
  • 网络veto;one ballot veto
  1. “安全指标为一票否决指标之一”怎么译?

    Safety standard is one of the Veto standards .

  2. 但DS证据理论存在一些不足,本文针对DS证据理论中一票否决以及冲突过大的问题提出了对算法的改进。

    But the DS evidence theory also have some defects , Aiming at the problem of one ticket veto and excessive conflict , this paper propose the improved algorithm .

  3. 城市CNG汽车加气站的安全性是加气站的规划、设计和审批者首要考虑的问题,对布局选址方案往往起到一票否决的作用。

    Safety of CNG filling stations in the cities is the first consideration for the plan , design and approval persons of CNG filling stations .

  4. 在多源信息融合处理中,针对基于D-S理论融合产生的冲突问题,进行了全面分析和总结,归纳为三个方面的问题:一般冲突问题、一票否决问题及鲁棒性问题;

    Including general conflict problem ," a vote down " problem and " robustness " problem , the conflict problems of multi-source information processing based on D-S theory are analyzed in the paper .

  5. 华为承认,任正非对于公司重大决策仍保有一票否决权。

    Huawei concedes that Mr Ren retains veto power over major decisions .

  6. 一个基于安全多方求和的一票否决协议

    A private vote protocol based on secure sum

  7. 提出了灌水技术选择中,重要因素一票否决的观点。

    The view of rejection by important factor was mentioned in irrigation technique selection .

  8. 现在的门槛意外着拥有17%投票权的美国拥有一票否决权。

    The existing threshold amounts to a veto for America , with its17 % share .

  9. 模型分一票否决和综合评价2个层次。

    The model is divided into two sequential levels : one-vote veto system and comprehensive evaluation system .

  10. 天津开发区环保局拥有对各种项目的一票否决权。

    The TEDA Environmental Protection Bureau is entitled to exercise a veto with only one vote on all projects .

  11. 这表明布鲁塞尔(或法兰克福)方面会对债权国预算方案有一票否决权。

    This implies that someone in Brussels ( or Frankfurt ) will have a veto over a debtor country 's budget .

  12. 假如他唯一能给出的答案就是一项被美国一票否决的安理会决议,巴勒斯坦民众对他本已乏善可陈的执政将产生进一步的幻灭感。

    If his only answer is a US-vetoed Security Council resolution , it will trigger further disillusionment in his already tarnished presidency .

  13. 在联合国安理会要作出某项决议时,非常任理事国是没有一票否决权的。

    When the UNSC is making a decision , non-permanent member states do not have the right to veto with a single vote .

  14. 但在配色方案、图形风格和字体方面,我保留了一票否决权&没错,我对设计有一点热衷。

    But I reserved veto power over the color scheme , graphical style , and fonts & yes , I have a small design obsession .

  15. 但在配色方案、图形风格和字体方面,我保留了一票否决权——没错,我对设计有一点热衷。

    But I reserved veto power over the color scheme , graphical style , and fonts - yes , I have a small design obsession .

  16. 这表明我尊重他们的时间和权威,也让他们对我有权一票否决的细节进行认真思考。

    It showed that I respected their time and authority , and also led them to put serious thought into the details I had veto power over .

  17. 能够解决一般冲突、一票否决、鲁棒性等冲突证据的组合问题。

    The method can solve combination problems of conflict evidence , such as a general conflict problem , a vote-down problem , a robustness problem and so on .

  18. 另外本文着重指出,在给中小企业评价之前,要对其诚信状况进行调研,对于不守信企业采取一票否决制。

    This paper also pointed out that before the evaluation of small and medium enterprises , research the status of their faith is important , vote to the enterprise is because of itself untrustworthy .

  19. 建立地方行政首长环保考核并一票否决制度;完善环境信息公开制度;建立环境公益诉讼制度;建立科学的环境教育评价制度。

    Setting up assessment of heads of local administration and one-vote veto system ; improving the open system environment information ; the establishment of environmental public interest litigation system ; setting up a scientific evaluation system for environmental education .

  20. 在建立电信网质量评价指标体系的基础上,运用多级模糊综合评判、加权平均和一票否决法,对电信网通信质量进行综合评价,取得了较好效果。

    On the basis of index system of the quality , synthetic evaluation is carried out on the quality of the telecommunication networks according to the methods of multi-level fuzzy synthetic evaluation , weighted average method , zero for one and achieves better results .

  21. 在选取典型建筑时,通过3个步骤进行选取,即:基于数据的初步选取、基于能耗敏感性因素的一票否决及基于各能耗因素权值评价的权衡判断。

    In the selection of typical building , it was selected though three steps , namely Initial selection based on the data , the one-vote veto system based on sensitivity factors of energy consumption and trade-off judgement based on weight rating of sensitivity factors .

  22. 更为复杂的是,所有成员国都对议题有平等的投票权,而联合国核心组织“安全理事会”的五个常任理事国(美国、中国、俄罗斯、法国和英国)对决议拥有一票否决权。这让联合国深陷僵局。

    To complicate matters , all members have an equal vote on issues - and the five members of the " security council " that serves as the UN 's inner sanctum ( US , China , Russia , France and Britain ) have a veto over decisions . That leaves the institution mired in gridlock .

  23. 目前已经提出许多分布式数据库提交协议,尽管这些协议都能保证分布式事务ACID特性,但基本采用的是投票法的一票一次性否决规则。

    ( b ) Now , many DDBS protocol have been researched , but these protocol adopted basically " one vote one-off veto " of voting means .

  24. 严格执行“到检查”制度,深切贯彻落实“小道工就是你的客户”的精神,真正做到了全厂都是检验员,一票就有否决权。

    Strictly enforced " to check " system , deeply implement the " trail work is your customer " spirit and truly are tests of the entire plant , a vote will veto .

  25. 该提案仅以一票之差被否决。

    The proposal was defeated by just one vote .