
  1. 非营利组织筹资战略研究

    The Research on Money Raising Strategy of Non - Profit Organizations

  2. 非营利组织筹资心智模式转变

    On Non-profit Organizations ' Mental Mode Transformation in Fund Raising

  3. 然而营销活动对于提高我国非营利组织筹资能力和服务能力起着非常重要的作用,促进非营利组织营销科学化、规范化,使其走上正轨,是目前的首要任务之一。

    However marketing activities for improving the non-profit organization of our country financing ability and service ability plays a very important role . It is the primary task that the NPO marketing is on the right track .

  4. 进行市场化运作无论对于提高我国非营利组织的筹资能力和服务能力,还是推进政府职能的进一步转变都有着重要作用。

    The marketization operation not only can improve our non-profit organizations ' financial and service capability , but also can further promote transformation of government function .

  5. 然而,非营利组织的财务治理结构跟不上时代要求、非营利组织的财务信息不够规范透明、治理结构中财务背景人员缺失、非营利组织筹资难度大等一系列问题也日益凸显。

    However , the financial governance of nonprofit organizations cannot keep up with the times , the financial information of non-profit organization is not standardized and transparent , lack of financial professionals , difficult fund-raising , are all big issues of nonprofit organizations .