
  • 网络General Function
  1. 第二部分介绍外国的司法行政权,对几种有代表性的司法行政权的配置模式及司法行政机关的一般职能做了探讨。

    Part two introduces the judicial administrative power of foreign countries . Several representative configuration mode of the judicial administrative power and the general functions of the judicial administrative organs are discussed .

  2. 从政府管理的现实出发,政府管理职能可为基本职能、一般职能、主要职能和重点职能。政府的重点职能又可分为战术性重点职能和战略性重点职能。

    The functions of government management can be classified into basic functions , general functions , chief functions and key functions , of which the last can be subdivided into tactical functions and strategic functions .

  3. 从国有企业的一般职能谈搞活国有企业

    How to Revitalize the State - owned Enterprises

  4. 杜尔哥说明了企业家作为企业的独立组织者和管理者的一般职能;

    Turgot dealt with the general function of the entrepreneur both as an independent organizer and manager ;

  5. 计划经济体制下,政府活动无所不包,政府的一般职能和经济管理职能混为一体。

    In planning economy , government activities permeate the whole society , with the general function and economic function bundled together .

  6. 基于信息经济学的思想、学习型组织理论及一般职能的企业人力资源投资研究,探讨了学习型企业人力资源投资策略及其委托代理问题。

    Based on information economics , the learning organization theory , and the general researches of the enterprise investment in human resources , the human resource investment strategy and the entrusted agency issues for learning enterprises are explored .

  7. 最后,对财政职能进行了三个层次的划分,即根本职能、一般职能和特殊职能三个层次,并对中国社会主义市场经济体制逐步建立与完善时期的财政特殊职能进行了具体分析与概括。

    At last , this paper will divide the fiscal function into three , which are fundamental function , general function and the special function , and analyze and generate the special function in the period of construction and improvement of socialist market economy system .

  8. 其实,马克思管理二重性是指管理的一般职能同资本的特殊职能取得的特殊性质之间的关系,是共性与个性的关系。

    As a matter of fact , the dual character of the Marxism management implies the relation between the general function of management and the ' special nature from the special function of the capital , it is the relation between the generality and the individuality .

  9. 本文通过对开发区财政与计划经济体制下财政职能和市场经济条件下财政的一般职能进行对比研究,进而提出了开发区财政职能具有基础性、生产性和社会性等三大特点。

    This article through to development zone fiscal and financial functions under the planning economic system and market economy condition financial general function comparative study , and then put forward the development zone with basic financial functions , productive and social , the three big characteristics .

  10. 荷兰的水利董事会是政府机构,是省级权力机构下属的一般政府职能部门。

    Water boards in the Netherlands are public authorities , functioning within the general governmental structure , under supervision of provinces .

  11. 因此,新疆财政支出有别于其它省份,具有超出一般财政职能的区域特性。

    Therefore , different from those of other provinces , it features a regional characteristic that is beyond the general financial functions .

  12. 内部审计的发展,越来越趋向于摆脱传统的财务受托责任关系的束缚,而是向管理受托责任关系拓展,内部审计也由此体现出超越一般监督职能的全新功用。

    The internal auditing has not been restricted to the traditional financial-entrusted responsibility any more and extended to the managerial-entrusted responsibility , in turn , it has exhibited some brand new utilities which surpass the ordinary function of supervision .

  13. 最近几十年里,水利董事会增加了水质管理和污水处理的职能。荷兰的水利董事会是政府机构,是省级权力机构下属的一般政府职能部门。

    In the last decades , water boards have additional executive powers in water quality management and treatment of urban wastewater . Water boards in the Netherlands are public authorities , functioning within the general governmental structure , under supervision of provinces .

  14. 随着历史的进步,和平和发展已成为当今世界的主题,经济职能和一般社会职能已成为各国政府履行职能的重点。

    With the progress of history , Peace and Development has become the main topic of the world today . The duty of economy and the general duty of society has become the main thing of the government of every country to fulfill the duty .

  15. 在讨论政府的一般经济职能时,本文是从政府作为一经济组织的特征入手,详尽地分析了政府经济行为的利和弊,从而确定了政府一般经济职能的理想定位。

    When the writer states " general economic function ", she expounds the features of the government as a economy organization as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the government economic functions , on which " general economic function " of the government is defined .

  16. 在论述经营与管理作为政府的不同经济职能基础上,又在国家层次上探讨了经济学中政府的一般经济职能中内含的经营职能;

    This paper stresses that management and administration are different governmental economic functions through confining the connotation of urban management at first . In the next place , it discusses on the nation level that in economics government general economic function includes the function of management .

  17. 政府转型不同于一般的政府职能转变和政府机构改革。

    Government transformation is different from the general transformation of government functions and the reform of government institutions .

  18. 这需要城市规划管理部门除去一般的控制职能外,更应全面地负担起完善宏观机制和引导市场的职能?

    This requires urban planning and administrative departments to take the function of consummating the macroscopical mechanism and piloting the market .

  19. 开发区财政的职能既不同于计划经济条件下财政的职能,又不同于市场经济条件下一般的地方财政职能。

    The functions of the financial development zone is different from the planned economy under the conditions of financial functions , and different from the market economy condition the general local finance function .

  20. 除了业壹事专的役兵外,作为诸州之镇兵的厢军,一般都具有军事职能,承担相应的防御和戍守任务。

    In addition to the professional soldiers of serving , the Xiang soldiers , as the soldiers to protect all the regional states , generally all had the military working functions , assuming the corresponding defending and the guarding tasks .