
zhōng měi zhōu
  • Central America
中美洲 [zhōng měi zhōu]
  • [Central America] 传统上指墨西哥与哥伦比亚之间的国家危地马拉、萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、哥斯达黎加和巴拿马。现在还包括利伯兹

中美洲[zhōng měi zhōu]
  1. 1823年,洪都拉斯成为了中美洲联邦的一部分。

    In 1823 Honduras became a part of the United Provinces of Central America .

  2. 他们向中美洲国家播送这套节目。

    They beamed the program to the countries of central america .

  3. 古代中美洲和拉丁美洲的文明社会是建立在玉米之上的。

    The ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America were founded upon corn

  4. 2014年,当凯特琳13岁的时候,她去到了中美洲,看到了那里的人们还在挨饿,还有家庭住在硬纸板做的房子里。

    In 2014 , When Kaitlin was thirteen , she visited Central America , and saw people going hungry and families living in houses made of cardboard .

  5. 它位于中美洲丛林深处的一个岛上,周围环绕着特斯科科湖(LakeTexcoco)。

    It was built on an island surrounded by Lake Texcoco deep inside the jungles of Central America .

  6. 最近,Crown获知中美洲的玛雅人在宗教仪式过程中,用相似的高柱瓶来装巧克力喝。

    Recently , Crown learned that the Maya people of Central America used similar-looking vases to drink chocolate during rituals and rites of passage .

  7. IMF表示,亚洲、前苏联国家、撒哈拉以南非洲以及中美洲国家所受冲击最大。

    Countries in Asia , the former Soviet Union , sub - Saharan Africa and central America have been hardest hit , it said .

  8. Oaxaca,Mexico墨西哥瓦哈卡州古代的中美洲人是世界上最早的巧克力制造者,从那时起墨西哥人就一直在生产巧克力。

    The ancient Mesoamericans were the world 's first chocolatiers and Mexico has continued to produce chocolate ever since .

  9. 此前MIT的项目包括了当地制造的风力发电机,用于中美洲的城镇,以及农村使用的低成本WiFi(无线网络)技术。

    Previous MIT projects have included locally-made wind turbines for towns in central America and low-cost WiFi technology for rural communities .

  10. 在温泉VI设计公司房子,我们感到自豪代表极佳逃税地在加勒比海,中美洲,欧洲和印度洋可用。

    At Offshore Companies House , we pride ourselves in representing the BEST Tax Havens that are available in the Caribbean , Central America , Europe and the Indian Ocean .

  11. 对中美洲的古代玛雅人来说,热带大雕就是Moan,一种带来不祥和死亡的鸟。

    To the ancient Mayans of CentralAmerica the bird was Moan , a bird of ill omen and death .

  12. 美国哥伦比亚搜寻公司组织了一个打捞团队来寻找残骸地点,在1987年的9月找到了SS中美洲号,大量的金条和金币重现天日。

    The Columbus-America Discovery Group , a salvage operation assembled to locate the wreck , found the SS Central America in September 1987 , recovering vast quantities of gold worth .

  13. 在1928年,飞行员CharlesLindberg曾报道过自己从中美洲上空飞过时,看到了“一座惊人的古城”。

    In 1928 , aviator Charles Lindberg reported seeing " an amazing ancient metropolis " during a flight over Central America .

  14. 20年前,弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉(FrancisFordCoppola)在伯利兹西部建造BlancaneauxLodge客栈时,洪都拉斯这个中美洲小国连游客都很少。

    Twenty years ago , when Francis Ford Coppola opened Blancaneaux Lodge in western Belize , relatively few travelers had ventured into this small Central American country .

  15. 西班牙国家研究委员会已就这种疫苗原型申请了专利。这种疫苗原型主要用于抵抗HIV病毒的B型病毒,即在欧洲、美国、南美、中美洲和加勒比地区盛行的一种HIV病毒。

    The vaccine prototype , patented by the CSIC , is designed to combat HIV 's subtype B , the one that is most prevalent in Europe , the United States , South and Central America and the Caribbean .

  16. 桌子是不能吃的,这称之为uneatable;而我发现中美洲一半的食物是不适于食用的,这为inedible。

    A table is uneatable ; whereas half of the food I find in middle America is inedible .

  17. 据NPR新闻的约翰·弗奈特报道,这起诉讼指责政府采取了违法宪洗的程序,忽略那些逃离中美洲暴力冲突的移民提出的庇护申请。

    NPR 's John Fernet reports this suit accuses the government of using an unconstitutional process that ignores asylum claims of migrants who fled violence in Central America .

  18. 多米尼加共和国巴纳商学院(BarnaBusinessSchool)教务主任卡洛斯•马蒂•桑吉斯(CarlosMartíSanchis)称,像他所在学院这样的加勒比和中美洲商学院,在古巴商学院学生可能感兴趣的一些学科上具备专长,例如旅游业。

    Carlos Mart í Sanchis , academic director at Barna Business School in the Dominican Republic , claims that Caribbean and central American schools like his have expertise in subjects that would likely be of interest to Cuban business students , such as tourism .

  19. Scholze的研究组警告说,升高的气温将极大地增加亚马逊流域、中美洲和中国东部森林消失的风险。

    Scholze 's team warns that rising temperatures will greatly increase the risk of forest loss in Amazonia , Central America , and eastern China .

  20. 如果能边喝咖啡边交谈那真是再好不过了。对此,金佰利(Kimberly-Clark)中美洲公司的管理团队就深有体会。

    There 's no better place to have a conversation than over a cup of coffee & and the management teams at Kimberly-Clark offices in Central America get that .

  21. 历经9年的艰苦谈判之后,美国与中美洲五国及多米尼加签署了《中美洲自由贸易协定》(CAFTA-DR)。

    After nine years ' hard negotiation , five Central American countries ( Costa Rica , El Salvador , Guatemala , Honduras , and Nicaragua ), the Dominican Republic ( DR ) and the United States signed the Central American Free Trade Agreement ( CAFTA-DR ) .

  22. 中美洲政治格局变化后和平进程的发展

    Peace process after the change of political situation in Central America

  23. 中美洲议会和其他政治论坛组织条约

    Constituent Treaty of the Central American Parliament and Other Political Forums

  24. 中美洲海运和港口改进发展计划

    Improvement and Development of Maritime Transport and Ports in Central America

  25. 一种长在南美洲和中美洲的树,产香脂。

    Tree of South and Central America yielding an aromatic balsam .

  26. 中美洲的一种兰花,具有蜘蛛状花朵,花上长有突出的绿色的瘤。

    Central American orchid having spiderlike flowers with prominent green warts .

  27. 中美洲地峡机构发展和区域电气一体化

    Institutional Development and Regional Electrical Integration of the Central American Isthmus

  28. 连接墨西哥与中美洲的国家是危地马拉。

    Connecting Mexico with Central America is the nation of Guatemala .

  29. 常见于南美洲、中美洲以及美国南部。

    Common in South and Central America and southern United States .

  30. 产于非洲南美和中美洲的热带淡水鱼。

    Tropical freshwater fishes of Africa and S and Central America .