
wēi ɡuān jīnɡ jì xué
  • microeconomic
  1. 该文在分析了当前将微观经济学理论应用到移动Agent资源管理分配领域的相关研究基础上,提出了一个基于市场机制的移动Agent资源管理分配模型。

    By analyzing current researches of applying microeconomic theory to resource management and allocation field , the paper designs a model of mobile agent resource management and allocation based on market mechanism .

  2. 论文分析了当前将微观经济学方法理论应用到网格资源管理分配的技术,针对移动Agent系统的特殊构架,探索和研究基于微观经济学方法的移动Agent资源管理分配模型。

    By analyzing current technologies of applying microeconomic theory to grid resource management and allocation model , regarding mobile agent special system , the thesis explores a model of mobile agent resource management and allocation based on microeconomic theory .

  3. 他的微观经济学授课单元有250名学生。

    He has 250 students in his microeconomics module .

  4. 基于微观经济学的移动Agent资源管理分配模型

    A Model of Mobile Agent Resource Management and Allocation Based on Microeconomic Theory

  5. NGI中一种微观经济学模糊QoS单播路由机制

    A Microeconomics-based Fuzzy Unicast QoS Routing Scheme in NGI

  6. 第四部分是对JY公司发展规模经济效益的理论依据的分析,从微观经济学成本理论分析说明JY公司发展规模经济是可行的;

    The fourth part analyzes the theoretic evidence of JY Company to form scale profits .

  7. 在DS-CDMA网络系统中,基于拥塞定价和微观经济学的方法,提出一种新的无线资源控制结构框架;

    A novel framework of radio resource allocation based on congestion pricing and microeconomic theory is proposed in DS - CDMA network .

  8. 引入模糊数学方法,提供柔性QoS支持;综合考虑网络提供方和用户的双方利益,采用微观经济学和博弈论方法,找到网络提供方和用户的双赢解。

    In order to support flexible QoS , fuzzy method is adopted , and to consider both network service providers and users , microeconomics and game theory are used to achieve " double win " .

  9. 5月的美国马萨诸塞州哈佛大学校园里,历史与微观经济学专业的三年级本科生Matthew,被一则落款为哈佛大学中国基金的实习招聘吸引了。

    Back in May , Matthew , a junior student who majors in history and microeconomics at Harvard University , attended a campus recruitment fair sponsored by the Harvard China Fund .

  10. 为了能够真正实现全赢,引入了基于Nash均衡、Pareto最优的微观经济学理论与方法,模糊数学与非合作纯策略二人博弈等相结合的机制。

    To implement " all-win " in deed , a combinative mechanism should be proposed , including Nash-based and Pareto optimum-based microeconomic theory and method , fuzzy mathematics and non-cooperative pure-strategy-based two-player game .

  11. 在所提出的机制中,QoS需求的区间表示形式体现了对柔性与异构QoS的支持;根据微观经济学理论,建立基于Kelly/PSP模型的定价策略,体现组间公平性;

    In the proposed mechanism , QoS requirement is denoted by an range to support the flexible and heterogeneous QoS , according to the microeconomics theory and method , a Kelly / PSP-model-based pricing strategy is presented to support the inter-group fairness ;

  12. 本文借鉴不完全契约理论,从微观经济学角度出发,分析了在不同条件下,存款保险与中央银行LLR之间的关系,得到了比较有意义的结果。

    This paper analyzes the relationship between the central bank 's LLR and the deposit insurance system under different conditions from microeconomic perspective with incomplete contract theory .

  13. 他的作品富于原创性,尤其是他23岁那年发表的第一篇学术文章,其中提出的显示性偏好(revealedpreference)后来成为微观经济学的核心思想,至今仍是经济学理论高级教材的开篇内容。

    There was much originality in his writing , not least in his first academic article , published when he was 23 , which introduced what was to become a core idea in microeconomics , the theory of revealed preference , which still opens advanced textbooks in economic theory .

  14. 为了弄清楚为什么存在这些局限,哈佛大学的TerenceBurnham近来组织了一群微观经济学的学生,让他们玩这种终极游戏。

    To throw some light on why those limits exist , Terence Burnham of Harvard University recently gathered a group of students of microeconomics and asked them to play the ultimatum game .

  15. (感到困惑的读者应该回忆一下PJ欧鲁克(PJO'Rourke)对二者不同之处的解释:微观经济学关注经济学家所犯的具体错误,宏观经济学则关注他们所犯的一般性错误。)

    ( Those confused should recall P.J. O'Rourke 's explanation of the difference between the two : microeconomics concerns things that economists are specifically wrong about , while macroeconomics concerns things that they are wrong about generally . )

  16. 微观经济学的规范的分支学科被称为福利经济学。

    The normative sub-branch of microeconomics is known as welfare economics .

  17. 这些决定属于微观经济学的研究范畴。

    These decisions are within the area of study of micro-economics .

  18. 对我国职业足球劳动市场局部均衡的微观经济学分析

    Analysis of Microeconomics on Partial-equilibrium of Chinese Professional Football Labor Market

  19. 微观经济学指导下的超市利润挖掘

    Profit Mining of the Supermarket under the Direction of Microcosmic Economics

  20. 问题的性质与微观经济学练习题的设计

    The Properties of Questions and the Designing of Exercises in Microeconomics

  21. 认知无线网络中基于微观经济学的动态频谱管理算法

    A Microeconomics Based Dynamic Spectrum Management Algorithm for Cognitive Wireless Networks

  22. 他旁听的课程包括计算机科学、新闻学以及微观经济学。

    Classes he has attended include computer science , journalism and microeconomics .

  23. 国外微观经济学中的收入分配理论及其启示

    Some Ideas on Distribution Theory of Income in Foreign Microeconomics

  24. 仿生微观经济学的基本理论及其应用

    The Basic Theory and Its Application of Bionic Micro Economics

  25. 上海市郊水稻经营绩效评估及微观经济学分析

    A Microeconomic Analysis and Performance Evaluation on the Paddies in Shanghai Suburb

  26. 在微观经济学,生产是“投入”到“产出”的转换。

    In microeconomics , production is the conversion of inputs into outputs .

  27. 关于保险市场道德风险的微观经济学问题研究

    The Micro-economic problems Related to Financial Risk of Insurance Market

  28. 包络定理是微观经济学中的一个重要定理。

    The Envelope Theorem is an important theorem in microeconomics .

  29. 采用微观经济学方法,研究计算机资源调度管理,是可行的。

    It is feasible to schedule computer resources with the methods of micro-economics .

  30. 微观经济学中效用和价格概念的引入为拥塞控制的研究提供了新的方向。

    Utility and prices in microeconomics provide a new direction for congestion control .