
hàn jiān
  • traitor;traitor (to China)
汉奸 [hàn jiān]
  • [traitor (to China)] 原指汉族的投敌者,后泛指卖国求荣、效忠外敌的叛逆者

汉奸[hàn jiān]
  1. 但这岂非有点当汉奸的嫌疑吗?

    But wouldn 't that look suspiciously like turning traitor ?

  2. 战时汉奸案件的审理,效率较高,处刑较严厉。

    The trial of traitor cases at wartime had high efficiency and severe publishment .

  3. 敌人汉奸要取消边区,你们也要取消边区;

    They want to abolish the border region , and so do you ;

  4. 我们应当崇尚真正的科学精神,而不是汉奸科学。

    So we should advocate genuine scientific spirit , but not the traitorous spirit .

  5. 卖国有赏,汉奸弹冠相庆。

    Treason is rewarded and traitors are jubilant over their new appointments and honours .

  6. 第一部分:界定了汉奸涵义及本文的研究范围,简要回顾汉奸研究的情况,分析汉奸研究的特点和不足,同时说明本研究的学术价值和现实意义。

    The first part gives the definition of Chinese traitors as the paper 's research scope .

  7. 汉奸还是很活跃,杀死的也很少。

    The traitors are still very active , and very few of them have been killed .

  8. 战后国民政府对汉奸的审判(1945~1949)

    Trial to the Chinese Traitors by the National KMT Government after the Anti-Japanese War ( 1945 ~ 1949 );

  9. 于是这些特务就采取与地主、特别是那些曾当过汉奸的地主勾结的办法。

    So the agents began more and more to conspire with landlords-particularly those who had worked with Japanese puppets .

  10. 本文主要探讨了鸦片战争时期汉奸所起的恶劣作用,以及平民充当汉奸的原因。

    This essay makes an inquiry into the historical phenomenon of Roman plebs becoming citizens in the regal period .

  11. 汉奸形象是十七年小说反面形象中的一种特定类型。

    The figure of traitor to China is a specific type of negative hero figures in the " seventeen year " novels .

  12. 第六,对死心踏地的汉奸及借刀杀人分子,应不惜采取各种手段加以消灭。

    Sixth , they should employ every possible means to eliminate sworn traitors and individuals who use others to kill their adversaries .

  13. 这两种错误,都是滔天大罪的性质,都是和敌人汉奸毫无区别的,你们必须纠正这些错误。

    Both these errors are towering crimes , indistinguishable from those committed by the enemy and the traitors . You must correct them .

  14. 战时上海的通敌与锄奸活动,是极为复杂的历史事件,相信魏教授的深刻阐述,一定会为我们重新认识汉奸问题带来有益的启示。

    It is sure that we would be greatly enlightened by his statement on collaborationism and anti-espionage activities in Shanghai during the war .

  15. 这三者互相团结,谁要妥协就是站在汉奸方面,人人得而诛之。

    With unity among these three , whoever compromises will be standing with the traitors , and anybody will have the right to punish him .

  16. 将这种两面派分子,和汉奸亲日派加以区别。这种膜的类脂是一种有两种亲和性的分子。

    We make a distinction between such people with a dual character and the traitors and pro-Japanese elements . Such membrane lipids are amphiphatic molecules .

  17. 这将是中国很痛苦的时期,经济困难和汉奸捣乱将是两个很大的问题。

    It will be a very painful period for China ; The two big problems will be economic difficulties and the disruptive activities of the traitors .

  18. 张资平在任主编期间发表的言论,对日本方面多有激烈的批评,脱离了一个汉奸的行为轨迹。

    During his tenure as chief editor much fierce criticism on Japan in his published statement indicated he had broken away from the tracks as a traitor .

  19. 汉奸现象背后凸显的是精神性的困境,也反映了文化领域中道德资源建设的匮乏与贫瘠。

    Deep thinking behind a traitor is spirituality highlights the plight of the area also reflects the cultural and moral resources , lack of construction and poor .

  20. 历史暂时地走回头路是可能的,和平发生波折是可能的,原因就在于日本帝国主义和汉奸亲日派的存在。

    History might reverse its course for a while and peace might meet with setbacks because of the existence of Japanese imperialism , traitors and the pro-Japanese group .

  21. 起初,金晶在中国国内被誉为英雄;但在她表示并不支持抵制法货后,中国国内一些博客斥责她是“汉奸”。

    MS Jin was initially feted at home but she has since been denounced as a traitor on Chinese blogs after saying she did not support the boycott .

  22. 为此,必须有很好的统战工作以团结各阶层;尤其必须坚决肃清死心踏地的汉奸。

    In the villages united-front work to unite all social strata has been successful and , in particular , firm measures have been taken to eliminate sworn traitors .

  23. 群众工作的内容,是发动人民进行清算汉奸的斗争,是减租和增加工资运动,是生产运动。

    Mass work consists in arousing the masses for struggles to settle accounts with traitors and in launching campaigns for rent reduction and wage increases and campaigns for production .

  24. 在1945年战争结束时,山口淑子被中国当作汉奸逮捕,然后在她提供了自己是日本公民的证据之后才得以脱罪。

    When the war ended in 1945 , Ms. Yamaguchi was arrested by the Chinese authorities for treason and escaped execution only after she presented proof of her Japanese citizenship .

  25. 保护商业应表现于游击队的严格的纪律上面;除了有真凭实据的汉奸之外,决不准乱没收一家商店。

    The protection of Commerce means that the guerrilla units should be highly disciplined and that the confiscation of shops , except those owned by proved traitors , should be strictly prohibited .

  26. 将十七年抗战题材长篇小说中的汉奸形象群作为研究对象,无疑可以丰富、拓展十七年文学人物形象研究。

    Taking groups of the traitor figure in the " seventeen year " war novels as study object can undoubtedly enrich and expand the character figure research of " seventeen year " literature .

  27. 他们中间,许多人已经是汉奸,许多人已经是亲日派,许多人是准备作亲日派,许多人在动摇中,仅仅个别有特殊情况的分子是坚决的。

    Many of them are already collaborators , many have become or are ready to become pro-japanese , many are vacillating , and only a few , owing to special circumstances , are firmly anti-japanese .

  28. 在致达能的一封公开信中,员工自称为“宗总的子弟兵”,将法方董事称为“无赖”,将与法方合作的中国人称为“汉奸”。

    In one public letter to Danone , employees calling themselves " Chairman Zong 's army " said the French directors were " rascals , " and Chinese who co-operated with them were " traitors . "

  29. 泪汪汪的眼睛;水汪汪的眼睛;悲伤使得许多人的双眼泪汪汪。将这种两面分子,和坚决的汉奸如汪精卫、王揖唐、石友三等,加以区别。

    Swimming eyes ; watery eyes ; sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid . We make a distinction between such ambivalent elements and the out-and-out traitors like Wang Ching-wei , Wang Yi-tang and Shih Yu-san .

  30. 在城市中发动群众,必须首先发动工人,使工人在清算汉奸、特务的运动中起先锋作用和领导作用。

    In arousing the masses in the cities , we had to arouse the workers first so that they could play the vanguard and leading role in the campaign to settle accounts with traitors and secret agents .