
zhí xínɡ dǒnɡ shì
  • executive director;managing director
  1. 布莱恩·诺塞克是社会心理学家、开放科学中心执行董事,他指出通过使用这种标记,《心理科学》期刊的平均数据共享率从2013年至2015年间增长38%,翻了十倍。

    According to social psychologist Brian Nosek , executive director of the Center for Open Science , the average data-sharing rate for the journal Psychological Science , which uses the badges , increased tenfold to 38 % from 2013 to 2015 .

  2. 网络隐私倡导团体CenterforDigitalDemocracy执行董事杰夫切斯特(JeffChester)表示,这种做法不会让Facebook用户获得对其数据足够多的控制权,也不会向他们透露该公司正如何利用这些数据。

    Jeff Chester , executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy , a privacy group , said this practice does not provide Facebook users sufficient control over their data or transparency over how it was being used .

  3. 例句新执行董事的好日子是不是已经结束了?

    Is the honeymoon period over for the new CEO ?

  4. 章宏,蓝色港湾有限公司执行董事Ms。

    Hong Zhang , Executive Director of Blue Harbor Co. , Ltd.

  5. 罗伯特格林斯坦是美国预算与政策选择中心(centeronbudgetandpolicypriorities)创办人兼执行董事。

    Robert Greenstein is the founder and executive director of the center on budget and policy priorities .

  6. 此后,谢福华辞去了在这家名为建力集团(primepartners)的公司担任的非执行董事一职。

    Since then , Mr Hsieh has resigned as non-executive director of the company , prime partners .

  7. 阿里戈萨顿是imf执行董事会成员。

    Arrigo Sadun is an IMF executive board member .

  8. 当我被英国金融服务管理局(FinancialServicesAuthority)传唤时(这是对待非执行董事的一种惯例),我就花了好几周的时间拼命复习。

    When I was summoned before the Financial Services Authority ( as a routine part of being a non-exec ) I spent several weeks beforehand revising furiously .

  9. 银行投资为我们提供了各种选择,淡马锡执行董事西蒙•伊斯雷尔(SimonIsrael)表示。

    The banking investments provide us with optionality , says Simon Israel , Temasek executive director .

  10. 撇开争议不谈,这届世界杯肯定不是已经注定了要失败的命运,以编撰国家品牌指数(CountryBrandIndex)著称的未来品牌战略咨询公司(FutureBrand)执行董事古斯塔沃o康尼斯奇泽尔这样说道。

    Controversy aside , the event is certainly not doomed to fail , says Gustavo Koniszczer , managing director at branding firm FutureBrand , which compiles a Country Brand Index .

  11. 埃里克·戈尔茨坦(EricGoldstein)是大同世界教育执行董事。

    Eric Goldstein is the executive director of One World Education .

  12. 猫是很聪明的动物,记忆力很强。简-布朗特对探索新闻网站的记者表示。布朗特小姐是名兽医,也是CATalystCouncil公司的执行董事。

    Cats are intelligent animals with a long memory , Jane Brunt , veterinarian and the executive director of the CATalyst Council , told Discovery News .

  13. 汽车X奖基金会执行董事唐纳德。福利表示,这次比赛活动的赞助人希望汽车工业摆脱靠汽油驱动汽车的局面。

    Automotive X Prize Executive Director Donald Foley says backers of the competition want to move the industry away from vehicles that rely on petroleum-based fuels .

  14. 本文作者拥有27年执行董事和非执行董事的经历,目前担任capitalrecoveryfund和英国非执行董事协会(non-executivedirectorsassociation)顾问。

    The author has worked for 27 years as an executive and a non-executive director . She advises the capital recovery fund and non-executive Directors Association .

  15. 香港珠宝商太子珠宝钟表(princejewellery&watch)执行董事朱继陶说,一掷千金的顾客不见了。

    ' the big spenders have disappeared , ' said Joseph Chu , executive director at Hong Kong dealer Prince Jewellery & watch .

  16. 但是在这之前,我们们将播出对INK执行董事马丁·戈尔韦的重要采访,然后是商业新闻…

    But before that , we have The Big Interview with the Executive Director of INK , Martin Galway , followed by Business News ...

  17. 美国制造业联盟(AllianceforAmericanManufacturing)的执行董事保罗(ScottPaul)说,这太令人失望了。

    ' It 's disappointing , 'said Scott Paul , executive director of the Alliance for American Manufacturing , a coalition of manufacturers and the United Steelworkers union .

  18. 世邦魏理仕写字楼服务部执行董事简儒德(RhodriJames)说,近几年写字楼供应不足也助推了租金的上涨。

    Lack of supply has also helped ratchet up prices in recent years , says Rhodri James , CBRE 's executive director of office services .

  19. 研究家用和个人护理产品行业的消费者前沿公司(ConsumerEdgeResearch)执行董事哈维尔•埃斯卡兰特表示,2013年第三季度,大型零售商都在消化库存。

    In the third quarter of 2013 , mass retailers did what 's called a de-stocking , according to Javier Escalante , an executive director at Consumer Edge Research who covers the household and personal care sectors .

  20. bp表示,思文凯将于9月1日以非执行董事和当选董事长身份进入bp董事会,2010年1月1日正式就职。

    Mr Svanberg would join the BP board as a non-executive director and chairman-designate on September 1 before taking up his role fully on January 1 2010 , the company said .

  21. 但是,由各imf成员国或国家集团所任命的专家组成的执行董事会,得出了一个软弱得多的评估结论。

    But the executive board made up of experts appointed by individual IMF member countries or groups of countries came to a much weaker assessment .

  22. 黛丽斯公司执行董事黄启聪(KevinWong)表示,该公司在2011年关闭了深圳工厂,并在柬埔寨开了一家工厂。

    Kevin Wong , executive director , says it closed a factory in Shenzhen and opened one in Cambodia in 2011 .

  23. 为了准备正式会谈,SAG的代表们已经邀请了大量公司的执行董事们参加一些非正式的会议。

    To prepare the way for the formal talks , SAG reps already have had informal meetings with a number of the company CEOs .

  24. 例如,ISS有一条经验法则,即一个主席职位相当于两个非执行董事。

    ISS has a rule of thumb that one chair position equals two non-executive roles , for instance .

  25. 该项目的执行董事朱莉娅马什(JuliaMarsh)表示,来自欧洲大陆国家比如德国的兴趣尤其强烈。

    Interest is particularly strong from continental European countries such as Germany , says Julia Marsh , executive director of the programme .

  26. IMF执行董事会的24名成员意见不一,将减弱要求中国进一步升值人民币的压力。此前中国已在6月份放弃盯住美元的汇率政策。

    The disagreement among the 24-member board weakens the pressure on China further to revalue the renminbi after it abandoned its peg to the dollar in June .

  27. 范德维德的董事长一职已被此前担任家乐福非执行董事、代表哈雷家族的罗伯特•哈雷(RobertHalley)接替。

    He has been replaced by Robert Halley , who had previously been a Carrefour non-executive director representing the Halley family .

  28. 埃克塞特大学(Exeteruniversity)的研究人员发现,在业绩最好的企业里,男性执行董事的奖金比业绩最差企业中的男董事高出了263%。

    Researchers at Exeter University found that male executive directors in the best-performing companies were paid bonuses 263 per cent bigger than those working for the worst performers .

  29. 太平洋投资管理公司(pacificinvestmentmanagementco)上周表示,该公司对冲基金管理人、执行董事之一朱长虹将离美返华,加盟外管局,出任储备管理部门负责人。

    Last week Pacific Investment Management Co said Zhu Changhong , one of its managing directors in charge of hedge funds , was leaving the us to return to China and join safe as head of its reserve management department .

  30. 该中心的执行董事拉马尔•约翰逊(LamarJohnson)正在考虑与其它几家赞助商联系,以期建立类似的伙伴关系。

    Lamar Johnson , the center 's executive director , is considering reaching out to the other sponsors for similar partnerships .