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  • Endoderm;entoderm
内胚层[nèi pēi céng]
  1. 人类胚胎发育到第3周末,胚胎产生三个原始胚层(内胚层、中胚层和外胚层)。

    At the third weekend of human embryonic development , the embryo generates three original germ layers ( entoderm , mesoderm , ectoderm ) .

  2. B细胞具有其内胚层起源的形态学基础。

    The distribution of B cells supported the theory that the B cells originated from the endoderm .

  3. 相比于其他信号通路,Nodal信号通路对于胚胎的中内胚层的诱导起到关键的作用。

    Compared with other signals , TGF β / Nodal plays a key role in the induction of mesendoderm .

  4. 目的探讨内脏内胚层样END-2细胞体外诱导胚胎干细胞(embryonicstemcells,ESCs)分化为心肌细胞的特征。

    AIM To analyze the differentiation features of embryonic stem cells ( ESCs ) induced by visceral endoderm - like END-2 cell .

  5. 上皮外未发现EC细胞,作者赞同肠道内分泌细胞的内胚层起源学说。

    They had never been found elsewhere but in the intestinal epithelium and this phenomenon supports the theory that EC cells are derived from endoderm .

  6. 到24小时在后部内胚层中也开始表达(Fig.3);

    AP began to appear in the posterior endoderm of 24-h larvae .

  7. 采用石蜡切片的方法对中国林蛙原始生殖细胞(primordialgermcells,PGCs)的发生及迁移路径进行研究,结果表明:①中国林蛙原始生殖细胞发生于卵黄囊内胚层;

    The cytogenesis and migratory path of Rana chensinensis PGCs ( primordial germ cells ) was studied with paraffin section . Result is :① PGCs originated from the endoderm of the yolk-sac .

  8. 结果大鼠PGCs位于卵黄囊内胚层深部的间充质内,体积大,呈椭圆形或不规则形;

    Results In vivo PGCs were large with ovoid or irregular shape , located in mesemchyma under the endoderm of yolk sac .

  9. 目的骨髓间充质干细胞(MesenchymalStemcells,MSCs)能同时表达内胚层、中胚层和外胚层等所有三个胚层的基因,具有向其它细胞和组织多向分化的潜能。

    Objectives : Being able to simultaneously express all genes of germline , endoderm , mesoderm and ectoderm , bone marrow mesenchymal stem Cells ( MSCs ) are considered to have the potential to differentiate to other tissues and cell lines .

  10. 内脏内胚层样END-2细胞体外诱导鼠胚胎干细胞分化为心肌细胞的实验研究

    Visceral endoderm-like END-2 cell induces differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cell into cardiomyocytes

  11. ES细胞在体外分化所形成的拟胚体在结构上能够模仿早期胚胎发育过程,包括在内细胞团表面形成内胚层、柱状上皮细胞的分化,以及中央空腔的形成。

    When cultured as aggregates embryoid bodies derived from ES cells recapitulate early steps of embryo development in structure including formation of endoderm on the surface of the inner cell mass differentiation of columnar epithelium and formation of central cavity .

  12. 结论:TGFβ1联合内脏内胚层END2细胞共培养对小鼠ESCs向心肌细胞定向分化有协同作用,具有较高的诱导分化率。

    Conclusion : Added TGF - β _ 1 co-cultured with visceral endoderm like END-2 cell could achieve a synergistic effect on the differentiation of ESCs into the cardiomyocytes , and could get a higher induction efficiency .

  13. 转化生长因子-β1联合内脏内胚层样END-2细胞共培养对小鼠胚胎干细胞体外分化为心肌细胞的实验研究

    The study of direct differentiation of mice embryonic stem cells into cardiomyocytes induced by tgf - β _1 and co-culture with visceral endoderm like end-2 cells

  14. Z-MRLC于体节期在心脏原基、头部中胚层中的表达较强,在分化中的内胚层中表达较弱。

    It is strongly expressed in the heart primordium , head mesoderm and weakly in the differentiating endoderm at segmentation stage .

  15. “胖型体质者”或“内胚层体型者”则处于这两类人之间。

    An endomorph is in the middle of the two .

  16. 肝脏由胚胎内胚层演变而来,胚胎期肝具有重要的造血功能。

    Liver origins from endoderm and is an important hematopoietic organ in embryo .

  17. 中-内胚层诱导和神经诱导都需要平面的和垂直的诱导相互作用;

    Both meso-endoderm and neural induction require planar as well as vertical inductive interactions ;

  18. 这些细胞称为内胚层细胞。

    These cells are known as endodermal cells .

  19. 两栖类早期发育中一内胚层形成和神经板发育之垂直的和平面的诱导作用

    Vertical and planar induction in early amphibian development during MESO-ENDODERM formation and neural plate development

  20. 前肠与后肠起源于外胚层,中肠则发生自内胚层。

    The fore-gut and hind-gut are of ectodermal origin and the mid-gut arises from endoderm .

  21. 这些表皮细胞在胚胎学上把源于支气管生长过程中的前内脏叫内胚层。

    These epithelial elements arise embryologically from foregut endoderm in the process of bronchial tubular growth .

  22. 以证实骨髓基质细胞可在体外转化成中胚层和内胚层细胞。

    It has been proved that BMSCs could transdifferentiate into mesoblast and endoblast cells in vitro .

  23. 在人体发育过程中,肝脏与胰腺有着相同的来源,即内胚层细胞。

    The pancreas and the liver share the same endodermal origin in the development of human body .

  24. 原肠胚外胚层阳性反应较内胚层强。

    The positive reaction in the ectoderm is stronger than the endoderm in the phase of gastrulae .

  25. 结果表明:(1)克木人男性、女性均属于偏内胚层的中胚层体型;

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) The mean somatotype in both sexes is Endo-mesomorph category .

  26. 原始生殖细胞迁移路径为:卵黄囊内胚层→肠区内胚层→背肠系膜→生殖嵴;

    The migratory path of PGCs is : endoderm of yolk sac → endoderm of intestinal area → dorsal mesentery → genital ridge .

  27. 脊椎动物的原肠运动是一种基本的形态发生运动。脊椎动物通过原肠运动最终形成了三胚层:外胚层,中胚层和内胚层。

    Gastrulation of vertebrate embryos is the fundamental morphogenetic movement through which the three germ layers form : ectoderm , mesoderm and endoderm .

  28. 垂唇内胚层腺细胞对食物有消化作用,对同类无伤害;

    The gland cell in entoderm of hypostome was able to digest foods , but it had no hurt effect to other Hydra .

  29. 结果表明,共生藻主要存在于触手组织的内胚层,被宿主细胞的空泡包围。

    The results showed that symbiotic algae were found predominantly in the endoderm of the tentacles and were located within vacuoles in host cells .

  30. 迁移方式:从卵黄囊内胚层到肠区内胚层为被动迁移过程;背肠系膜到生殖嵴为主动迁移过程;

    Migratory mode : from endoderm of yolk sac to endoderm of intestinal area is passive , from dorsal mesentery to genital ridge is active .