- Western Europe

(1) [Western Europe]
(2) 西部欧洲,指英国、法国、爱尔兰、摩纳哥、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡等国
(3) 广义上指除了东欧国家以外的欧洲国家
Ireland was one of the fastest-growing economies in Western Europe in the 1990s .
There 's a glut of agricultural products in Western Europe .
Five Polish banks are to be twinned with counterparts in Western Europe
Estonia has done much to cultivate the friendship of western European countries .
The UK has the highest birth rate among 15 to 19-year-olds in Western Europe .
Britain has one of the worst records for state-run pre-school childcare in Western Europe .
They had not foreseen the higher inflation in France when most of Western Europe was crawling out of recession
You don 't see a vibe like you see in Manchester on a Saturday night in any other city in western Europe .
On the journey back from his official visits to Western europe , the premier visited Italy in transit .
Italy is the latest Western European country trying to control a growing immigrant population by demanding language skills in exchange for work permits , or in some cases , citizenship .
France is the largest country in Western Europe .
CAR WAR On Styling of Buses in China
According to article in today 's New York Times , citing DNA analysis researchers say appears to match western Europeans .
Education service being included in the service field of WTO and the prospects of some western countries benefiting from education service ;
It is also launching a new e-commerce business based in the UK that will also serve western European countries where it does not have stores .
Australia has an enviable Western-style capitalist economy , with a per capita GDP on par with the four dominant West European economies .
The first cars will reach Latin America or Eastern Europe within a year and models should be exported to North America and Western Europe in21 / 2 years , said Chrysler CEO Tom LaSorda .
Based on the statistical data of FAO , the present status as well as changing trend of production , consumption and trade for chemical fertilizer in Western Europe are discussed .
France is located in Western Europe , bordering the bay of Biscay and English channel , between Belgium and Spain , Southeast of the UK ; and bordering the Mediterranean Sea , between Italy and Spain .
Nasal type NK / T cell lymphoma occupies a relatively higher incidence in Asia and South America regions than that of in Europe and North America , so that it is a special entity in Asia and also in China .
Because of early industrialization , Western Europe has a large legacy of wasteland produced by mining and industry . Most of this is close to centres of population , and constitutes a serious environmental threat to ordinary people .
Nascar , the North American motor sports group , is seeking to expand in China and western Europe by marrying its licensing , sponsorship and media expertise with local partners .
The credit default swap index for 15 major emerging market countries has fallen by a third to 206 , while the itraxx sovx index for Western European CDs has climbed to almost 190 .
According to an annual survey of global wealth by Boston Consulting Group , private wealth in the ' new world , ' primarily the Asia Pacific region , jumped around 12 percent last year alone , or more than double the rate of growth in the ' old world , ' including North America and Western Europe .
Gaston Bachelard ( 1884-1962 ) is a famous modern French philosopher , literary critic and poet . His theory of material imagination had ever had a great influence on development of literary critic of France , even that of western Europe .
Application of the Sustainable Urban Drainage System in the West Europe
Religious Factors in Laws of Western Europe in the Middle Ages
West Europe was still heavily dependent on Middle East oil .
My college major was Studies and learning French was necessary .
The Security and Cooperation Policy of Western European Countries to Russia