
zhōnɡ huá wén huà
  • Chinese culture
  1. 她的视频所传递的中华文化也正在走向更远的地方。

    The poetic under her videos . The Chinese culture conveyed in her videos is going further abroad .

  2. 这些零碎的词语成了中华文化的全部代名词。

    These little words became all the pronoun of Chinese culture .

  3. 根据美国自然科学基金会国际数字图书馆合作项目CMNet,中华文化网的子项目中国民族音乐数字图书馆的研究部分成果写成。

    According to the International Digital Library Project ( IDLP ) CMNet ( Chinese Memory Net US Sino Collaborative Research Toward A Global Digital Library in Chinese Studies ) funded by the United States , this paper presented part of the research result .

  4. 台湾文化的母体和核心是中华文化。

    Chinese culture is the parent and nucleus of Taiwan culture .

  5. 论经济全球化与新世纪中华文化走向

    Economic Globalization and Chinese Cultural Trend in the New Century

  6. 在中华文化中,老虎代表的力量和权势。

    In the Chinese culture , the tiger represents strength and power .

  7. 伴随中国国际地位的逐渐提升,中华文化由边缘位置向中心地位逐步靠拢。

    Nowadays , Chinese culture draws from the marginal status to centre gradually .

  8. 足见婚礼习俗在整个中华文化中的地位。

    Therefore , the wedding ceremony possesses an important status in Chinese culture .

  9. 全球化与中华文化新境界

    Globalization and a New Horizon of the Chinese Culture

  10. 因为我有自信,我更珍视中华文化的价值。

    This is because I have absolute confidence and I value Chinese culture .

  11. 然而,中国的城市化和发展中华文化的差距。

    However , China 's urbanization and the development of Chinese culture gap .

  12. 中华文化是一个相对独立的体系。

    Chinese culture is a relatively independent system .

  13. 建设中国数字图书馆工程开创中华文化光辉的未来

    Constructing China National Digital Library and Opening Up a Bright Future of Chinese Culture

  14. 论中华文化复兴的理性之源与价值重建

    On the Rational Origin of the Renaissance of the Chinese Culture and Value Reconstruction

  15. 具有五千年文明史的中华文化得到一个发展的契机。

    The five thousand years history of Chinese culture , get a development opportunity .

  16. 经济全球化与弘扬中华文化

    Economic Globalization and Developing the Chinese Culture

  17. 中华文化如何走向世界

    How Chinese Culture Goes towards the World

  18. 文言作品是中国古代文化的结晶,亦是传承中华文化的载体。

    The Ancient Chinese works is the crystallization and carrier of the Chinese ancient culture .

  19. 中华文化全面体现了中华民族的精、气、神。

    Chinese culture reflects the full essence of the Chinese nation , gas , God .

  20. 武术的发展演变是以中华文化的进步与发展为依托,逐渐走向成熟与辉煌的。

    The development of Wushu is supported by the progress and advance of Chinese culture .

  21. 图书馆事业与中华文化的思考

    Thought of Library Undertaking and Chinese Culture

  22. 因而,和中华文化一样,中国传统建筑同样具有顽强的生命力,贯穿始终,成熟而具有活力。

    Like chinese culture , traditional Chinese architecture is also coherent , mature and vibrant .

  23. 东北民族文化与中华文化

    Northeast Ethnic Culture and Chinese Culture

  24. 论中国人的中华文化本体&并论中国传统文化的现代化是一个伪问题

    On Chinese Cultural Identity of the Chinese : Concurrently about the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Culture

  25. 中华文化认为,茶同样有价值,用于妇女美容补品。

    The Chinese culture believes that lea is equally valuable a tonic for beauty in women .

  26. 中国英语与中华文化

    China English and Chinese Culture

  27. 中国古代女性艺术家与男性艺术家并肩齐驱,共同创造了灿烂的中华文化艺术。

    China ancient female artists and male artists went hand in hand with effulgent China culture arts .

  28. 中国扇文化是中华文化宝库中独有特色的器物文化。

    The Chinese fan culture is a utensil culture with unique characteristic in Chinese culture treasure house .

  29. 这是中华文化的基本要素有助于建立长期而不是短期收益长期成功的公司。

    This fundamental element of Chinese culture helps build companies for long-term success rather than short-term gain .

  30. 在中华文化对世界的诸多伟大贡献中,汉字是最突出的贡献之一。

    Among the great contribution of Chinese nation to the world , Chinese character is the most outstanding .