
nèi gǔ gé
  • endoskeleton
内骨骼[nèi gǔ gé]
  1. 奥地利死亡机器。我是控制论的有机体在金属内骨骼组织。

    Austrian Death Machine . I Am A Cybernetic Organism Living Tissue Over Metal Endoskeleton .

  2. 柑桔吸果夜蛾的头部内骨骼、肌肉系统和口器构造与成虫取食习性的关系

    Studies on the cephalic endoskeleton , musculature and proboscis of citrus FRUIT-PIERCING noctuid moths in relation to their feeding habits

  3. 结论应用PVP作载体,在去垂体鼠内骨骼肌肌肉注射hGH基因,能获得较长期的表达。

    Conclusion The hGH gene transferred by PVP could increase the gene expression by means of intramuscular injection .

  4. 正如生活的本身远不止人体内骨骼,肌肉以及电脉冲的总和,哎也不仅仅在于2个人能一起分享兴趣,乐趣和共识。

    Just as life itself is more than the sum of muscles and bones and electrical impulses in the body , love is more than the sum of the interests and attractions and commonalities that two people share .

  5. ~(32)P胶体小鼠种植肝癌内注射后骨骼放射性的研究

    Radioactive study in bones after injection colloidal ~ ( 32 ) P into implanted hepatic carcinoma of mice

  6. 结论在死后一定时间内,小鼠骨骼肌组织核DNA降解随死后经过时间的变化而呈一定规律性变化,DNA降解与死亡时间之间呈线性相关。

    Conclusion Nuclear DNA in murine skeletal muscle cells is time-dependently degraded within a certain period of postmortem , which is correlated linearly with postmortem interval .

  7. 目前认为受累肌内存在有骨骼肌或肌筋膜内的疼痛触发点。

    Now it is believed that myofascial trigger points locate in skeletal muscle or fascia muscularis .

  8. 以最常见的关键帧动画为例,操作人员先在所有关键帧内修改每块骨骼的位置、方向,然后将关键帧连续插值形成动画。

    Take example for the normal key-frame animations , operators modify every bones ' position and direction in all key-frames at first . Then do the interpolation of the key-frames to form a fluent animation .

  9. 这种持续的骨重塑会在数月内用新的骨骼组织代替旧组织。

    This constant bone remodeling gradually replaces old bone tissue with new tissue during the course of months .