
jiā lè bǐ hǎi
  • Caribbean Sea
加勒比海 [jiā lè bǐ hǎi]
  • [Caribbean Sea] 中美洲和南美洲交界处的大西洋海域

  1. 可乘船从加勒比海经M-B河抵达该市

    " The city is easily accessible by boat from the Caribbean Sea , via M-B River "

  2. 这项交换的目标是保护哥斯达黎加的一些最著名的生物多样性热点森林,例如加勒比海沿岸的自然水道系统托土盖罗(Tortuguero)。

    The swap will target forest protection in some of Costa Rica 's best known biodiversity hotspots , such as Tortuguero , a system of natural waterways near the Caribbean Sea .

  3. 加勒比海地区的英国部队有大批的人病死。

    British forces in the Caribbean were being decimated by disease .

  4. 他们的任务是为该住宅区年轻的非洲裔加勒比海人提供外展服务。

    Their brief is to undertake outreach work aimed at young African Caribbeans on the estate .

  5. 创始于1950年的国际防盲及救盲组织如今在非洲、加勒比海地区和东南亚各地都开展项目。

    ' Sight Savers ' , founded in 1950 , now runs projects throughout Africa , the Caribbean and South East Asia

  6. LeeTamplin圣布拉斯岛海滩多米尼加共和国的霍乱,加勒比海的登革热,乌克兰的麻疹。

    Cholera in the Dominican Republic . Dengue fever in the Caribbean . Measles in Ukraine .

  7. Columbus的船队最先在加勒比海登陆,具体是哪一座岛还存在一些争议。

    Columbus " ships first landed in a. .. landed in the Caribbean , there 's some debate about which island .

  8. 他曾担任加勒比海地区与非洲央行行长的经济顾问,最近,还曾加入奥巴马的过渡团队,负责审查世界银行(worldbank)与国际货币基金组织(imf)等国际性贷款机构。

    He has been an economic advisor to Caribbean and African central bank governors and more recently , served on the Obama transition team , reviewing international lending institutions such as the world bank and International Monetary Fund .

  9. 今年1月份,皇家加勒比游轮公司的“海洋探险者号”(ExploreroftheSeas)离开新泽西港口,前往加勒比海巡游,途中爆发胃肠道疾病疫情。

    In January hundreds of passengers on Royal Caribbean 's Explorer of the Seas ship from New Jersey to the Caribbean were stricken with a gastrointestinal illness .

  10. SeaTowServiceInternational就是一个很好的例子,这家位于纽约州绍斯霍尔德的公司,为美国、加勒比海和欧洲的船员提供紧急拖曳和救援服务。

    One good example comes from Sea Tow Service International , a company located in Southold , New York . Sea Tow offers emergency towing and rescue services for boaters in the United States , the Caribbean and Europe .

  11. 漫游者喜欢去商店,所以也许古奇要是出现并不稀奇,皇家加勒比海与Guess签署了一项协议给海洋的诱惑号在海上带来第一家古奇店。

    Cruisers love to shop , so perhaps it should come as no surprise that Royal Caribbean has signed a deal with GUESS to bring Allure of the Seas the first Guess store at sea .

  12. 在温泉VI设计公司房子,我们感到自豪代表极佳逃税地在加勒比海,中美洲,欧洲和印度洋可用。

    At Offshore Companies House , we pride ourselves in representing the BEST Tax Havens that are available in the Caribbean , Central America , Europe and the Indian Ocean .

  13. 加勒比海地区尼维斯(Nevis)的摄影师塔拉&12539;利(TaraLeigh)的客户则提出了一些更高难度的要求。

    Tara Leigh , a photographer in Nevis in the Caribbean , has had some more involved requests .

  14. 2005年,据UNICEF估计,在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区共有一亿三千两百万儿童生活在单亲家庭。

    In2005 Unicef estimated that there were132m children who had lost at least one parent in sub-Saharan Africa , Asia , Latin America and the Caribbean .

  15. 开曼群岛(caymanislands)准备打破实行数十年的保密原则,使数千家在加勒比海的这些岛上注册的企业和对冲基金受到更大程度的监督。

    The Cayman Islands are poised to break with decades of secrecy by opening thousands of companies and hedge funds domiciled on the offshore Caribbean territory to greater scrutiny .

  16. Car的设计能够最大程度地减少你可能面临的交通拥堵费、过路费和停车罚款,这是因为,尽管它实实在在地存在于道路上,但它的官方注册地是一个加勒比海小岛,这使得Car拥有外交豁免权。

    Car has also been programmed to minimise your exposure to congestion charging , toll roads and parking fines because although it has a physical presence on the roads it is officially registered to a small island in the Caribbean that has given it diplomatic immunity .

  17. 该基金还持有生态能源国际公司(econergyinternational)近5%的股份,后者正在拉美、加勒比海地区及其它新兴经济体建设多项清洁能源资产。

    The fund also holds a near 5 per cent stake in Econergy international , which is building a portfolio of clean energy assets in Latin America , the Caribbean , and other emerging economies .

  18. 在巴拿马的北部加勒比海沿岸,游客应该去圣布拉斯群岛(sanblasislands)欣赏白色的沙滩、潜水以及参观kuna印第安人等土著部落,巴布尔建议。

    On the northern , Caribbean coast , visitors should head to the San Blas islands for white sand beaches , diving and to meet indigenous tribes such as the Kuna , advises barber .

  19. 当NAO减弱时,一个高压会由亚速尔群岛向西南移动到百慕达群岛,这会阻碍飓风北转,不过飓风也因此能增加强度,并且向加勒比海及美国东南部而去。

    When the NAO weakens , a pressure high moves southwest from the Azores to Bermuda ; this prevents hurricanes from turning north , so they gain strength and head for the Caribbean and the southeastern U.

  20. Guana岛是加勒比海少数可供出租的岛屿。

    Guana Island in the British Virgin Islands is one of the few Caribbean islands available for rent .

  21. 人类T淋巴细胞白血病病毒Ⅰ型(HTLV-1)感染比较少见,主要流行于日本、加勒比海地区、中非和南美洲。

    Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 ( HTLV-1 ) infection is endemic in Japan , the Caribbean islands and parts of Central Africa and South America .

  22. 此处讨论的加勒比海珊瑚礁在20世纪80年代中期遭受沉重打击,当时一种神秘疾病几乎使冠刺棘海胆(Diademaantillarum)灭绝。

    The Caribbean coral reefs in question were dealt a blow in the mid1980s when a mysterious disease almost completely wiped out the spiny urchin ( Diadema antillarum ) .

  23. 四年前,哥伦比亚总统胡安·曼努埃尔·桑托斯(JuanManuelSantos)称,哥伦比亚和中国制定了一个“相当成熟”的计划,打算修建一条连接太平洋和加勒比海的铁路。该项目意在找到一条替代巴拿马运河的通道。

    In another project aimed at finding an alternative to the Panama Canal , the Colombian president , Juan Manuel Santos , said four years ago that Colombia and China had a plan that was " quite advanced " to build a railway linking the Pacific to the Caribbean .

  24. 我的第一份工作是战略咨询,由于不满意分析太多、而实际管理较少,我离职加入了油田和信息服务公司斯伦贝谢公司(Schlumberger),在南美和加勒比海的油田担任线路工程师。

    As a first job I worked in strategy consulting and , being unhappy with more analysis and less real management , I left and joined Schlumberger , the oilfield and information services company , as a wireline engineer working in the oilfields of South America and the Caribbean .

  25. 我陷入了爱河&加勒比海使我着了迷。

    I was in love the Caribbean had cast its spell .

  26. 尽管食肉动物增多了,但加勒比海珊瑚礁得到了禁渔区的保护。

    Caribbean reefs protected by no-fishing zones despite rise in predators .

  27. 加勒比海人友善和具耐心的天性是很出名的。

    Caribbean people are well-known for their friendly , patient dispositions .

  28. 在加勒比海地区炙热的水泥地面上,他依旧赤着脚。

    His feet were still bare on the hot Caribbean concrete .

  29. 加勒比海国家海洋问题专门会议

    Specialized Conference of the Caribbean Countries on Problems of the Sea

  30. 牙买加:古巴南部的一个岛国,位于加勒比海沿岸。

    An island country in the Caribbean Sea south of Cuba .