
  1. 首先谈谈《基业长青》(BuilttoLast)而不是《从优秀到卓越》(GoodtoGreat)。

    But , I can say two things now .

  2. 他说,吉姆o柯林斯的《从优秀到卓越》(GoodtoGreat)这类书籍已经把聚光灯置于组织文化之上,从而激发公司寻找在这一领域拥有专长的演讲者。

    Books such as Jim Collins ' Good to Great have put a spotlight on organizational culture , prodding companies to look for speakers with expertise in that area , he says .

  3. 在《从优秀到卓越》(GoodtoGreat)中,吉姆·科林斯(JimCollins)称,他的研究小组“发现管理层薪酬与企业从优秀走向卓越的过程没有系统性联系。”

    In Good to Great , Jim Collins said his team ' found no systematic pattern linking executive compensation to the process of going from good to great . '

  4. 吉姆•柯林斯(JimCollins)在其畅销商业著作《从优秀到卓越》中介绍了一些最杰出的首席执行官,其中大多数人都不接受采访。

    Most of the outstanding chief executives profiled in Good to Great , Jim Collins 's best-selling business book , did not give interviews .

  5. 中国烟草从优秀到卓越?卷烟叶组配方分组研究

    Study on Tobacco Blend Grouping of Chinese Type Cigarette

  6. 如何从优秀到卓越2005年深市公司清欠解保情况分析

    Analysis of Clearing off Outstanding Debts and Security by Shenzhen-Listed Companies in 2005

  7. 单论他的上一本书《从优秀到卓越》,销量就高达400万册。

    A previous one ," Good to Great ", sold more than4m copies .

  8. 中国烟草从优秀到卓越?论我国烟草专卖制度

    On China 's Tobacco Monopolization System

  9. 2001年,整个美国都沉浸在911事件的绝望中,互联网泡沫经济露出本相,《从优秀到卓越》缓解了这些不满情绪;

    " Good to Great "( 2001 ) was an antidote to the despair that gripped America in the wake of September11th2001 and the dotcom bust .

  10. 企业从优秀到卓越就是要有竞争的能力,而执行力让企业拥有迈向成功的竞争力。

    The enterprise develops from being outstanding to remarkable must have the competition ability . The Executive Ability can enable the enterprise the competitive power to success .

  11. 在《从优秀到卓越》和《基业长青》中,的确有部分内容的研究过程改变着我自身。

    And there are a number of things in " good to great " and " built to last " and so forth that I could see changing me as we studied them .

  12. 通过建设综合网管支撑系统,支撑中国移动实现集中化高效运维管理和生产体系,达到从优秀到卓越的跨越。

    Through the construction of integrated network management support system , support China Mobile to achieve centralized efficient maintenance management and production systems , reached from the " good " to " excellent " change .

  13. 最近我一直在重温吉姆•柯林斯的著作,他是我最喜欢的管理学作家之一,曾著有畅销书《从优秀到卓越》,还和杰里•波勒斯合作出版过《基业常青》。

    Lately I 've been re-reading one of my favorite management writers , Jim Collins , the author of the best-selling " Good to Great ", and co-author with Jim Porras of " Built to Last " .

  14. 一些他总是津津乐道的公司最近可遇到了不小的麻烦。比如,《基业常青》里的惠普和摩托罗拉公司,《从优秀到卓越》里的电路城及房利美公司均已落马。

    Some of the companies that he has celebrated over the years Hewlett Packard and Motorola in " Built to Last " and Circuit City and Fannie Mae in " Good to Great " have fallen from grace .

  15. 为实现新时期的新跨越,中国移动对于做世界一流企业,实现从优秀到卓越的战略,明确提出了保持国际领先地位,建设具有国际竞争力的大型企业集团新的目标定位。

    China Mobile Communications Corporation for the deepening of advancing to do world-class enterprises , to achieve a new-leap from good to great " strategy explicitly targeting " to maintain international leadership , construction of large enterprise groups with international competitiveness .

  16. 刘正威和德龙德认为,管理学研究与其激励经理人从“优秀到卓越”(反驳吉姆•柯林斯的另一本畅销书《从优秀到卓越》(GoodtoGreat)),还不如教他们如何从“难以胜任到称职”来得实际。

    Professor Liu and Professor De Rond suggest that rather than urging managers to go from " good to great " ( a jab at another Jim Collins bestseller ) , it would be more realistic if research taught them how to move " from incompetent to OK . "

  17. 但是我希望,在2015年会有真正高效的电子邮件管理解决方案面世,可以从优秀升华到卓越,让电邮的数量不再那么疯狂地增长。

    But my hope , my wish , is that 2015 is the year truly effective email management solutions go from good to great & and that email volume goes from crazy to sane .