
  • 网络cultural system;culture system
  1. 从人类文化系统看基督教与科学的关系

    The Relation of Christianity and Science from Human Cultural System

  2. 基于企业创新人才培养的创新文化系统研究

    Research on Innovative Cultural System Based on Innovative Talent Training of Enterprises

  3. 景观的美学文化系统与城市景观的研究

    The Research of the Landscape Aesthetics Culture System and City Landscape

  4. 它的上级系统是文化系统。

    The suprasystem of the translating system is the culture system .

  5. 建设医院文化系统工程打造一流医院品牌

    Constructing Hospital Culture Systems Engineering and Making First-Class Hospital Brand

  6. 数学发展有其特殊的发展规律并有相对独立性所以可把数学看成文化系统即数学文化。

    There is specific and unique rule of math development .

  7. 这一文化系统主要由标识性文化要素、制度规范文化要素以及意识形态文化要素组成。

    It contain the factor of identifier , system and criterion , ideology .

  8. 能是展示这个特殊的文化系统的最有力的工具。

    Can is the most powerful tool to express the special culture system .

  9. 企业文化系统及其塑造研究

    Research on corporate culture system model and its construction

  10. 而且是一个社会文化系统和一个生态系统。

    And it is system of culture of a society and an ecosystem .

  11. 全国文化系统各部门、各单位停止组织一切娱乐活动;

    National culture system various departments , various units stop organizes all recreational activity ;

  12. 中国人寿保险公司企业文化系统构建设想

    Business Culture Design for Chinese Life Lnsurance Company

  13. 他提出的改写理论及影响改写的几大要素重新诠释了翻译在文化系统中所起的作用。

    The rewriting theory he proposed elaborated the function of translation in literary system .

  14. 论文化系统与科学技术的互动

    The Interaction between Cultural System and Sci Tech

  15. 评估基地之自然与文化系统以厘清其设计内容与目标。

    Evaluating natural and cultural site systems as they shape design programs and goals .

  16. 运用12345安全文化系统工程追求长久的安全效应

    Maintaining Long Term Safety Effect by Five Focal Points in Safety Culture System Project

  17. 论科技文化系统

    On the Science and Technology Culture System

  18. 论企业文化系统的自适应性

    Self - adaptation of Enterprise Culture

  19. 满足中西方体育文化系统自组织生成的一系列判据。

    Meet in the Western sports , culture and self-organizing system generated a series of criteria .

  20. 边缘女性处在文化系统中最边缘的位置,这就决定其生存的悲剧性。

    The edge position of " edge female " in culture system determines their survival tragedy .

  21. 家族作为一个特殊的文化系统,在不同的历史时期有着不同的发展状况。

    The family is a special cultural system that in different historical periods has different development situation .

  22. 安全文化系统就是许多因素穿插交融的复杂系统,既含有确定因素又含有不确定因素。

    Safety culture system is a complex system with many factors includes certain factors and uncertain factors .

  23. 心理契约视角下的企业文化系统测量评估研究

    Studies on the Measurement and Assessment of the Enterprise Culture System from the Perspective of Psychological Contract

  24. 运用数学方法提出了企业文化系统的两个维度,即员工心理契约与企业激励机制;

    CCS has two dimensions in mathematics method , that is , psychological contract and incentive mechanism .

  25. 它根植于文化系统,体现在思维和语言层面。

    It is deeply rooted in our culture , and is pervasive in everyday language and thought .

  26. 全球文化系统是由各不同文化体所构成的紧密结合相互依存的有机整体。

    Such a global cultural system is an organic body of world cultures that are interconnected and interdependent .

  27. 数学:开放的文化系统&怀尔德论数学发展的动力和规律

    Mathematics : an Open Cultural System & Wilder ' theory on the motive and regulation of mathematical development

  28. 在自上而下的过程中,高层次的秩序从未排斥低层次的民族文化系统。

    From the top-down perspective , the higher level order has never excluded lower level ethnic cultural systems .

  29. 在文化系统中,伦理道德是对社会生活秩序和个体生命秩序的深层规范。

    In the culture systems , ethics and morals deeply standardize the order of social life and individual life .

  30. 中国古代的礼器组合形式分为殷、周两大文化系统。

    The form of ritual vessels suite in ancient China can be divided into Yin and Zhou cultural systems .