
  • 网络Microwave Remote Sensing
  1. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)是一种重要的微波遥感工具。

    Synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) is an important tool in microwave remote sensing .

  2. SAR是微波遥感重要的传感器之一,在海洋科研的许多领域都得到了应用。

    SAR ( Synthetic Aperture Radar ) is one of the important sensors of microwave remote sensing , and it is used in many fields of ocean researches .

  3. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)和逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)能够获得高分辨率微波遥感图像,是雷达成像的重要技术。

    SAR and ISAR are the key radar imaging techniques , which has been used to obtain high resolution images .

  4. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)是一种全天候、全天时的高分辨率微波遥感成像雷达,是现代军事领域获得战场情报数据的一种重要手段。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) is a kind of high resolution microwave remote sensing imaging radar used widely in modern military area to obtain important information .

  5. GIS技术的广泛应用、土壤水分遥感监测模型的优化,微波遥感的应用将是该领域的重点研究方向。

    The extensive application of GIS technology , the optimization of the model of remote sensing monitoring of soil moisture and the application of microwave are the key direct of future study .

  6. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)作为唯一的全天候遥感手段,现在已经成为微波遥感的重要工具。

    Synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) as the only all-weather method of the remote sensing , now it has been the important tool in microwave and remote sensing field .

  7. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)是一种非常重要的遥感工具,相对于光学遥感和其它微波遥感设备,具有一些独特的优点。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) is a very important remote sensor . As compared with optical sensors and other microwave remote sensors , SAR has several unique advantages .

  8. 星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)基于其全天时、全天候工作模式的独到优势,已成为微波遥感领域中发展最迅速和最有成效的传感器之一。

    For its work mode of all-day , all-weather , space-borne SAR has become one of the most rapidly growing and most effective sensors in the field of microwave remote sensing .

  9. SAR作为微波遥感技术的代表,以其独特的对地观测能力广泛的应用于地球科学等领域。

    As the representative of the microwave remote sensing technology , SAR has been widely used in earth science and some other relevant fields because of its unique earth observation ability .

  10. 根据矩阵耦合法(MatrixDoubling)和改进的积分方程模型(AIEM),实现了一种用于植被主动微波遥感的高阶辐射传输模型。

    A model based on matrix doubling algorithm and advanced integral equation method was implemented for active remote sensing of vegetation .

  11. 微波遥感在有植被覆盖的土壤含水量方面,X波段比C波段的灵敏度和精度要低,但是只要工作参数选择适当,就能达到一定的灵敏度和精度。

    For microwave remote sensing vegetation-covered fields , the sensitivity and accuracy of X-band are lower than those of C-band , but X-band still has a certain sensitivity and accuracy as long as proper working parameters are selected .

  12. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)是一种先进的微波遥感手段,具有全天候、全天时、分辨率高、大面积覆盖的优势。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) is an effective microwave sensor . It has the advantage of working day and night under any weather conditions . Images that acquired can be high resolution covering large areas .

  13. 作为一种重要的微波遥感技术,合成孔径雷达(SAR)技术凭借其全天候、全天时的工作特点和高分辨率的成像质量,已在军事和民用领域取得了广泛的应用。

    As an important remote sensing technique , the SAR ( Synthetic Aperture Radar ) system is featured by all-time and all-weather capability and high-quality image , which has found wide applications in both military and civilian systems .

  14. 极化干涉SAR综合了干涉SAR和极化SAR的优点,能够反映目标的物理特性和空间分布特性,从而大大拓展了SAR在微波遥感领域的应用。

    Polarimetric interferometric SAR integrates all advantages of interferometry SAR and polarization SAR , which reflects the physical characteristics and spatial distribution properties of targets , so it greatly expands the SAR applications in the field of microwave remote sensing .

  15. 作为微波遥感领域的典型代表,合成孔径雷达(syntheticApertureRadar,SAR)以其独特的对地观测优势,广泛应用于军事侦察、测绘以及国民经济各领域中。

    As the typical representative in the microwave remote sensing field , synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) has been widely used in the areas of surveying and mapping , military reconnaissance and national economy because of its unique advantages of earth observation .

  16. AMSR微波遥感数据进行土壤湿度的计算机反演

    Soil moisture inversion by AMSR-E microwave remote sensing data

  17. 因此,全天时、全天候、不依赖于光照条件,具有高重复覆盖率的主动微波遥感器-合成孔径雷达(SAR)被认为是这些地区农作物监测的最重要的信息源之一。

    Therefore , the active ware of microwave communication-SAR ( Synthetic Aperture Radar ), which is timely , independent of illumination and high rate repeating coverage , has been considered as one of the most important information sources of agricultural inspection in these areas .

  18. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)是一种微波遥感雷达,除了具有常规雷达的测速、测距功能外,还可以全天时、全天候的对地进行高分辨率成像。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) is a kind of remote sensing radar . Besides the routine function of velocity measuring and distance measuring as the normal radar , it allows the generation of high resolution images , independently of weather condition and sun illumination .

  19. 干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)是一种全天时、全天候的微波遥感技术,能够提供高分辨率、高精度的地表数字高程图。在地质、地理和地球物理等许多学科有着广泛的应用。

    Synthetic aperture radar Interferometry ( InSAR ) is a powerful remote sensing technique , which has been exploited for the generation of digital elevation model with high resolutions and has found many applications in the earth system science study .

  20. 在此系统上,我们根据微波遥感图像的特点,采用TMS32010宏汇编语言研制出了一个遥感图像快速处理软件库。

    In the system , according to feature of remote images , a software package of high-speed remote image processing is developed with TMS32010 macro-assembler .

  21. 作为具有国际先进水平的新型微波遥感器,CIALT的实现非常复杂,采用了许多先进技术。

    As internationally advanced new microwave remote sensor , CIALT is very complex and adopts many new techniques .

  22. 积雪作为冰冻圈最重要的元素之一,正受到日益广泛地关注,随着地球观测系统(EOS)时代的来临,积雪的被动微波遥感研究也已经成为积雪研究领域的热点。

    Snow is one of the most important elements in the cryosphere , and it is being increasingly widely attention . With the advent of the earth observation system ( EOS ) age , the study of snow passive microwave remote sensing has already become a hot research field .

  23. 首先介绍了被动微波遥感数据在监测积雪方面的国内外研究进展,对现存的雪水当量(SWE)估算算法(和模型)的适用性进行讨论。

    This paper reviews the researches of monitoring snow using passive microwave remote sensing data at home and abroad . The applicability of existing algorithms ( and models ) to estimate snow water equivalent is assessed .

  24. 搭载在神舟四号(SZ-4)飞船上的主载荷多模态微波遥感器(M~'RS)是我国第一台实验性的舟载微波遥感系统。

    The multiple model microwave remote sensor is an important part of the payload carried by Shenzhou IV spacecraft launched on 30 December 2002 and is also China 's first experimental microwave remote sensing system operating in space .

  25. 无源微波遥感技术在海冰测厚中的应用研究

    Application of Passive Microwave Remote Sensing to Sea Ice Thickness Measurement

  26. 微波遥感裸露土壤和植被覆盖土壤含水量的研究

    Study on Microwave Remote Sensing for bare and vegetation-covered soil moisture

  27. 微波遥感中的散射特性研究

    The Research on the Scattering Characteristic in the Microwave Remote Sensing

  28. 基于物理模型的被动微波遥感反演土壤水分

    Physically based retrieval of soil moisture using passive microwave remote sensing

  29. 微波遥感电磁场基础感应磁铁式盒式磁盘

    Electromagnetic Theory In Microwave Remote Sensing ? induced magnet type cartridge

  30. 微波遥感监测土壤水分的研究初探

    A Study on Soil Moisture Monitoring by Using Microwave Remote Sensing