
  1. 国外钻井现场HSE管理的实践与认识

    Practice and cognition of HSE management in oversea drilling sites

  2. 用5S理论规范病房药品管理的实践

    Application of 5 S Theory in Ward Drug Control

  3. 同时我们也注意到了,客户关系管理的实践需要付出一定成本,还要正确区别客户关系管理与CRM系统,正确对待二者的关系。

    At the same time , we realize that it need to pay out cost and distinguish the Customer Relationship Management and CRM system .

  4. 以B/S体系结构及WWW技术为基础,结合唐山师范学院教务管理的实践,阐述了唐山师范学院教务管理信息系统的总体设计思路。

    Based on B / S and WWW technology , the Teaching Management Information System of Tangshan Teachers College is generally designed in combination with the practice of teaching administration .

  5. 宁夏高速公路机电系统维护管理的实践与探索

    Ningxia Express Highway Electromechanical System Maintenance Manages Practice and the Exploration

  6. 科教兴农目标管理的实践探索中华农业科教基金信息管理系统

    The information management system for China agriculture science and technology fund

  7. 我国建设工程项目管理的实践研究

    Study on the Practice of Project Management in China Construction Work

  8. 工程项目采购管理的实践与探讨

    The practice and search on the method purchase to engineering material

  9. 健康体检质量管理的实践和思考

    A Practice and Consideration on the Quality Management of Medical Examination

  10. 缩短模具开发周期与生产管理的实践

    Practice and research of the management of construction cycle of mould

  11. 莲花水电站建设合同管理的实践

    Practice of contract management in the construction of Lianhua Hydropower Station

  12. 海南省肺结核病归口管理的实践及成效

    Results of practicing mamagement of pulmonary tuberculosis by professional control bodies

  13. 公共投资项目管理的实践和探索

    Practice and Probing into the Management of Public Investment Projects

  14. 教学设备经费管理的实践与探索

    Practice and exploration in administration of teaching & equipment funds

  15. 外科护士长做好时间位点管理的实践

    Discussion on the time point management for surgical head nurses

  16. 成都铁路局推行全面预算管理的实践

    The Practice of Rolling Out Full Budget Management in Chengdu Railway Administration

  17. 广东省高速公路服务区经营管理的实践与发展构想

    A Practice and Conception of Guangdong Expressway Service Station Management

  18. 大型精密仪器科学化管理的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration on Scientific Managing of Large-Scale Precision Instrument

  19. 结核病控制督导管理的实践与探讨

    Discussion on the guidance and management of tuberculosis control program

  20. 用软实力驾驭硬实力&打造一流车间管理的实践该校有实力雄厚的一队。

    Practice on Top-ranking Workshop Management The school has a strong side .

  21. 总医院开展临床专业学位管理的实践

    Management and Practice of Professional Degree System in Clinical Medicine

  22. 对医学装备建设实施标准化管理的实践

    The practice on implementing standardized management towards developing medical equipments

  23. 上海市容责任区管理的实践

    The Practice of Responsibility Region Management for Shanghai City Appearance

  24. 严格工程签证管理的实践与思考

    Practice and Consideration of Strict Management of Construction Inspection Verification

  25. 深圳河流污染综合治理工程项目管理的实践与研究

    Practice and Research on Administration of Shenzhen River Pollution Comprehensive Control Projects

  26. 目前,国际上一些知名大公司已成为绿色供应链管理的实践先驱。

    Presently , some big companies in the world put it into practice .

  27. 加强科技论文定量管理的实践

    Practice of Enhancement in Quantity Management of Scientific Papers

  28. 工商银行推行精细化管理的实践与思考

    Practices and Thoughts of Intensive Management Promoting in ICBC

  29. 对工程建设设计项目进行技术管理的实践

    Practice on Carrying on Technology Management to Construction Project

  30. 实训基地建设和管理的实践

    A Project on Building and Managing the Practice Base