
yī yī
  • one by one;each;separately;one after another;each one
一一 [yī yī]
  • [one by one;one after another] 一个一个地;依次地

  • 一一检查

  • 好一一听之。--《韩非子.内诸说上》

  • 一一以叶自彰。--三国魏.邯郸淳《笑林》

  • 一一为具言。--晋.陶渊明《桃花源记》

  • 一一自辨。--宋.王安石《答司马谏议书》

  • 一一详述之。--清.方苞《狱中杂记》

一一[yī yī]
  1. 他对照片里的人一一作了介绍。

    He explained who each person in the photo was .

  2. 学生上公共汽车时老师一一清点人数。

    The teacher checked off each pupil as he got on the bus .

  3. 她能一一说出所有的国王和王后的名字。

    She could recite a list of all the kings and queens .

  4. 星期一一早这个报告就得放在我的办公桌上。

    I need the report on my desk first thing Monday morning .

  5. 我们眼看着事态的发展一一呈现在镜头前。

    We watched the events unroll before the cameras .

  6. 将车的特征从1到10编号按重要性一一列出。

    Number the car 's features from 1 to 10 according to importance .

  7. 萨姆完全出于主动,开始把那天夜里发生的事一一向我们说了出来。

    Quite unprompted , Sam started telling us exactly what had happened that night .

  8. 关于那个晚上的影像和记忆在她脑海中一一闪现。

    Images and memories of the evening flitted through her mind .

  9. 她什么都读,新闻中的任何只言片语都要一一揣摩。

    She read everything , digesting every fragment of news .

  10. 他在一场残酷的权力争斗中将对手一一铲除。

    He eliminated his rivals in a brutal struggle for power

  11. 霍尔小姐点名后把它们一一划掉。

    Miss Hoare called out names and marked them off .

  12. 他坚持每一项减税都要和支出削减一一对应。

    He insists any tax cut be matched dollar-for-dollar with cuts in spending .

  13. 首相正设法在政治上将对手一一驳倒。

    The Prime Minister was trying to score a political point over his rivals

  14. 凯莉一生经历了各种艰巨的任务与挑战,她都一一成功应对了。

    All her life , Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges , and triumphed

  15. 他看着电话,把绝望和愤怒一一压下。

    He looked at the telephone , fighting down first the despair and then the anger .

  16. 她想睡觉,但头脑中想法不断涌现,画面一一闪现。

    She tried to sleep , but thoughts crowded in and images flashed into her mind .

  17. 英语中,每个书写符号和每个独特发音之间没有固定的一一对应关系。

    In English , there is not a consistent one-to-one match between each written symbol and each distinct spoken sound .

  18. 这个球队将对手一一击败。

    The team defeated their opponents .

  19. 他微笑着将在场的人一一作了介绍。

    With a smile , he makes introductions all round .

  20. 限于篇幅,来电不能一一登载。

    Due to limited space , we cannot publish all the messages received .

  21. 已将叛乱分子一一缉拿归案。

    All the rebels have been brought to justice .

  22. 一位有礼貌的年轻女士走过来把已到的客人在名单上一一勾掉。

    A polite young lady came round checking off the guests one by one .

  23. 事物的细微变动,人生的狡猾,倏忽无常,一一都在光中显露出来。

    Light reveals the subtle alteration of things , the sly or calamitous impermanence or mortal life .

  24. 看守们将犯人一一搜了一遍,以确定他们没有私藏武器。

    The guards went over the prisoners one by one to see that they were not hiding any weapons .

  25. 毛毛虫和蝴蝶不能一一对应。

    Not every caterpillar and butterfly matched .

  26. 新泽西学区为学生减压一一暴露出种族差别

    New Jersey School District Eases Pressure on Students — Baring an Ethnic Divide

  27. 新一批年轻女性一一所谓千禧一代的成员们一一在过去的十年中陆续进入职场。

    A new batch of young women — members of the so-called Millennial generation — has been entering the workforce for the past decade .

  28. 相关出版物太多,没法一一列举

    The related publications are far too numerous to list individually .

  29. 这些问题将于《解开达文西密码》中一一解答

    All of these questions will be answered on Unlocking DaVinci 's Code .

  30. 然后,他把拿来的箭一一折断,扔在地下。

    Then , he broke the arrows one by one and threw them on the ground .