
  • 网络middle Pleistocene
  1. 中更新世非洲Bodo人类头骨化石与周口店直立人的比较&中国与非洲人类头骨特征对比之三

    The comparisons between the Middle Pleistocene human cranium from bodo , ethiopia and the Homo erectus of Zhoukoudian

  2. 大约是在200000年前滇南区群体与东部区群体最早发生分化,处于中更新世的晚期。

    The earliest differentiation in the complex is estimated to be approximately 200 000 years ago between S Yunnan region and East region during the later Middle Pleistocene .

  3. 应用模糊聚类分析法,较好地将中更新世(Q2)和晚更新世(Q3)2个地质年代的产物区分开来。

    Weathering products of Neo-Pleistocene ( Q_3 ) and Meso-Pleistocene ( Q2 ) could be distinguished by fuzzy clustering algorithms .

  4. 金沙江支流硕曲河V级及以上阶地阶面和两级带状剥夷面上发现中更新世红土层。

    The middle pleistocene laterite bed was discovered on the surface of terrace ⅴ or above and on the belting denudation plane of terrace ⅱ .

  5. 前后引起全球气候变化的中更新世革命(MPR)、西太平洋暖池的形成以及0.78MaB.P。

    Middle Pleistocene Revolution ( MPR ) that gave rise to the global climate changing , formation of Western Pacific Warm Pool ?

  6. 中更新世地层厚50余米,晚更新世地层厚10m左右,全新世地层厚度小于5m。

    The middle Pleistocene , late Pleistocene and Holocene strata are > 50 m , about 10m and < 5 m thick , respectively .

  7. 昌平-丰南断裂已断到中更新世地层(Q2),为倾向SW的左旋走滑正断层。

    The Changping Fengnan fault is a SW dipping sinistral slip normal fault , which dissects the middle Pleistocene ( Q 2 ) strata .

  8. 结果表明,上海地区NW向断裂的活动性要较其它方向强,最新活动时间一般为中更新世,有的可延续至晚更新世,但整体仍属弱活动性断裂。

    It shows that the NW-trending faults more active relatively than the other strikes in the Shanghai region . The latest activity of the NW-trending faults occurred generally in middle Pleistocene , but in some segments it might continue to late Pleistocene .

  9. 电阻率层析成像、地震勘探揭露紫山东断裂北段的断层面上端点的埋深大于150m,最新活动到中更新世早期。

    The seismic prospecting shows the buried depth of the upper end point in north part of east Zishan fault is over 150m , and the latest active period of the fault lasted to early of medium Pleistocene .

  10. 中更新世(0.73Ma以来)断裂带又变成略带右行走滑的逆断层,走滑断距不足100m。

    Since the Middle Pleistocene ( 0.73 Ma - ), the zone turned to reverse faulting with a slight dextral strike-slip ( less than 100 m ) . Therefore , the Tancheng Lujiang fault zone is an important inversion tectonics situating in eastern Asia .

  11. 在构造形式上,早更新世时期发育低倾角拆离断层;中更新世(0.8Ma)以来,以高角度正断层活动为主。

    As to the tectonic types , the detachment fault with low angle was developed in the Early Pleistocene and the normal fault with high angle only after the mid-Pleistocene ( 0.8 Ma B.P. )

  12. 由于轨道驱动配置在中更新世并未发生明显的变化,因此100-kyr周期的起源和中更新世气候转型的起因就成了整个第四纪气候演变中的一个根本性的谜团。

    Because this prominent transition occurs in the absence of any significant changes in orbital forcing configuration , the origin of the ~ 100-kyr cycles and the associated mid-Pleistocene climatic transition ( MPT ) remains a fundamental mystery in climatic evolutions during the Quaternary period .

  13. 这一发现弥补了川西高原中更新世无断代化石的空白。

    This discovery has filled the gap in Middle Pleistocene fossils .

  14. 银川盆地中更新世以来的孢粉植物群古气候旋回探讨

    Study on palynoflora and Paleoclimatic cycles since mid-Pleistocene in Yinchuan Basin

  15. 临汾盆地中更新世中晚期以来的演化历史及成因分析

    The Evolution and its Contributing Factors of Linfen Basin Since Middle Quaternary

  16. 早、中更新世东亚冬季风强度的快速变化

    Rapid changes in East Asia winter monsoon in early and Middle Pleistocene

  17. 中更新世至今盆地新构造差异升降运动阶段。

    The stage of different subsidence of neotectonic activities from Mid-Pleistocene to now .

  18. 中更新世以来新疆罗布泊地区气候演化过程

    Evolutionary process of the climate of Lop Nur Region of Xinjiang since mid-Pleistocene

  19. 早更新世晚期,中更新世初期,第三排褶皱开始形成。

    The third fold developed between late Early Pleistocene and early Middle Pleistocene .

  20. 中更新世末,该区发生隆升,形成第三级阶地;

    At the end of Middle Pleistocene , the third terrace was formed ;

  21. 中更新世气候波动一般为三大旋回。

    The main variation of climate is of two cycles in Late Pleistocene .

  22. 第1地点记录了中更新世三次明显的气候冷暖波动。

    The three circles of the warm-cold fluctuations in the Middle Pleistocene were recognized .

  23. 中更新世撞击事件年龄的高分辨率估算

    High-resolution age estimation of the mid-Pleistocene impact event

  24. 渤海湾西岸中更新世以来古生态、古气候、古地理

    Middle Pleistocene paleoecology , paleoclimatology and paleogeography of the western coast of POHAI Gulf

  25. 中更新世时期,太湖平原为河湖交替的沉积环境。

    In Middle Pleistocene Epoch , Taihu Lake Plain was a fluviolacustrine alternative sedimentary environment .

  26. 中更新世中晚期以来汾河流域地貌阶段性发育及成因分析

    The analysis on the development of alluvial and lake landform in Fen River drainage basins

  27. 南海北部中更新世晚期以来古海岸变迁及其地质意义

    Ancient coastline transfer since late middle-Pleistocene in northern South China Sea and its geological significance

  28. 沉积时代为中更新世晚期至晚更新世。

    Its sedimentary time is around the late stage of Middle Pleistocene to Upper Pleistocene .

  29. 云南昆明盆地中更新世晚期以来的孢粉记录及古气候演化

    Pollen Records since Late Middle-Pleistocene in the Kunming Basin , Yunnan Province and Paleoclimate Evolution

  30. 云南鹤庆盆地中更新世以来的孢粉记录及其植被与气候变化

    Pollen records and vegetation and climate changes in Heqing Basin , Yunnan Province since middle Pleistocene