
  1. 论本身违法原则早期适用对《谢尔曼法》的影响

    On Effect of Early Enforcement of Per Se Illegality Principle on Sherman Act

  2. 职业体育联盟是相互竞争的球队业主之间的合作,形成的市场优势被认为是损害了消费者利益,违背了谢尔曼法。

    It seemed that the Leagues ' market advantage through cooperation of league clubs that compete with one another had injury consumer and violate antitrust law .

  3. 现代反垄断法始于美国颁布的《谢尔曼法》,迄今已有一百多年的历史。

    From the beginning of the United States enacted " the Sherman Act ", the modern Anti-monopoly law has gone through the course of one hundred years .

  4. 就在《谢尔曼法》在铁路产业得到实施的同时,洛克菲勒的标准石油托拉斯继续无情地冲击着石油业。

    Even as the Sherman Act played out in the railroad industry , Rockefeller 's Standard Oil Trust continued to wage a relentless assault on the petroleum industry .

  5. 直到1945年,美国法院才在美国铝公司案中确立了对外国企业也可适用《谢尔曼法》。

    In 1945 , the U.S court ruled in the United States v. Aluminium & Co. of America case that the Sherman Act can be applied to the foreign enterprise .

  6. 从谢尔曼法开始,美国反垄断法走过了扩大政府权力、积极干预经济运行与抑制公共权力、宽容企业自由的风雨历程。

    From Sherman law , the anti-monopoly laws in USA experienced the process of expanding government 's power , actively intervening economic operation , restraining public power and tolerating the freedom of enterprise .

  7. 但由于其不可替代的价值适应经济发展的需要,而且,1840年制定的反垄断法(谢尔曼法)有效的防止了表决权信托被当做垄断经营的手段。

    But because its irreplaceable value adapt to the needs of economic development , and the formulation of the antimonopoly law ( Sherman ) in 1840 , effectively prevent the voting trust is as means to achieve monopoly .

  8. 1995年,司法部正式指控犯有固定的法学教授的薪水等谢尔曼反托拉斯法的行为,ABA的。

    In1995 , the Justice Department formally charged the ABA with fixing law professors'salaries , among other Sherman Anti-Trust Act violations .

  9. 《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》缘何使用普通法条款

    Political Intentions of Common Law items in the Sherman Antitrust Law

  10. 《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》放弃最初的竞争条款,意图通过政治干预,保护中小生产者的市场定价权力,缓解其面临的工业化困境。

    The Sherman Antitrust Law abolished the original item of " competition ", and intended to alleviate the middle and small producers from the industrial pressure by way of political intervention .

  11. 罗斯福总统认为这个公司违反了谢尔曼的反托拉斯法。

    SHEP O'NEAL : President Roosevelt believed the company violated the Sherman Anti-Trust Law .