
  • 网络patriarchal Science;the central science
  1. 21世纪中心科学技术(centralscience&technology)转移的趋势是从信息科学技术到生物科学技术(包括生命科学技术)再到认知科学技术(智能科学技术)。

    The central science and technology shift trend in the 21st century is from info-science and technology to bio-science andtechnology ( including life-science and technology ), and further to cognitive science and technology ( intelligent science and technology ) .

  2. 为了更好的满足我中心科学可视化方面的需求,我们以中心现有的曙光PC集群为平台,开发了自己的大屏幕立体拼接显示系统。

    In order to provide a better display platform for our research of scientific visualization , we develop our own stereo tiled display system based on our Dawning PC cluster .

  3. 费城福克斯詹斯癌症中心科学副主管JonathanChernoff博士说道。

    Jonathan Chernoff , deputy scientific director at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia .

  4. 南京新农村示范中心科学发展规划定位探索

    The Locational Explore of Scientific Development Design of Nanjing New Rural Area Demonstrate Center

  5. 烟草产品中心科学部的医生大卫·阿什利表示,

    Doctor David Ashley , is with the center for tobacco products office of science .

  6. 他还是总部设在北京的中国城市可持续交通研究中心科学委员会委员。

    He is also member of the scientific committee of the China Urban Sustainable Transport Research Center in Beijing .

  7. 把握大局服务中心科学发展构建和谐为开创水电事业新局面而努力奋斗

    Grasping the Whole Situation Serving the Center Adopting the Scientific Development Constructing the Harmonious Society to Strive after Creating a New Situation of Hydropower Cause

  8. 经济道德在现实践行中,必须转化为塑造经济人的人情意味,从观念与制度两个方面提升人的道德境界,并在宏观决策中将以人为本与以经济建设为中心科学的结合起来。

    We must prompt human morals in idea together with economical system , and combine the two policies of economic as center and people as aim .

  9. 由于各项任务指标和管理制度都需要在班组贯彻执行,所以班组的执行力是维修中心科学发展的关键所在。

    Because every task target and management system needs to be executed in groups , the execution of group is the key of scientific development in GMMC .

  10. 如何根据用户上网日志发现用户感兴趣的信息和资源,帮助网络中心科学地管理和规范其网络用户,已经成为一个迫切的问题。

    According to the users'network log how to dig out information and network resources interesting users to help the network center to manage and regulate its network users is an urgent issue .

  11. 主持建立了我国最大的船舶结构试验群体,在潜艇结构多次重大试验中作出了开创性贡献。曾当选第十一届国际船舶科学研究中心科学技术委员会主任等职。

    He was once elected as chairman of the11th international Conference on Ship and offshore Congress and now works as chairman of science and Technical Committee of China 's Ship Science Research Center .

  12. 实验表明,该方法能有效减少跨数据中心科学工作流执行时的数据传输量,从而提升了科学工作流执行效率以及减少了云资源租赁费用。

    The experimental results show that the proposed strategy can significantly reduce the volume of data transfer among different data centers , and hence improve the performance of running scientific workflows and cut down the cost of doing science on the clouds as well .

  13. 因此,对B2C电子商务企业物流配送中心进行科学、有效的物流绩效评价是十分重要的。

    Therefore , it is very important to evaluate B2C e-commerce enterprise logistics and distribution center in a scientific and effective way .

  14. 此前的MSI贷款,特别是给智利和其他拉美国家的贷款,曾寻求主要通过建立科研卓越中心建设科学能力。

    Previous loans under the MSI banner , in particular to Chile and other countries in Latin America , had sought to build scientific capacity primarily through establishing centres of research excellence .

  15. 科技实验中心电子科学门户网站的构建

    Establishment of science portals site of scientific and experimental centre

  16. 他开始进入以查尔卡文迪什么爵士为中心的科学界。

    He began to move in the scientific circles centred round Sir Charles cavendish .

  17. 结论运用法约尔的管理原则能对临床支持中心实施科学管理。

    Conclusions Applying Fayueer s administration principle can implement scientific management for clinical support center .

  18. 美国乔治城大学医学中心的科学策略资深顾问。

    THOMAS MAEDER is senior adviser for scientific strategies at the Georgetown University Medical Center .

  19. 2006年,中山眼科中心眼科学实验室被批准为全国首家眼科学国家重点实验室。

    In2006 , the ophthalmic laboratory of the center was appointed as state key laboratory of ophthalmology .

  20. 现代物流理论的产生和发展为铁路物流的发展提供了新的指导思想和发展思路,而对铁路物流中心进行科学合理的布局规划研究,对于促进铁路发展具有重要的现实意义。

    The emergence and development of modern logistics theory provides a new guiding ideology for the development of railway logistics .

  21. 成为中国传媒界的人才培养与人才信息交流中心,科学研究与科技开发中心,节目制作与节目交流中心,文献信息资源汇集与发散中心。

    distribution . Besides , it will also be a platform for communication content creativity and international exchange of communication education and cooperation .

  22. 通过对期刊方阵构成,科学指数数据库的介绍,认识科技期刊引证及评价指标;了解地球科学类期刊的划分排序及中国地震局数据中心的科学查新。

    Through the introduction of constitution of the periodical array and data base of scientific index , scientific and technological periodical quotation and evaluation norms are recognized .

  23. 我校高等教育研究所在20年的建设与发展中,以为学校改革与发展实践服务为中心,科学定位,强化职能,整体发展。

    In the twenty year construction and development of the Higher Education Research Institute of Hebei University of Science and Technology , the remarkable scientific research success has been achieved because of the scientific orientation , function strengthening and overall development .

  24. 本文在对物流中心进行科学分类的基础上,根据不同类型的物流中心的特点和职能,重点研究配送型和枢纽型物流中心这两类物流中心的选址方法和模型。

    This paper put most research on the location problems of distribution logistics center and hinge logistics center in accordance with characteristics and functions of different sorts of logistics center , on the base of the scientific classification of logistics center .

  25. 新人文主义与东南学风&以学衡派与新文化派思想论争为中心日本科学技术史界的东京工业大学学派

    " New Humanism " and the Academic Style at Southeast University : On the Theoretical Debate between the " Xue-Heng " School and the " New Culture " School ; Tokyo Institute of Technology Group in Japanese Community of History of Science and Technology

  26. 为此,以检察权的拓展、约减和制约为中心,科学合理地配置检察权,以及改革检察官管理制度等内容应当成为中国检察制度改革的重要内容。

    Thus the main contents of Chinese prosecution system reform consist in the scientific and reasonable distribution of the prosecution power , and the reform of the management system of prosecuting officers , with the center of the enlargement , reduction and restriction of the prosecution power .

  27. 阿里巴巴方面日前确认,我国公民、原亚马逊资深主任科学家任小枫,自6月起担任阿里巴巴全球研发中心数据科学与技术研究院的副院长和首席科学家。

    Since June , Ren Xiaofeng , former senior principal scientist at Amazon and a Chinese citizen , has taken on the role as chief scientist and deputy dean at Alibaba 's Institute of Data Science and Technologies , its global research and development center , the company confirmed .

  28. MarkNew是英国牛津大学和丁铎尔气候变化研究中心的气候科学讲师。

    Mark New is a Reader in climate science at the University of Oxford and Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research , United Kingdom .

  29. CRM以客户为中心,把科学的管理与信息技术结合起来,实现客户、产品、市场、销售、服务协同工作统一管理。

    To combine the customer , product , marketing , sales , services , there need unify the science of management and information technology together .

  30. 而这两种品质也使得我在全国高考中脱颖而出,进入了XXX大学健康科学中心学习药理科学的学习。

    The quality of these two makes me stand out in the national college entrance examination into the XXX University Health Sciences Center to study the pharmacological sciences .