
xī fēi
  • West Africa
西非 [xī fēi]
  • [West Africa] 非洲几内亚北部湾地区,通常不包括摩洛哥、阿尔及利亚和突尼斯

西非[xī fēi]
  1. 西非是可可豆贸易的中心。

    West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade .

  2. 他在西非四处奔走,为自己的运动争取支持。

    He travelled around West Africa trying to muster support for his movement

  3. 这两个西非国家两年前已经中断了外交关系。

    The two West African states had broken off relations two years ago

  4. 马克已在西非工作了约6个月。

    Mark has been working in West Africa for about six months .

  5. 英国广播公司的伊丽莎白·布伦特在西非为您报道。

    This is Elizabeth Blunt , BBC , West Africa

  6. 9个月前她在去西非的慈善之旅中消失了。

    She vanished nine months ago while on a mercy mission to West Africa

  7. 西非的大片森林面积已缩小了。

    The vast forests of West Africa have shrunk

  8. 西非部队对袭击者展开全力还击。

    The West African forces went on the offensive in response to attacks on them

  9. 他受西非经济共同体的委托介入并执行停火协定。

    He 'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire

  10. 历史学家保罗·拉夫乔伊认为可乐果在西非的培植已经有几百年的历史了。

    Historian Paul Lovejoy relates that the cultivation of kola nuts in West Africa is hundreds of years old .

  11. 在西非,人们咀嚼可乐果来作为兴奋剂已有较长的历史了,因为这些果实中含有咖啡因,在茶叶、咖啡和巧克力中也存在咖啡因。

    In West Africa , people have long chewed kola nuts as stimulants , because they contain caffeine that also occurs naturally in tea , coffee , and chocolate .

  12. 上次听到嘻哈音乐的时候我在西非。

    The last time I heard hip-hop , I was in West Africa .

  13. 当这个传统从西非传到美国时,它发展成了不同的音乐风格。

    When this tradition travelled from West Africa to the USA , it developed into different musical styles .

  14. 许多世纪以前,在西非,传统的说书人在讲故事时会演奏乐器。

    Many centuries ago , in West Africa , traditional storytellers played musical instruments while they were telling stories .

  15. 科学家已经发现埃博拉病毒如何入侵人体细胞并造成感染,在对抗该病毒的进程中取得重大突破。2014年3月埃博拉病毒在西非爆发。

    Scientists have discovered how the Ebola virus enters cells and infects humans , marking a major breakthrough in the battle against the virus after the deadly outbreak in West Africa in March 2014 .

  16. 就在世行提出这一财政援助计划几天前,世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganisation)和受传染最为严重的西非国家都曾请求紧急援助。

    The financial package comes days after the World Health Organisation and the west African countries most affected by the epidemic asked for immediate support .

  17. 我们正处在利比里亚蒙罗维亚市WestPoint的中心地带,贫民窟区域,而且可以说是西非人口密度最大的贫民窟区域。

    We were in the heart of West Point , the slum of Monrovia , Liberia , and arguably the densest slum in all of West Africa .

  18. ChristopherFomunyoh是总部设在华盛顿的国家民主研究所西非和中非地区负责人。

    Christopher Fomunyoh is West and Central Africa director for the Washington-based National Democratic Institute .

  19. 这项发表在上周(1月17日)的《疟疾杂志》(MalariaJournal)上的研究可能有助于改善整个西非地区疟疾控制的计划和实施。

    The research , published in Malaria Journal last week ( 17 January ), could help in planning and implementing malaria control throughout West Africa .

  20. 本研究应用4种不同类型的高粱品种(或品系),对中国高粱胞质雄性不育系吉农105与西非迈罗高粱A1型胞质雄性不育系进行了育性反应鉴定。

    With 4 varieties sorghum to study two different sorghum cytoplasm ( Chinese and A 1 ) on reaction of fertility .

  21. 亚洲企业正掀起一股投资西非农业的浪潮,最新这笔交易来自新加坡上市企业金光农业资源(GoldenAgri-Resources)。该公司表示,正积极评估参股一个22万公顷的项目。

    In the latest of a wave of proposed Asian agricultural investments in west Africa , Singapore-listed Golden Agri Resources said it was actively evaluating taking a share in a 220,000 - hectare project .

  22. 结果表明,毛鱼藤和西非灰毛豆的愈伤组织均能合成鱼藤酮,但含量相当低,分别为17.4ug/g,1.8ug/g干重。

    The results showed that rotenone was biologically synthesized by the callus cultures induced from both species though the content of rotenone was low , 17.4 ug / g and 1.8 ug / g dry weight , respectively .

  23. 周三,众议院议长约翰·A·博纳(JohnA.Boehner)呼吁奥巴马考虑颁布禁令,禁止埃博拉病毒迅速蔓延的西非国家的乘客前往美国,博纳成为了提出此类要求的知名度最高的共和党人。

    Speaker John A. Boehner of the House on Wednesday became the highest-profile Republican to urge Mr. Obama to consider a ban on travel to the United States from West African countries where the Ebola virus is spreading rapidly .

  24. 但是救援组织在救治西非的病人时,在获得有关这些努力的信息方面有困难,无国界医生组织(DoctorsWithoutBorders)的研究伙伴关系协调员安妮克·安蒂伦斯博士(AnnickAntierens)表示。

    But aid groups treating patients in West Africa had trouble getting information on those efforts , said Dr. Annick Antierens , coordinator of research partnerships for Doctors Without Borders .

  25. 世界卫生组织(WHO)首次对西非埃博拉(Ebola)疫情表达了谨慎的乐观,称该地区新病例增速或许正在放缓。

    The World Health Organisation has for the first time expressed cautious optimism that the growth in new Ebola cases in west Africa may be slowing down .

  26. 但中国资金有望开启新的铁矿石开采地,如西非和俄罗斯,从而削弱淡水河谷、必和必拓以及力拓(riotinto)的霸主地位。

    But China financing stands to open new iron ore provinces like West Africa and Russia , potentially easing the dominance of vale , BHP and Rio Tinto .

  27. 几个月前,当埃博拉病毒在西非肆虐日甚之际,作家理查德·普雷斯顿(RichardPreston)正在创作一本儿童奇幻小说。

    When the Ebola outbreak in West Africa began to escalate a few months ago , the writer Richard Preston was working on a children 's fantasy novel .

  28. Howard-YanaShapiro:“西非可可树的产量有可能达到4000千克,是现在产量的十倍。”

    HOWARD-YANA SHAPIRO : " There 's a yield potential of maybe four thousand kilos , ten times what the average is in West Africa . "

  29. 为了确保评价结果的可信度,采用Vague集理论对非洲水资源进行评价,得出结论中只有东非和西非有所差异,所以可知综合评价结果是客观可信的。

    In order to prove the credibility of the evaluation results , the paper has also used the vague theory to evaluate the water resources in Africa and the conclusion has a little difference between East Africa and West Africa .

  30. 联合国要求西非区域性组织西非经济共同体(ECOWAS)对几内亚和尼日尔实施更严厉制裁。

    The United Nations has called on the West African regional group ECOWAS to impose tougher sanctions on Guinea and Niger .