
  • 网络DoD;department of defense;DARPA;United States Department of Defense;the Pentagon
  1. 美国国防部提出了一种基于划分和规则的访问控制技术:PRBAC(PartitionRuleBasedAccessControl)。

    The DOD of USA put forward a new Access Control technology named Partition Rule Based Access Control ( PRBAC ) .

  2. Ada语言与DOD-STD-2167A是美国国防部(DOD)在软件方面最重要的两个标准,对它们之间的一致性与适应性进行研究是很有必要也很有意义的。

    Ada language and DOD-STD-2167A are two most important standards of US DOD in software aera , and it is very necessary and significant to study the consistency and adaptability between them .

  3. 美国国防部将会优先考虑那些能够进行电子商务的公司。

    The Pentagon will give preference to companies which do business electronically .

  4. 美国国防部发言人拒绝评论。

    A Pentagon spokesman refused to comment .

  5. 这个2500万美元的研究项目由美国国防部尖端研究项目局(DefenseAdvancedResearchProjectAgency)资助。

    The $ 25 million project is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency , part of the U.S. Department of Defense .

  6. 虽然GPS共视法被广泛应用,但它由美国国防部控制,其应用范围受到限制。

    There is a catch : GPS is a United States Department of Defense system , its applications are limited .

  7. 美国国防部副部长罗伯特•沃克(RobertWork)表示,军事规划者正在寻求让机器帮助人类在战场上更快做出决策的方法。

    Military planners were looking at ways for machines to help humans makequicker decisions on the battlefield , said Robert Work , deputy secretary ofdefence .

  8. 但GPS是由美国国防部控制的,对非授权用户,其所能获得的定位导航精度较低,且使用安全性无法得到保障。

    The GPS is controlled by the American Department of Defense . Its unauthorized user only can obtain low positioning accuracy without safety .

  9. 基于仿真的采办(SimulationBasedAcquisitionSBA)是近年来逐步得到美国国防部和工业界认可的一种新的采办理念。

    Simulation Based Acquisition ( SBA ) is a kind of new idea of acquisition progressively approved by Department of Defense and Defense Industry organizations in recent years .

  10. 美国国防部创伤登记(DepartmentofDefenseTraumaRegistry)的数据显示,从2001年到2013年,有1367名美国军人在伊拉克或阿富汗受到所谓的泌尿生殖系统损伤。

    From 2001 to 2013 , 1367 men in the military suffered so-called genitourinary injuries in Iraq or Afghanistan , according to the Department of Defense Trauma Registry .

  11. FBI和美国国防部最近都扩大了在硅谷的存在。

    Both the state department and the Department of Defense have recently expanded their presence in Silicon Valley .

  12. 刚刚离职的美国国防部网络政策主管罗伯特布特勒(RobertButler)告诉英国《金融时报》,这就是为何网络是一个由攻方主宰的空间的原因。

    That is why cyber is an offense-dominant space , Robert Butler , just-departed Pentagon cyber policy chief , told the Financial Times .

  13. 该产品被列入NSA批准产品名单,符合美国国防部的消磁要求。

    Listed on the NSA Approved Product List , the unit complies with U.

  14. 加拿大方面在致美国国防部部长罗伯特盖茨(robertgates)的信中表示,“不希望看到对”美国2007年《能源独立和安全法案》(energyindependenceandsecurityact)“膨胀的解读”。

    In a letter to Robert Gates , US Defense Secretary , Canada said that it " would not want to see an expansive interpretation " of the energy independence and Security Act 2007 .

  15. 在现有的仪器互换性方案中IVI标准是最流行的一个,而且,该标准得到了美国国防部的支持。

    Among the Instrument Interchangeability solutions , IVI architecture is the most popularity .

  16. 美国国防部旗下的国家地理空间情报局(NationalGeospatial-IntelligenceAgency)正协助在印度洋的搜寻活动。该局一直搜集和分析卫星数据以及其他类型的图像。

    The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency , a US defence department agency that both collects and analyses satellite information as well as other types of imagery , is helping with the search for the 777 in the Indian Ocean .

  17. 最出名的神童罗伯特麦克纳马拉(RobertMcNamara)在被约翰肯尼迪(JohnKennedy)聘请担任美国国防部部长之前,曾经是福特的总裁。

    Robert McNamara , the most famous whiz kid , was the company 's president before being recruited by John Kennedy as US defence secretary .

  18. 与越战期间不同,美国国防部(pentagon)不允许对抵达美国多佛空军基地(doverairforcebase)的棺材进行拍摄,总统不参加军事葬礼,电视台也很少播放美国阵亡士兵的画面。

    Unlike during Vietnam , the Pentagon does not permit photographs of coffins arriving at Dover Air Force base , the president avoids attending military funerals and the television networks seldom show dead US soldiers .

  19. 医学昆虫学家、在带病昆虫问题上为美国国防部提供咨询的格雷厄姆·B·怀特(GrahamB.White)称,阿根廷医生的说法是“荒谬”和“不可信”的。

    Graham B. White , a medical entomologist who is a consultant to the U.S. Defense Department on disease-carrying insects , called the Argentine doctors ' assertion " ridiculous " and " not credible . "

  20. HLA(高层体系结构)作为DoD(美国国防部)制定的分布交互式仿真标准,从很大程度上提高了仿真模型的可重用性和互操作性。

    As a standard of Department of Defense in America , High Level Architecture improves reusability and interoperability of simulation model to a great extent .

  21. CALS最初是美国国防部1985年9月提出的一项战略性计划。

    CALS was first put forward as a strategic plan by American Ministry of National Defense .

  22. 这次研制工作是在美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)的资助下进行的,是该部高能效中红外激光研发项目中的一部分。

    Part of the funding for the teams research comes from DARPA 's Efficient Mid-Infrared Laser program .

  23. 之前,美国国防部先进研究项目局在Atlas机器人(Atlas是谷歌旗下波士顿动力公司研发的人形机器人)和生物识别技术方面已取得成功,这令科学家们对皮质调制解调器项目的前景充满希望。

    DARPA has had success with the Atlas robot and biometric tracking technology in the past , which leaves scientists hopeful for the cortical modem project in the future .

  24. 美国国防部上周宣布,它已授予洛克希德马丁公司(lockheedmartin)一份合同,将向台湾出售先进的“爱国者”3型反导系统。

    Last week , the US Defence Department announced it had awarded a contract for advanced Patriot PAC-3 anti-missile equipment destined for Taiwan to Lockheed Martin .

  25. 接着根据美国国防部制定的VVA建议指导规范,以某模拟测试系统仿真为例,详细介绍VVA研究的过程与方法;

    Thirdly , it takes a simulation testing system as an example , introduces some processes and methods of VV & A in detail .

  26. 网格计算适合美国国防部(DoD)的全球信息网格远景(DoD的系统具有异构性)。

    Grid computing fits with the U.S.Department of Defense 's ( DoD ) GIG vision given the heterogeneity of the DoD 's systems .

  27. 美国国防部副部长威廉j林恩(williamj.lynn)在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,美国和英国一直在研究如何反制网络攻击这一愈演愈烈的国际危险。

    In an interview with the financial times , William J. Lynn , US deputy defence secretary , said America and Britain had been working to counter the growing international danger of cyberattacks .

  28. 美国国防部(DoD)2002年提出了可扩展建模与仿真框架(XMSF)报告[1],对Web技术如何支持M&S进行了深入研究。

    The 2002 Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework ( XMSF ) report [ 1 ] goes deep into the problem that Web-based technologies support DoD models and simulations .

  29. 那之后敏捷软件开发已经传播到世界各地的大型分布式商业项目,影响了IEEE(电气电子工程师协会),PMI(项目管理协会),SEI(软件工程协会)以及美国国防部。

    It has since spread to large , distributed , commercial projects around the world , affecting the IEEE , the PMI , the SEI and the Department of Defense .

  30. 这间病房由纽约非营利组织NXTHealth设计、美国国防部资助,其出发点是减少感染、摔倒和差错――最终就是减少要付出的代价。

    Designed by NXT Health , a nonprofit in New York , and funded by the Department of Defense , the room is designed to reduce infections , falls , errors & and ultimately costs .