
  1. 本论文期望最终得出一份可行的、可供唯海公司实际操作的战略发展规划报告,同时提供一份唯海公司作一般性决策时可供参考比较的资料以及行动的指南。

    The paper is expected to provide Weihai Co. a feasible and workable strategic planning , to which can be easily referred when the general strategic decision is made .

  2. 研究表明,本文提出的灰色聚类评价的拓展模型更具一般性和决策的柔性。

    It is shown that the extended grey cluster appraising method developed by us is generalized and is more flexible in decision than the traditional grey cluster method .

  3. 对灾害的定义、灾害的共性、灾害的分类和开展一般性防灾投资决策理论和方法研究的可行性进行了讨论;

    The definition , general characteristics and classification of disasters , and the feasibility of studying general theories and methods of ID for DRE are discussed ;