
  1. 现代金融炼金术与世界经济&财技术批判

    The Occult of Modern Finance and World Economy-The Critique of the Financial-tech

  2. 我们即将发现,它在多大程度上是由金融炼金术促成的。

    We are about to find out how much of it has been driven by financial alchemy .

  3. 他的第一本书《金融炼金术》被许多评论家斥责为一个成功的投机商的自我放纵。

    He writes that his first book , The Alchemy of Finance , was dismissed by many critics as the self-indulgence of a successful speculator .

  4. 在金融炼金术的点化下,信托公司将股权投资变成了能产生固定回报的结构化产品。

    With a touch of financial alchemy , trusts transform an equity investment into a structured product that yields a fixed return & that is , unless something goes wrong .