
zhōnɡ zǐ tài
  • neutron state
  1. 氘-金属系统中异常核现象和双中子态模型

    Abnormal Nuclear Phenomena in Deuterium Metal System and Dineutron Model

  2. 论述了冷聚变观念,双中子态模型的物理基础;

    This paper simply discouses upon the idea of cold fusion and physical foundation of the dineutron model ;

  3. 结果证实13C的第一激发态为单中子晕核态,首次从实验上证实在B稳定线上存在激发的晕核态。

    The results make sure that the first excited state of 13C is the one-neutron halo state .

  4. 结果显示12B第二、三激发态为单中子晕核态,这是在B稳定线附近找到的第二个核新的晕核态。

    The results show that the second and third excited states of 12B are one-neutron halo states . It is the second nucleus to be found with new halo states near the p stable line .

  5. 本文扼要地叙述了热中子与凝聚态物质相互作用的基本散射理论,说明了热中子非弹性散射实验方法的特点。

    A brief description of the elementary scattering theory of the interaction between the thermal neutrons and the condensed matter is given and the characteristics related to the experimental method of the thermal neutrons inelastic scattering is described .

  6. 中子反应同质异能态截面比的系统学

    Systematics of Isomeric Cross Section Ratio for Neutron Induced Reactions

  7. 质子和中子构成电荷双重态。

    Proton and neutron form a charge doublet .

  8. ~(153)Dy高自旋态的能级结构及缺中子Dy核的形状随中子数与自旋态的变化

    Level structure of ~ ( 153 ) dy in high spin states and shape changes with N and I in Dy nuclei

  9. 本报告仅对散裂中子源的历史、物理基础、对加速器要求、靶系统及其应用于先进核能系统作一般介绍。论述了冷聚变观念,双中子态模型的物理基础;

    Accelerator performances required and target systems for spallation neutron sources in the accelerator-driven advanced nuclear energy systems are reviewed and discussed . This paper simply discouses upon the idea of cold fusion and physical foundation of the dineutron model ;