
wēi ɡuān shì jiè
  • microcosm;microcosmic;micro-world
  1. 微观世界的你变得和宏观世界的宇宙同为一体。

    You microcosm will become same as universe macrocosm .

  2. 他偶尔展现对英语句子的精准听力,说:微观世界变为宏观世界。

    Demonstrating his occasionally very accurate ear for English idiom , he said , The microcosm becomes the macrocosm .

  3. 热力学把宏观世界同亚微观世界联系起来

    The theory of thermodynamics links the macroscopic and submicroscopic domains .

  4. 对h认识的深化&h是微观世界的量度

    Deepening of Cognition of to " h " & " h " is the measure of microcosmos

  5. 过去科学家对Internet网络的研究主要集中在网络微观世界,包括网络的硬件设备、网络协议等等。

    Before about the study of Internet scientists focused on the micro-world of network including hardware device , network protocols and so on .

  6. Planck大数A、Dirac大数D和宇观、微观世界的相互关系

    Interrelation of Planck Large Number A , Dirac Large Number D and Macrocosm , Microcosm

  7. 在今年的尼康微观世界显微摄影(Nikon'sSmallWorldphotomicrography)大赛中,有几张获奖作品拍摄的是动物卵中小生命诞生的最初形态,这些动物包括海星和蝴蝶。

    Some of the winning images in this year 's Nikon 's Small World photomicrography contest capture some of the first moments inside the eggs of animals including starfish and butterflies .

  8. Heinrich说:这部电影用十分有趣的方式给我们展现了原子微观世界。

    ' This movie is a fun way to share the atomic-scale world , ' Heinrich said .

  9. 超短脉冲光纤激光器及其放大系统广泛应用于各种前沿领域,如THz的激发、微观世界及超快过程的研究等。

    Ultra-short pulse fiber lasers and amplification systems are widely used in various frontier areas , such as the generation of THz , the research of micro-world and ultrafast process detections .

  10. 鞭毛电机(BFM)是微观世界里的一种分子旋转电机,其利用H+的电化学势能转化为机械能推动转子旋转。

    Bacterial flagellar motor is a kind of revolving molecular motor which converts electrochemical potential energy of H + into the mechanical energy of rotation .

  11. 通过量子力学,人们对微观世界有了远比以前更加全面更加深入的认识,并由此创造了各种新颖的技术,如电子扫描隧道显微镜(STM),半导体技术等等。

    By quantum mechanics , people have got a far more comprehensive and deeper understanding of the microscopic world than before , and invented all kinds of novel techniques , such as STM , semi-conductor and so on .

  12. 在人类观察微观世界的活动中,显微镜起着不可替代的作用。

    Microscope has played an irreplaceable role in observing micro-world activities .

  13. 这些设备就好比通向微观世界的眼睛,人们可以通过他们直接观测到样品的微观信息。

    These devices like the eyes of microcosmic , people can observe micro-information through them .

  14. 不过,他对微观世界也有着同样的兴趣。

    However , he is proud to have stirred equal interest by observing the micro world .

  15. 图片是使用光学显微镜拍摄的尼康“微观世界”摄影比赛的获奖作品。

    Winners of the Nikon Small World Competition , showcasing photography taken through a light microscope .

  16. 量子力学的建立开辟了人类探索微观世界的新道路。

    The establishment of quantum mechanics opens the new way of exploring the microcosm for humankind .

  17. 认识微观世界的超快过程是为了认识真实世界。

    A key reason for studying ultrafast processes on microscopic level is to understand the real-world .

  18. 就像电影《微观世界》中的宣传语一样:这就是你家后院的侏罗纪公园。

    So just like the movie , it 's jurassic park in your own back yard .

  19. 这不啻微观世界中一个初具雏形的国际等级体系:以英语为母语的人占尽风头。

    Here , in microcosm , was a nascent international hierarchy : native English - speakers rule .

  20. 人类对物理微观世界的认识

    Mankind knowledge about physical microcosm

  21. 以后的物理学发展表明:波粒二象性是整个微观世界的最基本的特征。

    That the future development of physics : the wave-particle duality is the most basic micro-world features .

  22. 目前在亚微观世界展现弯曲空时的希望不大。

    In the submicroscopic world , there is little prospect at present that curved spacetime will reveal itself .

  23. 量子信息学是以描述微观世界本质规律的量子力学为基础的信息技术。

    Based on quantum mechanics , quantum information describe the essential rules of information processing in the micro-world .

  24. 量子力学是物理学领域的执政行为的对象,在微观世界。

    Quantum mechanics is the area of physics that governs the behavior of objects in the microscopic world .

  25. 然而,众所周知微观世界是受量子力学规律支配的。

    However , as we all know , dynamic behaviors are governed by quantum mechanics in microcosmic systems .

  26. 超短光脉冲在遥测、探索微观世界的规律以及产生高温等离子体等方面有极广泛的用途。

    Ultrashort optical pulse finds wide use in telemetry , microcosmic exploration and generation of high temperature plasma , etc.

  27. 本论文的理论意义和实际价值在于:第一,本论文是对人类对微观世界‘测量难题’的最新认识与最新方法的进一步完善与哲学分析。

    Firstly , this research is the philosophical analysis about the newest understandings and methods to measurement problems in micro world .

  28. 在人类探究微观世界的过程中,微定位技术逐步发展起来。

    With human beings exploring the micro world , micro / nanopositioning technology has been developed quickly in the past years .

  29. 要完整地叙述佛教的世界观,就要从微观世界与宏观世界两个层面来讲。

    To explain the world view of Buddhism clearly , we should do it in two levels-the micro-world and the macro-world .

  30. 量子控制论是一门以研究微观世界系统量子态的控制问题为主要内容的新兴边缘学科。

    Quantum control theory is a new interdiscipline , which mainly studies the control of quantum state for systems in the microworld .