
  • 网络one share-one vote;one share one vote
  1. 体现了股权平等的一股一权原则和由其派生的资本多数决原则是股东投票表决的基本原则,与集中行使原则一同成为表决权行使的一般原则。

    The " one share one vote " principle and majority determination principle are the basic principles of voting rights exercising which form the general principles with the voting together principle .

  2. 第二章为表决权行使原则专题研究,分别对表决权行使的原则,一股一权,资本多数决原则,进行了介绍以及表决权行使的例外规定及其存在的理论基础。

    The whole chapter is divided into three sections , namely the principle of the exercise of voting right , one share one vote principle , the majority rule , the principle of collective exercise , the exceptions principles and its theoretical basis .

  3. 正如欧洲的情况所表明的那样,公司所有权尚未找到新的平衡&在收购指令和用一股一权(oneshare/onevote)取代多重投票权方面,欧洲还没有取得一致。

    Company ownership has not yet found a new balance , as shown in Europe by the absence of agreement on the takeover directive and on one share / one vote rather than multiple voting rights .

  4. 而资本多数决原则是现代公司法的基本制度,其基础为一股一权。

    The Majority Rule is derived from " one share one power ", as the basic principle of modern company law .

  5. 第二节对股东表决权的行使原则作了论述,笔者将其概括为三条:一股一权原则、资本多数决原则、集体行使原则。

    Section two described the enforcement principle of the voting right of stockholders , I summarize it as three : the first is one right principle , capital superior principle , exercise the principle collectively .

  6. 一股一权原则是资本多数决产生的基础,股份是股份公司资本的基本单位,以此计算每股东所持有的表决权数。其次,通过表决制度的比较考察,论证资本多数决的价值所在。

    Share is the basic unit of the stock company , and by this calculation the number of voting rights held by each shareholder . Secondly , by the comparative study of voting system , demonstrate the value of capital majority decision .

  7. 在一股一权原则和资本多数决原则,大股东作为公司的控股股东往往滥用股东权侵害小股东的利益,对处于弱势地位的小股东提供法律上的保护势在必行。

    In principle and capital most of a per power definitely principle , big shareholder Be the company control a shareholder usually abuse the shareholder power violate small shareholder of benefits , provide juridical protection to the small shareholder which be placed in a minority position power at necessarily line .

  8. 为什么会采取一股一表决权作为基本原则;

    Why shall " one share , one vote " be taken as the basic principle ?

  9. 一股一表决权的股权平等原则要求在公司治理决策中实行资本多数决原则。正文的第一部分对资本多数决原则的基本理论进行分析。

    Resulting from the principle of equality that " one share has one vote ", the majority rule comes into domain in the corporation 's governance and decision-making process . Part One is the basic analysis on the Majority Rule .

  10. 在股东大会上,每一股有一个投票权。

    Each share carries a vote at a shareholders'meeting .