
  1. 基于思维模拟思想,根据军事决策的特点,对防空C3I系统智能辅助决策问题进行探讨。

    In this paper , according with the military affairs decision , an Intelligence assistant decision model is discussed based on the thought simulation .

  2. 因此,高层信息融合的态势与威胁评估研究必须面向军事决策。对此,直觉模糊集(IFS)理论提供了新的求解途径和方法。

    Therefore , researches on situation and threat assessment ( STA ) of information fusion in high levels should be oriented to military decision and continuously seek new techniques and solutions .

  3. 决策主体执行规则的一致性检验与优化是分布式C2组织协同决策和群决策设计理论的基础,也是当前军事决策研究关注的热点。

    Coherence testing and optimization is basis of collaborative and team decision designs for decision-makers to implement decision regulation in C ~ 2 system , is a focus of military decision-maker 's attention too .

  4. 针对该问题,着眼于军事决策过程的层次性,提出了群体分析的概念及相应的功能模型,并进一步提出了基于群体分析的STA方法。

    The paper proposes concept of group analysis and associated functional model based on hierarchies of military decision process , and a STA method based on the group analysis is proposed further .

  5. 军事决策程序MDMP的结构和有效性同样要作为可选的决策程序相对比的衡量标准来检验。

    The structure and validity of the MDMP must also be examined as the metric to which optional decision-making processes are compared .

  6. 军事决策过程的变迁及其分析

    The Vicissitude of the Military Decision-Making Process 's and It 's Analysis

  7. 结合军事决策的特点,给出了实用的启发式算法,最后获得的是反映指挥员决策特点的满意解。

    Then a heuristic algorithm is presented according to military decision peculiarity .

  8. 运用对抗模拟手段评估军事决策方案的实现方法

    Realization Method for Evaluating Military Decision-making Scheme by Counter-simulation Means

  9. 军事决策的认识论探析

    Discussion on Cognitive Theory of Military Decision - Making

  10. 宋代枢密院的失势与军事决策权的转移

    The Power Decline of Privy Council and the Transfer of Military Power in Song Dynasty

  11. 世界正步入信息化时代,信息已成为军事决策的重要依据。

    With the world entering into an information era , information has become an important basis for military decision-making .

  12. 在对军事决策问题的主要特点进行分析的基础上,提出从军事概念模型到数学模型再到定性推理模型的一体化建模思想。

    On the basis of analyzing the primary characteristics of military decision-making issues , the paper puts forward an idea of integrative modeling .

  13. 不过,堪培拉的军事决策者们对中国军力的迅速提升和印度军队的扩充感到担心。

    Military planners in Canberra , though , are wary of China 's rapid arms build-up and the expanding might of Indian forces .

  14. 空间军事决策系统问题求解的综合集成方法研究是复杂大系统研究的重要内容之一。

    The study of meta-synthesis of problem solving for space military complex decision system is an important part of complex giant system field .

  15. 针对军事决策的群体性和模糊性,探索新的群决策方案优选方法。

    According to the group and fuzzy factors of military decision , this paper studies a new method of project selecting in group decision .

  16. 对军事决策方案(决心方案)的评估,是军事决策过程中的一个重要环节,其评估结论直接影响军事决策的结果。

    Operation scheme evaluation is an important part in military decision-making . The conclusion of the evaluation affects directly the result of military decision-making .

  17. 军事决策是一个多级决策,它涉及到多个不同的决策人,间或的冲突以及目标函数。

    The military decision-making is a kind of multilevel decision making , which involves multilevel planers with different , and sometimes conflicting , objective functions .

  18. 它们的理论和方法在工业生产,金融投资,交通运输,环境保护,军事决策等方面都具有广泛的应用。

    The theories and methods derived from have found wide applications in industrial manufacturing , financial investment , transportation , environment protection , and military strategies .

  19. 探讨停战谈判决策与探讨军事决策一样,都必须比较准确地理解中国决策层有关“战争局部化”的概念。

    The same as studying other military decision makings , to explore the decision making of " cease negotiation " must accurately analyse how Chinese leaders understood the concept of " war localization " .

  20. 方法不限于空间作战的模型,对于一般的作战模型同样适应,这对于评估作战场数据、军事决策等问题具有借鉴意义。

    The method is not restricted in the space operation models , and it also suits the general operational models , and it has significance in evaluating the operational data , military decision-making and etc.

  21. 设计了知识发现对军事决策支持系统的功能扩充模型,例举了将此功能扩充模型应用于军事装备维修保障智能决策支持系统的实例,并作了相应的分析。

    This article designs an extended function model of knowledge discovery in database applied to military decision support system , with an illustration and some corresponding analysis of its application in military equipment maintain and support IDSS .

  22. 事实上,作为一种研究互斗局势的最地道的竞争理论(对策理论),博弈论已广泛应用于经济学、政治学、军事决策、计算机科学、生物演化等众多领域的竞争问题研究。

    In fact , as the most classical competition theory , Game Theory has been widely applied to research competition issues in such fields as economics , politics , military decision , computer science and biological evolution .

  23. 本文的遗传进化机器学习方法,可推广应用于各种军用专家系统和军事决策支持系统的研制,从而为人工智能在军事上的应用提供新的设计方法和实现途径。

    The method of machine learning can be generalized to apply in different kinds of expert system and military decision support system so as to provide a new kind of designing method and realizing path for machine learning .

  24. 关联算法的好坏直接决定融合的可靠性,融合算法的好坏是整个雷达系统检测信息提取工作成功与否的标志,融合的结果又是直接的军事决策依据。

    Effectiveness of the association algorithm determines the reliability of the fusion algorithm , Effectiveness of the fusion algorithm is the criterion of abstraction work from radar detection , what 's more , the fusion result has important effect on military decision making .

  25. 现实主义的理性行为模式可以解释春秋战国时期列国的主要外交决策;但是春秋战国时期还有一些重要的外交和军事决策现实主义的理性行为模式却解释不了。

    Realist model of rational actor could be used to explain many of the foreign policy decisions during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period , but it fails to explain some other important military and foreign policy decisions during those periods .

  26. 作为第二次飞跃起点的军事决策的实施,是一个复杂的不断反馈、循环往复的动态过程,其关键是实践主体的素质和水平及其主观能动性的正确发挥。

    The implementation of such decisions as the starting point of second leap is a complicated and active process of feedback and cycling . The key to this process is how to best develop and improve the quality of subject and bring subjective initiative into full play .

  27. DE98是一个以军事战略决策问题为应用背景的CSCW环境的原型系统。

    SDE98 is a prototype of a CSCW environment based on application of military strategic decision making .

  28. 基于多源信息融合的军事物流决策研究

    Research on Military Logistics Decision Technology Based on Multi-resource Information Fusion

  29. 不确定性动态军事指挥决策的模糊熵分析

    Fuzzy Entropy Analysis of Dynamic Decision Making under Uncertainty in Military Command

  30. 论军事经济决策者思维方式的转变

    On the change of the thinking modes of military economic decision makers