
Nán Fēi Gònɡ Hé Guó
  • the Republic of South Africa
  1. 南非共和国(TheRepublicofSouthAfrica简称南非),是非洲大陆上一个重要的国家,也是非洲大陆经济实力最强的国家之一。

    The Republic of South Africa ( abbreviated SA ) is not only an important nation in African continent , but also one of the most powerful economic strength countries .

  2. 1961年的今天,南非共和国创立。

    1961-Creation of the Republic of South Africa .

  3. 南非共和国草地畜牧业考察报告

    Investigation report on the grassland and animal husbandry of South Africa

  4. 关于南非共和国政府种族隔离政策之问题

    Question relating to the policies of apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa

  5. 根据南非共和国的经验对发展四川草地畜牧业生产提出了建议。

    According to South African experience , some suggestions on grassland and animal husbandry of Sichuan province were advanced .

  6. 一名警察说:人太多了,南非共和国所有人都想和曼德拉说再见。

    One police officer told the reporters : There are too many people . The whole of the Republic of South Africa wants to say goodbye .

  7. 现任丈夫是南非共和国前总统纳尔逊•曼德拉。她主要在马普托(莫桑比克首都)和南非之间活动。

    She is currently married to the former president of the Republic of South Africa , Nelson Mandela , and divides her time between activities in Maputo , Mozambique and South Africa .

  8. 澳大利亚和南非共和国是工业发达国家中的最大矿物原料供货国,可大量出口煤、铁矿石、锰矿石、铬矿石、铅、锌、钛、铀、金刚石、金等。

    Australia and Republic of South Africa are the largest mineral resources states among industrial developed countries and can export a large number of coal , ferrum , manganese and chromium ores , lead , zinc , titanium , uranium , diamond and gold .

  9. 上帝我们请求您保护我们的国家结束每一个斗争保护我们,保护我们的国家国民的南非,南非共和国

    God we ask You to protect our nation Intervene and end all conflicts Protect us , protect our nation Nation of South Africa , South Africa

  10. 白人南非作为南非白人的一个梦想,随着南非共和国的成立而宣告破灭。

    As a dream of South-African whites ," White South Africa " was declared broken with the establishment of the Republic of South Africa .