Germplasm in China

  27. 淡水鱼类种质资源生态库的研究现状与展望

    Prospects and status of studies on genetic conservation of freshwater fishes in China

  28. 淡水鱼类组织切片及定向包埋技术

    Improving on Methods of Cutting Fish Tissue Sections and Technique of Directional Embedding

  29. 中国濒危淡水鱼类致危成因分析

    On the causes of endangered freshwater fishes in China

  30. 淡水鱼类肝脏微囊藻毒素代谢相关基因的克隆与表达调控研究

    Molecular Cloning and Functional Characterization of Microcystin Detoxification-related Liver Genes in Freshwater Fishes