
  1. 传统的经济发展理论认为,经济增长过程本身是一个结构转换的过程,随着人均GDP的增加,服务业在GDP中的比重逐步上升。

    The traditional economic development theory believes that the process of economic growth itself is a process of structure transfer . The share of service sector in GDP is increasing with the per capita incomes growing .

  2. 二是针对三大约束因素提出相应的三个经济发展理论(区域X·Y·Z理论),以期对不发达地区的经济发展提供一个思路。

    The three economic theory ( X · Y · Z Theory ) are presented in accordance with the three restrain factors said above to hope to offer a train of thought for the economic development in the area .

  3. 西方区域经济发展理论的演变与启示

    Evolution of the Western Theories of Regional Development and Some Inspiration

  4. 产业集群理论是一种新的区域经济发展理论。

    The theory of industrial clusters is new to regional development .

  5. 产业集群:新型区域经济发展理论

    Industrial Cluster : A New Theory of Regional Economic Development

  6. 区域经济发展理论的新综合

    A New Synthesis of the Theory of Regional Economic Development

  7. 马克思的经济发展理论与我国经济的可持续发展

    The Economic Development Theory of Marx and Sustainable Development of China Economy

  8. 新制度主义经济发展理论评析

    Comments on the Economic Development Theory of the Doctrine of New System

  9. 开放型区域经济发展理论研究

    A Study on Development Theory of Open Regional Economy

  10. 第一章是现代经济发展理论研究。

    The first chapter is the review of the modern economic development theory .

  11. 县域经济发展理论体系的构建

    On the Construction of the Theoretical System for the Development of Country Economy

  12. 外资与经济发展理论综述

    Research on Foreign Capital and Economic Development Theory

  13. 高速公路点-轴型区域经济发展理论研究

    Research into the Theories on Point Axle Type System of Expressways for Regional Economy Development

  14. 现代经济发展理论表明,人力资本对经济发展有着重要作用。

    Modern economic development theory that human capital plays an important role in economic development .

  15. 区域经济发展理论应该也有可能进行综合创新。

    It is possible to make comprehensive innovations in the theory of regional economic development .

  16. 因此,有关经济发展理论,为中国经济思想家所主张。

    Therefore , the theories on economy development were claimed by majority of Chinese economic thinker .

  17. 实际上,我们并不清楚这是否是一种普适的经济发展理论。

    Indeed , it not clear that this is a universally applicable theory of economic growth .

  18. 其次,对金融发展与经济发展理论按照时间顺序进行了回顾。

    Second , the paper reviewed theories of financial development and economic development in chronological order .

  19. 经济发展理论的演变:一个文献综述

    Evolution of Economic Development Theories

  20. 农业区域经济发展理论与政策研究&以山东省为例

    Research on the Theory and Policy of the Regional Agricultural Economy Development & A Case of Shandong Province

  21. 东南亚国家经济发展理论与实践管窥旅游社会学研究的理论流派

    Study on Theoretical Approaches and Realities of Southeast Asian Economic Development On the Theoretical Approaches of Tourism Sociology

  22. 绿色农业、白色农业、蓝色农业&三色农业,是符合科学发展观的创新型农业经济发展理论。

    The green-white-blue agriculture is a new agricultural economy growth theory conforming to the law of scientific growth .

  23. 工业化作为经济发展理论的核心问题,历来受到经济学家们的关注。

    As a core subject in the theory of economic development , industrialization is always concerned by economists .

  24. 在各种区域经济发展理论的指导下,各国都在对区域经济的发展进行积极的探索。

    And , almost every country is searching its own road to develop regional economy with the theory about regional economics .

  25. 本文先对国内外区域经济发展理论和国内及江苏省区域经济差异的研究现状进行了文献回顾,并对区域经济相关理论的观点进行概述。

    This paper first reviews regional economic development theory at home and abroad and analyzes the progress of Jiangsu economical disparity research .

  26. 误区之一:非资本主义道路&非洲国家独立后经济发展理论和思想的总结

    An erroneous choice : " the non-capitalist road " & a summary of the economic development theories and thoughts in post-independence African countries

  27. 过去三种主要区域经济发展理论:梯度推移、增长极与地域生产综合体理论,都存在着明显的不足。

    Obvious defects exist in the three traditional theories of regional economic development : Disparity Transference , Development Poles and Regional Production Complexes .

  28. 经济发展理论和实践表明,产业结构与经济的稳定发展有着内在联系。

    It is indicative in the economic growth theory and economic practice that industrial structure is interrelated with the economic stableness and growth .

  29. 创新理论的创始人约瑟夫·阿洛伊斯·熊彼特在《经济发展理论》中提出了创新理论的概念。

    The founder of the innovation theory Joseph Alois Schumpeter put forward the concept of " Innovation Theory " in Theory of Economic Development .

  30. 国家创新体系作为一种新的经济发展理论,是在知识经济已见端倪的时代背景下产生的。

    The State 's innovation system as a new economic developing theory comes into being at the time when there is an inkling of knowledge economics .