
dìng yì
  • define;definition;delimiting
定义 [dìng yì]
  • [definition] 对概念的内涵或语词的意义所做的简要而准确的描述

定义[dìng yì]
  1. 你能给这个词下个更确切的定义吗?

    Can you give a more precise definition of the word ?

  2. 你对幸福的定义是什么?

    What 's your definition of happiness ?

  3. 按照州法律终身监禁定义为60年。

    Life imprisonment is defined as 60 years under state law .

  4. “精神病”这个词很难下定义。

    The term ' mental illness ' is difficult to define .

  5. 根据法律定义,许多流浪街头的人并非无家可归者。

    Many of those living on the streets are not officially homeless .

  6. “知晓”的法律定义通常假定存在思维控制能力。

    The legal definition of ' know ' often presumes mental control

  7. 他被要求说明自己关于“酷”的定义。

    He was asked to define his concept of cool .

  8. “这全视乎你对朋克摇滚乐的定义,不是吗?”

    It all depends on your definition of punk , doesn 't it ?

  9. 关于生活的定义不一而足。

    There is no generally accepted definition of life

  10. 所有这些定义虽然听上去煞有其事,但都经不起推敲。

    All these definitions , while sounding impressive , do not stand up under close scrutiny

  11. 《柯林斯英语词典》给“工作狂”一词下的定义是“一个过分沉溺于工作中的人”。

    Collins English Dictionary defines a workaholic as ' a person obsessively addicted to work ' .

  12. 由于其笼统性,不难料想这种定义会存在问题。

    That there are problems with this kind of definition is hardly surprising , given its level of generality .

  13. 我对“好的晚期病人安养院”的定义是一个能让一些病人开始感到生有所恋的地方。

    My definition of a good hospice is one where some of the patients start feeling too good to die .

  14. 两辆卡车被拦了下来,因为里面装有帐篷,按照指挥官对人道主义援助的定义,那不能算作援助物资。

    Two of the trucks were stopped because they had tents in them , and under the commanders ' definition of humanitarian aid , that didn 't count

  15. 当被问及“智力是什么”的时候,人们往往会回答说:“我不知道该如何定义它,但我见到了肯定就能认得出。”

    When people are asked ' What is intelligence ? ' they tend to reply : ' I don 't know how to define it , but I can certainly recognize it when I see it . '

  16. 给一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难得多。

    To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use .

  17. 白内障的定义就是晶状体混浊。

    By definition a cataract is an opacity in the lens .

  18. 生物能学的定义是研究活生物体间的能量转化的科学。

    Bioenergetics is defined as the study of energy transformation in living organisms .

  19. 我给这个字下了定义。

    I made a definition for this word .

  20. 在文件中对解析过程各级的目录定义。

    Resolving references to definitions in the file .

  21. 采用这个定义,对确定临界荷载是有用处的。

    We shall find this definition useful for the determination of the critical load .

  22. 由于质量在某些情况下是可变的,这个定义就不严格而且会令人误解。

    As mass can vary in several circumstances this definition is unsound and misleading .

  23. 怎样定义这一概念?

    How to define this concept ?

  24. 分析师认为,这一增长是通过扩大智能手机定义和降低价格得来的。

    The growth has come by expanding the definition of a smartphone and cutting prices , analysts said .

  25. 这种行为在中国简直就是引火烧身。中国对国家机密的定义十分严格,尤其是在商业或经济信息方面。

    This is asking for trouble in China where the definition of what constitutes a state secret is particularly strict , especially when it comes to business or economic information .

  26. 复苏植物,被定义为那些每克干物质通过摄取不足0。1克的水就能复苏的植物,它们是不同的。

    Resurrection plants , defined as those capable of recovering from holding less than 0.1 grams of water per gram of dry mass , are different .

  27. 我们认为符合这一定义的人群包括了美国大多数的劳动者,这也促使我们在美国开展了一项关于沉迷工作的研究。

    We believe that the number of people who fit that definition includes the majority of American workers , which prompted us to begin a study of workaholism in the U.S. .

  28. 二十年前,美国城市土地学会定义了美国国土上两种主流的城市类型:实行朝九晚五商业时间的小城市和一天24小时运转的大城市大都市。

    Twenty years ago , the Urban Land Institute defined the two types of cities that dominated the US landscape : smaller cities that operated around standard 9-5 business hours and large metropolitan areas that ran all 24 hours of the day .

  29. 这种转变在医疗机构之外很少被注意到,但在医疗机构内部已经引起争议,这表明医生开始重新定义自己的角色,从只关心个别病人转变为关心医疗费用的使用情况。

    The shift , little noticed outside the medical establishment but already controversial inside it , suggests that doctors are starting to redefine their roles , from being concerned exclusively about individual patients to exerting influence on how healthcare dollars are spent .

  30. 科学家引证“沉迷工作”的定义为“受不能控制的工作动机驱使而过度关注工作,以及对工作投入如此多的时间和精力,以致损害其他的重要生活领域。”

    The scientists cite a definition of " workaholism " as " being overly concerned about work , driven by an uncontrollable work motivation , and investing so much time and effort in work that it impairs other important life areas . "