
nèi hán
  • connotation;intension;involution
内涵 [nèi hán]
  • (1) [involution]∶现实性的较高级形式与它所赖以存在的较低级形式之间的关系(如精神与物质的关系)

  • (2) [connotation]∶某一逻辑术语所包含的性质或一组性质,这种性质是用概念表达的,或包含在概念中,或对于所指的事物的概念是主要的

内涵[nèi hán]
  1. ATM网络技术概念、内涵和特点

    Concept , Intension and Feature of ATM Network Technology

  2. 后WTO时期流通企业应加快增长式转变:由粗放经营向集约化经营转变,由外延性为主向内涵式增长方式转变。

    After WTO period enterprise in circulation should accelerate growth way change , change from extensive operation to the intensive management , from other ductility in order to mainly transform into intension type .

  3. 第二章:敦煌讲唱文学的文化内涵。

    Chapter three : the narrating features of Dunhuang telling and singing literature .

  4. 认为这一主题的内涵主要是为了获得这类知识这种想法是完全无根据的。

    The concept of the subject being mainly concerned with attaining such a knowledge is totally untenable .

  5. 英汉象形文字的比较是建立在象形文字具体内涵的基础上

    This paper discusses the fundamental distinctions between the hieroglyphs andforerunner of writing .

  6. 教育伦理的内涵根源于人本性的变动性。

    The connotation of education ethic is rooted in human nature 's mobility .

  7. 第二部分,阐述了地理实践能力内涵

    Part Two : This section elucidates the connotation operative ability in geography .

  8. 大话语言通过嬉戏、调侃表现生活的琐碎、荒诞,具有较深刻的社会内涵

    Dahua shows the trivialness and absurdness of life through parodying and has deep society connotation .

  9. 日常语言中关于该词的贬义内涵至少在1736年就已经产生了。

    This term is the environmental analogue sense of the term has been in the language since at least 1736 .

  10. 9月10日的教师节缺乏必要的历史意蕴,无法彰显中国教育传统的文化内涵。

    Teachers ' Day , which falls on Sept 10 , has no historical roots and so cannot embody2 the cultural essence of Chinese educational traditions .

  11. 面对世纪疫情叠加百年变局,中俄相互坚定支持,密切有效协作,生动诠释了中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系的深刻内涵。

    In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic unseen in a century , China and Russia have firmly supported each other and cooperated closely and effectively , which is a vivid demonstration for a new era .

  12. 决策过程中的背景(context)内涵及特性分析

    Analysis on the Intension and the Properties of Context Utilized in the Process of Decision

  13. 应深入理解GM(1.1)模型,灰微分方程,灰微分型方程,影子方程的内涵;

    We should also have a better understanding of grey differential equation , grey differential model equation and shadow equation ;

  14. PHS进入内涵式发展时代

    PHS Enters an Era of Connotative Development

  15. 应用拉格朗日(Lagrange)函数阐明了微观与宏观的概念在有机质成烃和成藏中的科学内涵;

    The scientific intension of concept of micro and macro applied to hydrocarbon generation and accumulation from organic matter is enucleated in terms of Lagrange function ;

  16. 从俄罗斯电视台播放的DVD片断可以看到,片中的普京身着黑衣,讲述柔道的历史和哲学内涵,还有他身穿白色柔道服与陪练演示动作的内容。

    But portions shown on Russian television depicted a black-clad Putin talking about the history and philosophy of judo , as well as a white-robed Putin demonstrating moves against a practice partner .

  17. 克隆凝乳酶的一般策略是经过mRNA反转录合成cDNA,将内涵子拼接掉后把cDNA克隆在表达宿主中进行表达。

    The general strategy for cloning chymosin gene is to synthesize complementary DNA ( cDNA ) by reverse transcription of mRNA fron which introns have been spliced out and then the cDNA is cloned and expressed in a suitable host .

  18. 首先,在介绍技术的社会形成(SST)的内涵及其理论发展、推广和应用的基础上,提出了在对于住宅工业化技术的发展分析中引入SST的初步设想。

    Firstly , on the base of the introduction of the conception , theory , generalization and application of Social Shaping of Technology , the paper advances the preliminary idea of introducing SST into housing industry .

  19. 分析了CVM与现有的分布式对象结构的主要矛盾,针对这一矛盾,提出了面向CVM的分布式支撑环境的主要技术内涵。

    The main inconsistency between CVM and distributed object technology is analyzed , based on which , the main technical content of CVM oriented distributed supporting environment is proposed .

  20. 文章分析了混合模式的内涵、IBMLMS平台的技术架构以及学习门户的建设思路,并在此基础上,建立了英语学习门户原型系统。

    This thesis focuses on the analysis of the ideas of the Hybrid Pattern , the technical architecture of IBM LMS and the ways of the construction of English e-Learning Portal System ( ELPS ) . And then , a prototype EIPS has been established .

  21. 创意产业具有文化、知识和产业内涵。

    Creative industry has the cultural , intellective and industrial connotation .

  22. 挖掘文化内涵,宣扬民族文化。

    Search for the cultural meaning and propagandize the national culture .

  23. 工程系统的内涵、抗震设计与设防原则

    Engineering systems : its connotation , Seismic design and Prevention principle

  24. 注重内涵建设,改变管理模式;

    Pay attention to meaning construction , change the management mode ;

  25. 社会主义政治文明:内涵、特点和结构

    The Socialist Political Civilization : the Connotation , Characteristics and Structure

  26. 生态旅游概念内涵、原则与演进

    Study on the connotation , principle and development of ecotourism concept

  27. 体育教师信息素养的内涵及其培养

    On the Connotation and Fostering of P.E. Teachers ' Information Literacy

  28. 社会主义法治内涵的再思考

    The Rethinking of the connotation of the Socialist Rule of Law

  29. 首先阐述了价值与教育价值这两个概念的内涵;

    First expounding the definitions of the value and education value ;

  30. 护理高等教育使命及内涵探讨

    Analysis on mission statement and criteria in China higher nursing education