
zhí zhào
  • license;permit;certificate
执照 [zhí zhào]
  • (1) [license]∶由政府主管部门正式签发的许可证件或牌照

  • 营业执照

  • (2) [certificate]∶证据;证明

执照[zhí zhào]
  1. 交了100元现款保释金及驾驶执照以后,她获得保释了。

    She was released after posting $ 100 cash bond and her driver 's license .

  2. 如果不合要求,电台可能会被吊销执照。

    If it doesn 't pass muster , a radio station could have its license challenged .

  3. 他现在有了驾驶执照,颇有些飘飘然。

    He is now the proud possessor of a driving licence .

  4. 我考汽车驾驶执照一次就通过了。

    I passed my driving test at the first attempt .

  5. 法律不准他持有执照。

    He is prevented by law from holding a licence .

  6. 她考驾驶执照前十分紧张不安。

    She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test .

  7. 从事这项工作得有重型货车驾驶执照。

    You need an HGV licence for this job .

  8. 詹姆斯的执照被警方扣了六个月。

    James lost his licence for six months .

  9. 执照期满时可延期。

    The licence can be renewed on expiry .

  10. 他考了三次驾驶执照都没通过。

    He failed his driving test three times .

  11. 你什么时候参加的驾驶执照考试?

    When did you take your driving test ?

  12. 那支枪有持枪执照吗?

    Is that gun licensed ?

  13. 由于发生事故未能报告,他的驾驶执照被注明违章。

    For failing to report the accident , his licence was endorsed

  14. 他的驾驶执照也被扣了8分。

    He also had his licence endorsed with eight penalty points .

  15. 佩恩一年前因为酒后驾驶而被吊销了执照。

    Payne lost his driving licence a year ago for drink-driving

  16. 吉姆就快要拿到飞行员执照了。

    Jim is halfway to attaining his pilot 's licence .

  17. 他被吊销执照半年。

    He lost his licence for six months

  18. 这家餐馆有酒类经营执照,提供扎啤、葡萄酒、烈性酒和汽水。

    The restaurant is licensed , offering draught beers , wines , spirits and soft drinks .

  19. 让驾驶员深感不满的是驾驶执照收费的提高。

    The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences .

  20. 它于1981年从英格兰银行得到了银行经营执照。

    It gained a licence to operate as a bank from the Bank of England in 1981 .

  21. 她将临时执照连同考试证书一起提交上去以申请升级为正式执照。

    She sent her provisional licence with the test certificate to have it upgraded to a full licence .

  22. 我总是在执照上贴一层塑膜,但即便如此它还是会发霉并致使没法辨认。

    I always cover my licence with sticky-backed plastic , but even then it can turn mouldy and unreadable .

  23. 他为获得飞行员执照所下的苦功是值得赞扬的。

    His painstaking efforts to attain his pilot 's licence is praiseworthy .

  24. 驾驶员更换执照有10天的宽限期。

    Drivers have ten days ' grace to renew their licenses .

  25. 他们的执照已到期。

    Their licences have expired .

  26. 当地政府给他发了营业执照。

    The local authority chartered him to do business .

  27. 经主管部门核准后,发给营业执照。

    Business licences shall be issued after examination and approval by the Department concerned .

  28. 前几天,我碰巧找到了我的驾驶执照。

    I happened to find my driving certificate .

  29. 经过5次尝试后,卡罗终于通过了驾驶执照考试&凡人毕竟皆有得意日。

    After five attempts Carol finally passed her driving test-after all , every dog has its day .

  30. 一般来说,这些拍卖有限的人拥有经销商的执照,但这些不过是向所有人开放。

    Generally these auctions are limited to people who possess dealer 's license , but these are however open to all .