
  1. 他招手把另一姓罗的保镖叫过来。

    He beckoned a second bodyguard , lou .

  2. 她说,”圣诞“这一姓的起源是威尔士。

    The last name of Christmas has its origins in Wales , she said .

  3. 一姓一门能有如此荣耀,恐怕是极其罕见的。

    A surname is a door to have such an honor , be afraid is extremely rare .

  4. 祠堂大门上的匾额写着四个大字:全村一姓。

    Above the door of this temple , there were inscribed the words : WE ARE ALL FROM ONE FAMILY .

  5. 他们家原不是一家子,不过因出一姓,当年又与太老爷在一处作官,偶然连了宗的。

    They joined families because they have the same surname and their granDfather was an official in the same place as our old master .

  6. 两千年前的汉代,华阴山北面,住着一姓杨的农户。

    During the Han dynasty , about two thousand years ago , to the north of Huayin Mountain , there lived a family called Yang .

  7. 党在村落中的组织,因居住关系,许多是一姓的党员为一个支部,支部会议简直同时就是家族会议。

    In the Party organizations in the villages , it often happens that a branch meeting virtually becomes a clan meeting , since branches consist of members bearing the same family name and living close together .

  8. 在约两千年前的汉代,华阴山北面,住着一姓杨的农户。他们全家都是农民,非常珍爱他们的独子,并给他起名叫做宝&财宝的意思。

    During the Han dynasty , about two thousand years ago , to the north of Huayin Mountain , there lived a family called Yang . They were farmers , and had only one child , who was so precious to him that they named him Treasure Pao .

  9. 一个姓吕的道士,也住在这家店里。

    A Taoist priest surnamed Lii was also staying there .

  10. 春秋时期,鲁国一户姓施的人家,有两个儿子,一个学文,一个学武。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period , a Shi family in the State of Lu had two sons . One of them studied liberal arts and the other martial1 arts .

  11. 宋国有一户姓丁的人家,由于自家没井,每次都要花一整天时间到很远的地方去担水。

    The Ding family in the State of Song had no well of its own . someone in the family sometimes had to spend a whole day doing nothing but fetch water from a distance .

  12. 宋朝一个姓杜的四川人藏有一幅戴蒿的斗牛画,十分珍惜,经常带在身边把玩,天气好时还不时拿出来晾晒.

    In Song dynasty , a person who lived in Sichuan province with a surname of Du collected a painting of ox by Dai Song , and he cherished it very much and often took it out to appreciate it . And he even often dries it in sunny days .

  13. 一个姓Strange的律师去买墓碑。

    A lawyer named Strange was shopping for a tombstone .

  14. 在激活自己的新iPhone7之后,一位姓黄的女士惊呆了,因为她发现手机相册中有82张陌生人的照片。

    A woman surnamed Huang was astonished after activating her new iPhone7 and finding 82 photos already in the phone 's album .

  15. 几天前,一位姓“小泉”(koizumi)的男子在日本国会站起身来,就一项法案投了反对票。

    A few days ago , a man named Koizumi stood up in the Japanese parliament to vote against a bill .

  16. Apple(苹果)这个姓常常把人逗乐以前我可没有这种幽默感,直到遇见一位姓Orange(橙子)的女士,我才感到好笑但我从没想过会有记者打电话来。

    People are often tickled by the name Apple - the humour had escaped me until I met a woman with the last name Orange and found it hilarious - but I hadn 't expected reporters to come calling .

  17. Jia的亲戚,一个姓郑的中年妇女这样告诉我们。“封闭式管理”看起来就是这样的:所有街道和通向村庄的小路都加上了大门。

    " Sealed management " looks like this : Gates are placed at the street and alley entrances to the villages , which are collections of walled compounds sprinkled with shops and outdoor vendors .

  18. 因为你与一位姓金的韩国男子结过婚。

    Because you were married to a Korean man surnamed kim .

  19. 我一定要和孩子们一个姓。

    I have to have the same name as my children .

  20. 一是姓前名后。

    One , the family name is before the first name .

  21. 您好,我有一个姓高的名字的预定。

    Hi , I have a reservation under the name Gao .

  22. “他就是一个姓盖茨比的人呗。”

    " He 's just a man named gatsby . "

  23. 我们去到一位姓梁的工厂女工家里。

    We went to the home of a woman factory worker named liang .

  24. 她和一个姓余的同志结了婚。

    She has been married to a comrade yu .

  25. 有一位姓魏的先生想报名参加一个活动。

    A man surnamed Wei would like to sign up for an activity .

  26. 一个姓黄的同业在途中瞥见了他,站定了问。

    A colleague by the name of Huang saw him and called out .

  27. 是一位姓陈的来电话。

    It 's a Chen on the phone .

  28. 北京一位姓黄的美容师说,女性希望自己的外表更像白种人。

    A Beijing-based cosmetic surgeon surnamed Huang said women wanted to look more Caucasian .

  29. 一位姓陈的女士借过我的钱。

    A Miss Chen borrowed money from me .

  30. 齐举了一个姓夏的朋友作为例子。

    Qi cited one of her friends , surnamed Xia , as an example .