
shí míng zhì
  • real name system;real-name system;real-name registration system;real ID
  1. 在电视新闻评论中坚持实名制

    The Use of the Real Name System in Television News Comments

  2. 债券托管账户采用实名制。

    The bond custody account adopts the real name system .

  3. 网络秀场直播平台要对网络主播和“打赏”用户实行实名制管理。

    According to the circular , online show and livestreaming platforms should implement real-name management for their hosts and users keen on rewarding hosts .

  4. 中国互联网协会(internetsocietyofchina)负责人5月表示,实行“实名制”的条件“还不成熟”。

    The head of the Internet Society of China said in May the conditions for a " real-name system " were " not yet mature " .

  5. 新浪公司(SinaCorp)警告称,其人气颇高的微博服务新浪微博(SinaWeibo)将受到中国官方实名制要求的打击。

    Sina Corp has warned that its popular microblogging service will suffer from Beijing 's requirement that users of Sina Weibo register under their real names .

  6. 这个账号在新年前夕几乎和默多克的新Twitter账号同时出现,而且都得到了网站授予的蓝勾认证,这种认证只会授予那些实名制知名人士,用来表明这些账号的真实性。

    The account appeared at a similar time to Rupert Murdochs new Twitter account on New Years Eve , and both received a blue tick from the service , which is only given to high profile people to denote that the account is genuine .

  7. 动车实名制是指旅客在在购买动车票和乘坐动车组列车(D-train)时,需出示个人的身份证明。

    Under the real-name ticketing system , passengers will have to present their ID card when purchasing D-train tickets and taking rides .

  8. 由于实名制下的社交网络是对现实人际关系的再现,用户对网络形象的维护十分重视,并且认为在SNS社交网络中的平面形象对现实人际交往中的个人形象有重要作用。

    Because of the real-name system , the SNS reappears the real society relations , so the users take seriously maintenance of their network images , and people believe that the plane image of network materially affects the individual image in reality human communication .

  9. SNS社交网站提倡实名制,用户信息真实,不仅为企业提供精准的用户群,实施精准营销,而且有利于企业挖掘潜在目标客户,提高企业品牌忠诚度。

    SNS advocates real name registration and real user information , which not only provides the enterprises with accurate user groups to implement the precise marketing , but also helps the enterprises to excavate potential target customers , and to improve the enterprise brand loyalty .

  10. 在周三发布季度财报后举行的电话会议上,腾讯总裁刘炽平(MartinLau)说,对于许多已经用手机号注册的用户来说,实名制要求并不会造成很大的障碍。

    During a conference call on Wednesday following the publication of quarterly earnings , Martin Lau , Tencent 's president , said the requirement for users to register under their full names would not present a huge hurdle for many who already provide their mobile phone numbers in order to register .

  11. 网络实名制也因此应运而生。

    Therefore , the introduction of real-name system came into being .

  12. 我国实行金融实名制的制度设计

    The Design of the Finance Name Reality System in our Country

  13. 也谈个人存款账户实名制

    On the System of Personal Savings Account with Real Identity

  14. 存款实名制执行中的问题与对策

    Analysis of the Problems in Implementation of Real - name - system

  15. 韩国宪法法院说,实名制的要求相当于事前审查。

    The court said the requirement amounts to prior censorship .

  16. 关于储蓄实名制引发的思考

    Reflections on the Use of Real Name Deposit System

  17. 实名制会大大提升微博平台的广告潜力。

    The real-name policy may further boost the advertising potential of microblogging platforms .

  18. 火车票实名制之我见

    On the System of Real Name in Train Tickets

  19. 例如,应尽快实施手机实名制。

    For instance , real-name system should be introduced as soon as possible .

  20. 门诊实名制预约挂号实践与对策初探

    The Countermeasure and Practice of Outpatient Real-name Registration System

  21. 所以,网络实名制的实行是必要的。

    Therefore , the implementation of NRS is necessary .

  22. 实行网络实名制,可以有效地杜绝这些问题。

    Implements the network solid famous system , may cease these questions effectively .

  23. 实名制国家财政券:俄罗斯高等教育财政体制的可贵探索

    Research on National Nominative Financial Voucher in Russia

  24. 迄今为止,它仍旧是国内唯一的全实名制博客网站。

    So far , it still is the only complete real-name system blog website .

  25. 关于储蓄实名制实施后的几点思考

    Reflections on the saving deposits by the real-name

  26. 关于储蓄存款实名制的探讨

    Discussion on Deposit with Real Name in Saving

  27. 实行金融实名制,建立个人信用的基础;

    Enforce financial real name system and thus create the basis of personal credit ;

  28. 第二部分,网络实名制概述。

    ⅱ The overview for network real-name system .

  29. 以节能的名义玩地产关于储蓄存款实名制的探讨

    Energy - Saving Real Estate in China Discussion on Deposit with Real Name in Saving

  30. 购房实名制能否抑制投机

    Whether the Solid Famous System Suppress Congenially