
  • 网络one-dimensional array;one dimensional array;Single-dimension Array;one dimension array
  1. 在本例中,$output变量是一个一维数组,其内的每个元素都是一行输出。

    In this case , the $ output variable is a one-dimensional array in which each element is a line of output .

  2. 操作一维数组的程序中,数组的很多性质需要使用量化断言(如全称断言)来描述。

    In programs operating on one-dimensional array , quantified assertions ( like universal quantifier assertions ) are needed to express properties of arrays .

  3. 本文将一维数组的几种常用排序方法直接推广到二维数组中,并给出了相应的优化BASIC语言程序供读者参考。

    In this paper we extend the method of sorting one dimensional array elements to two-dimensional array elements and give corresponding optimum BASIC program for user 's choice .

  4. 新算法仅需要一个大小为n的一维数组,空间复杂度为O(n)。

    The new algorithm only needs an array whose size is n , so the space complexity is O ( n ) .

  5. 这个结果是一组数组,它紧贴服务器IP地址的一维数组,并且传回给调用者。

    The result is an array of arrays , which is flattened to a single dimensional array of server IP addresses and passed back to the caller .

  6. 要创建一个类型为a[m]的一维数组(这里的m是一个已经被定义和初始化的整数变量),可以在UML模型中在这个数组变量a上运行cpptype原型。

    To create a single dimensional array of the type a [ m ] ( where m is an integer variable already defined and initialized ), apply the cpp_type stereotype on the array variable a in the UML model .

  7. 给出一种时间复杂度为O(n)的一维数组循环移动的高效算法,并给出用PASCAL语言实现的方法及技巧。

    A high efficiency algorithm on which asymptotic time complexity is O ( n ) on loopy moving of array element is given in this paper , and some skills and techniques are provided with Pascal language .

  8. 高级bash特性向用户提供比以前更强的能力(例如,纪元、函数、信号控制、多个扩展、命令历史、使用一维数组的方法)。

    Advanced bash features ( for example , epoch , functions , signal control , multiple extensions , command history , the means of using one-dimensional arrays ) that give users much more power than before .

  9. JIFEX软件系统的数据管理系统&JINEGS系统在内存中动态分配的一维数组来进行数据管理。

    In JIFEX software system , the data is managed by the JINEGS system in which an array is dynamic allocated in main memory .

  10. 请求的操作只支持一维数组。

    Only single dimensional arrays are supported for the requested action .

  11. 一维数组循环移动的高效算法

    A High Efficiency Algorithm on Loopy Moving of Array Element

  12. 此处只支持一维数组。

    Only single dimensional arrays are supported here .

  13. 保持简单的设计和使用一维数组总是更好的做法。

    It is always better to keep the design simple and use single-dimensional arrays .

  14. 一个比较激进的方法就是把一个多维数组分割成几个平行的一维数组

    A somewhat more radical idea is to slice up multidimensional arrays into parallel single one-dimension arrays

  15. 另一个存储对称变带宽矩阵对角线元素在前一维数组中的位置,大大节约了所占的计算机内存空间。

    Another is used to store the locations of diagonal elements of the spare symmetrical matrix in the forenamed one dimensional array .

  16. 文章以实例的形式介绍了一维数组和二维数组的学习方法。

    In the form of practical examples , this paper introduces the study method of one dimensional array and two dimensional arrays .

  17. 所有图表类型都可以接受一个一维数组,但根据不同的图表类型,还有其他一些格式选项。

    All plot types can accept a one-dimensional array , but there are some additional format options available based on the type of chart .

  18. 将整个访问控制列表复制到访问控制项的兼容的一维数组,并且从目标数组的指定索引开始。

    Copies the entire access control list to a compatible one-dimensional array of access control entries , starting at the specified index of the target array .

  19. 提出了一种新的数组逻辑结构猜想算法,它能将无结构的一维数组自动变换成具有多维逻辑结构的数组,从而使编译器的优化工作成为可能。

    This paper presents a new framework and algorithms for guessing the logical multi-dimensional array structures from the flat one-dimensional arrays automatically , and makes powerful compiling optimizations possible .

  20. 该法的主要内容是采用一维数组记值法和记忆有效路径法尽可能避免重复运算和无效过程。

    Its main content is to avoid any repeated calculation and ineffective processes by using the method of memorizing values with one dimension array and the method of memorizing effective path .

  21. 在算法的实现中,采用一维数组和链表存储整数排列,从而使子序列的翻转和转位操作可在常数时间内完成。

    In algorithm realization , uses the array and the chain memory integer arrangement , thus causes the subsequence the turn over and the indexing operation may complete in the constant time .

  22. 该文提出了一种多维数组的排序算法,其基本原理是先将多维数组转换成一维数组,对转换后的一维数组进行排序,然后将排序以后的一维数组逆转成原多维数组。

    A sorting optimization algorithm for multi-dimension arrays is prese-nted first a multi-dimension array is converted into an equivalent one-dimension array and sorting , then the sorted one-dimension array is re-turned to the original multi-dimension array .

  23. 对传统菜单设计的二叉树结构进行修改,采用一维数组表示二叉树数据关系,满足了菜单设计要求,降低了单片机资源的占有量。

    Traditionally , the binary tree structure was used for the menu design , while , in this project , one-dimensional array was used in place of the binary tree structure , meeting the design requirements and reducing the share of single-chip resources . 5 .

  24. 为在合理的内存开销下进一步降低算法复杂度,Hough变换的参数空间采用了5个一维累加器数组来构造。

    To reduce the complexity of the algorithm with reasonable cost on memory usage , five 1D accumulator arrays are use to construct the Hough space of the Hough transform .

  25. int数据优于Integer数组,两个平行的一维int数组,总是大大优于两维的(int,int)数组对象。

    An array of ints is a much better than an array of Integers , but this also generalizes to the fact that two parallel arrays of ints are also a lot more efficient than an array of ( int , int ) objects .

  26. 这个子程序可以对一维或者二维数组进行排序。

    This subroutine sorts one or two dimensional arrays .