
  1. 一票难求。

    Tickets were like gold dust .

  2. 虽然人们可以在博物馆的网站上获得免费门票,但一票难求。

    Although people could get free tickets on the museum 's website , it was difficult to get a ticket .

  3. 《人民日报》的一则报道将《阿凡达》一票难求的主要原因归结为国内电影院3D银幕资源的稀缺。

    A report by the People 's Daily ( in Chinese ) attributes the difficulty in getting tickets partly to the scarcity of3D screens in China .

  4. 然而,由于创业板上市资格的一票难求,不少中小企业会扭曲真实的企业财务盈余情况,粉饰上市所需的相关财务指标来尽快完成创业板IPO。

    However , taking the hard GEM qualification into consideration , more and more small and median enterprises will distort the real financial surplus situation and whitewash the required financial indicators for listing on GEM IPO as soon as possible .

  5. 火车票由于供小于求,又会是一票难求的争夺。

    Tickets demands will far exceed supply during the period .

  6. 不论是他今年的个人演唱会,还是乐队的巡回演出,都是一票难求。

    Both his solo concerts and record label crew tour are hot tickets this year .

  7. 目前,阿卡铁路一票难求,甚至列车通道上也时常挤满了旅客。

    The train tickets are often . Sometimes even the train aisle is crowded with passengers .

  8. 其实大家都知道过年期间真的是一票难求啊。

    In fact , we all know that during the new year is really hard to get a vote .

  9. 我希望我的歌迷能够拿到足够的入场票;听说首映那天的票是一票难求。

    I hope my fans are able to get enough tickets , I know they 've been hard to get .

  10. 端午世博游价格涨两成,旅行社世博团报名名额“一票难求”。

    The price of Shanghai Expo tour doubled during Drangon Boat Festival , making it hard to register in a travel agency .

  11. 由于火车票一票难求而飞机票又太贵了,骑单车成为许多“穷游族”的热门出行方式。

    With train tickets not easily available and flights too expensive , bicycles are a popular method of transportation for many budget travelers .

  12. 由于火车票一票难求而飞机票又太贵了,骑单车成为许多穷游族的热门出行方式。

    Cycling With train tickets not easily available and flights too expensive , bicycles are a popular method of transportation for many budget travelers .

  13. 每年春运期间,巨大的客流造成一票难求的景象,火车票尤其如此。

    With a large number of people traveling during the period , getting a ticket , especially a train ticket , has been difficult every year .

  14. 他最新主演的一部反映婚姻中紧张关系的影片《永不说再见》在孟买一经上映便出现场场满座、一票难求的盛况。

    His latest movie'Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna ' ( Never Say Goodbye ), a film about marital tensions , is playing to packed houses in Mumbai .

  15. 可观的票房收入和一票难求的情况反映出她的受欢迎度没有下降,在风云变幻新人层出不穷的歌坛,她的标志性影响力没有褪色。

    A prosperous box office and ticket demand revealed no sign of a decline in popularity , her iconic influence never faded in the capricious and constantly updating entertainment industry .

  16. 特别是春运、黄金周等客流高峰期,铁路客运一票难求的现象尤为突出,为倒票卖票现象的存在提供了基础。

    Especially the Spring Festival Golden Week and other peak passenger flow , passenger rail phenomenon of a ticket is hard especially for scalping tickets provide the basis for the existence of the phenomenon .

  17. 平日,约翰的演奏会举行时,一张票超过100美元,且一票难求。

    However , in normal days , when John is about to hold a concert , one ticket can be sold at more than 100 dollars and it is extremely hard to buy a ticket even at such a high price .

  18. 每年春运期间,巨大的客流造成一票难求的景象,火车票尤其如此。人们不得不在火车站外排起长龙,甚至是整夜排队。

    With a large number of people traveling during the period , getting a ticket , especially a train ticket , has been difficult every year . People often have to wait in long queues in railway stations , even over night .

  19. 上周六,一年一度、全球最大规模迁徙的春运正式拉开序幕。尽管交通部门已采取了应急预案来确保春运旅客的顺畅出行,但供求之间巨大的缺口仍使得火车票一票难求。

    Transport authorities have taken contingency measures to ensure the smooth movement of people during the world ` s largest annual migration that started on Saturday , but train tickets are still hard to get because of the gap between supply and demand .

  20. 这省下不少时间。但我还是觉得春节前一票难求,网上刚一开始放票,所有到我家的车票就被瞬间抢光了。

    It saves me a lot of time . But still I found it very difficult to get a ticket before the Spring Festival , and all the tickets to my hometown seemed to be gone in a flash after they started selling online .

  21. 但由于建设滞后,客观上造成铁路运能在一定时期内表现为一种稀缺性资源,这就更加放大了铁路客运供需市场一票难求的非均衡效应。

    However , due to construction lags , it causes objectively performance of the railway transport capacity in a period of time as a scarce resource , which is enlarged passenger rail supply market , " Hard - to-get a ticket ," the unbalanced effects .