
  1. ——西班牙IE商学院(IEBusinessSchool)组织行为学与人力资源学助理教授克里蒂?哈因(KritiJain)

    Kriti Jain , assistant professor in organisational behaviour and human resources , IE Business School

  2. 基于胜任特征模型(CompetencyModel)的探索,建立新型的人力资源开发与管理体系,是上世纪70年代以来,组织行为学和人力资源管理理论研究的前沿课题之一。

    Research into Human Research Development and Management based on Competency Model has been momentum in last forty years in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management research .

  3. 上级的社会支持(SupervisorySocialSupport)的研究属于组织行为学的范畴,是管理学理论和实证研究的热点之一。

    The study on supervisory social support belongs to the field of organizational behavior . It is one of the hot issues in terms of managerial theories and empirical research .

  4. 2001年,斯坦福大学(Stanford)组织行为学教授拉里萨•蒂登斯组织了一项研究,参与者分别观看了比尔•克林顿对莫妮卡•莱温斯基丑闻的反应。

    In a 2001 study published by Stanford organizational behavior Professor Larissa tiedens , participants watched videos of Bill Clinton responding to the Monica Lewinsky scandal .

  5. 华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)组织行为学教授安德鲁斯托蒂(AndrewSturdy)最近进行了一项为期三年的研究,得出的结论是:咨询机构并不像我们往往想象得那么具有创新性和与众不同。

    A recent three-year study led by Andrew Sturdy , professor of organisational behaviour at Warwick Business School , concluded that " consultants are not as innovative or different as is often thought " .

  6. 我们的第一学期挤满了核心科目:经济学、公司财务与会计学、组织行为学、营销学及计量方法学(mba课程的基础)。

    Our first term was packed with core courses on economics , corporate finance and accountancy , organisational behaviour , marketing and quantitative methods the bread and butter of any MBA course .

  7. 基于系统科学的角度,结合管理学、组织行为学、心理学和社会学等学科知识,运用SWOT分析矩阵对东西部新建本科学校进行环境分析。

    Based on the view of system science , with the knowledge of management science , organizational behavior , psychology and sociology , the author uses SWOT analysis matrix to analyze new undergraduate schools for development .

  8. 在这里以中央电大工商管理本科专业的组织行为学课程为例来探讨AIDA教学模式在课堂教学中的应用。

    Here quote course of " Organization Behavior " to explore the application of AIDA teaching model in class in class .

  9. ERP(EnterpriseResourcePlanning)成为当今企业管理的解决方案,它是由信息技术支持的,运用现代数学方法、组织行为学等手段解决企业管理的问题,ERP的本质是一场管理革命。

    ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) has become the solution of enterprise management . Supported by information technology , ERP solute problem of enterprise management by means of modern mathematic method and science of organizational behavior . The essence of ERP is a revolution management science .

  10. 欧洲工商管理学院的组织行为学副教授詹皮埃罗簠靟里利埃里(GianpieroPetriglieri)在《哈佛商业评论》上写了一篇文章,回击Zappos拟扼杀管理角色的举动。

    Gianpiero Petriglieri , associate professor of organisational behaviour at Insead , wrote a riposte in the HBR to Zappos " efforts to kill the management role .

  11. 杜伦大学商学院组织行为学教授蒂莫西克拉克(timothyclark)表示,研究员带来了从业经验、不同的视角和新颖的创意,促使现有职员对其教学进行反思。

    Timothy Clark , Professor of organisational behaviour at Durham and mentor to MS Hodges , says the fellows bring practitioner experience , different perspectives and novel ideas and make existing staff reflect on their teaching .

  12. 以及“成为领袖:如何在不冒犯或激怒他人的情况下改变他人”。阅读这本书,你就不必花费大量时间观看泛泛而谈的Ted演讲,或者阅读组织行为学教授大量显而易见的高见。

    and " Be a Leader : How to Change People Without Giving Offence or Arousing Resentment . " Reading it , you can spare yourself hours of flaccid Ted talks and reams of self-evident claims from professors in organisational behaviour .

  13. 根据自己团队的研究,洛桑大学(UniversityofLausanne)组织行为学教授约翰褠东纳基斯(JohnAntonakis)说,学习了12种个人魅力特质——例如讲话声音生动活泼或者表达道德信念——的领导者变得“更具影响力、更值得信赖、更具有领袖气质”。

    Drawing from his team 's study , John Antonakis , professor of organisational behaviour at the University of Lausanne , says that leaders who learn 12 charismatic traits - such as using an animated voice or expressing moral conviction - become more " influential , trustworthy and leaderlike . "

  14. 欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)组织行为学副教授詹皮埃罗簠靟里利埃里(GianpieroPetriglieri)认为社交媒体的崛起引发了所谓的“展示焦虑”,让人们感到脆弱。

    Gianpiero Petriglieri , associate professor of organisational behaviour at Insead Business School , sees the rise of social media as triggering what has become known as " presentation anxiety , " making people feel vulnerable .

  15. 北卡罗莱纳大学Kenan-Flagler商学院组织行为学教授戴维•霍夫曼(DavidHofmann)表示,这种自上而下进行改变的缺点在于,它告诉机构内其它部门,你就是问题所在。

    The weakness with top-down changes like these , says David Hofmann , professor of organisational behaviour at the Kenan-Flagler business school at the University of North Carolina , is that it tells the rest of the organisation that you are the problem .

  16. 思想政治教育创新&以组织行为学的视角

    Innovations in Ideological Education & On the Perspective of Organizational Behavioristics

  17. 组织行为学在房地产开发项目管理中的应用

    Application of Organizational Performance to Project Management of Real Estate Development

  18. 国家工程研究中心转制的组织行为学研究

    Study on Organization Behavior of National Engineering Research Center in Transformation

  19. 论组织行为学中的组织政治知觉

    On the Perception of Organizational Politics in the Science of Organizational Behavior

  20. 在组织行为学教学中使用案例教学法五得

    Application of the Case Teaching Method in Organization Behavior Course

  21. 基于组织行为学的极限编程中的沟通准则

    The Communication Principle of Extreme Programming Based on Organizational Behavior

  22. 杰弗里-菲佛是斯坦福大学研究生院组织行为学的教授。

    Jeffrey Pfeffer teaches organizational behavior at Stanfords Graduate School of Business .

  23. 组织行为学作为一门新兴学科,更是与人性假设紧密相关。

    Because organization and behavior are related to human nature in practice .

  24. 组织行为学是信息管理与信息系统专业的一门专业选修课程。

    It is the information management and an information system special course .

  25. 组织行为学是研究人们在组织中行为反应规律性的学科。

    Organizational behavior is the study of how people act in organizations .

  26. 近年来信任在组织行为学中是一个研究热点。

    In recent years , trust has becoming a hotspot in organizational behavior .

  27. 论现代组织行为学中的人性假设

    On Assumption of Human Nature in Organization and Behavior

  28. 高等教育应重视培养学生健全的人格&《组织行为学》中人格理论的运用

    Attention to build student perfect personality in higher education

  29. 企业伦理,人力资源管理,企业文化,组织行为学。

    Corporate Ethics ; Human Resource Management ; Corporate Culture ; Organizational Behavior ;

  30. 激励是组织行为学中的核心问题,也是管理中的一项重要职能。

    Encouragement is the core of organization behavior as well as an important function .