
yī bǎ zhuā
  • Grab it;take everything into one's own hands;try to tackle all problems at once regardless of their relative importance
一把抓 [yī bǎ zhuā]
  • (1) [take everything into ones own hands]∶指同时掌握许多工作,对什么事都不放手,都要自己管

  • (2) [try to tackle all problems at once regardless of their relative importance]∶作事不分轻重缓急,一齐下手

一把抓[yī bǎ zhuā]
  1. 我们的英雄和发起人,戴夫Denniston、优美的一只脚在一把抓过另一个的上面,然后他的脚撞在墙上。

    Our hero and originator , Dave Denniston , beautifully tucks one foot over top of the other and slides his feet into the wall .

  2. 哈利脱掉长袍,一把抓过那封信。

    Harry pulled off the cloak and seized the letter .

  3. 小偷一把抓起钱,逃之夭夭。

    The thief caught up the money and ran away .

  4. 那男孩子一把抓过食物,狼吞虎咽般地吃了下去。

    The boy wolfed down the food the moment he grabbed it .

  5. 他把桌上的钱一把抓起来。

    He quickly scooped the money up from the desk .

  6. 他一把抓过轮椅,推着她飞跑起来。

    He grabbed the wheelchair and pushed her along .

  7. 他突然一把抓住乔的衣领。

    He grabbed Joe suddenly by the lapels .

  8. 用勺儿舀;用铲儿铲:他把桌上的钱一把抓起来。

    scoop sth ( up ) He quickly scooped the money up from the desk .

  9. 抢劫犯一把抓过钱,放入口袋,然后转身就走。

    The robber snatched them , put them into his pocket , and turned to leave .

  10. 我把酒端来时,他急不可待地一把抓过去,一饮而尽。

    When I brought it to him , he seized it greedily , and drank it out .

  11. 你并不总是眉毛胡子一把抓,是因为这样也许是不可持续的。

    You don 't always choose to maintain the whole thing , for it may not be sustainable .

  12. 我爱洛阳花,中州富贵一把抓,花王地位坐地拿。

    I love peonies , for its central riches and honor , negligently held on king of flowers .

  13. 生产经理塞缪尔·伯恩斯坦一把抓来全部三只消防桶中的一只,但火势已蔓延开来

    Production manager Samuel Bernstein grabs one of the three fire pails ... but the fire is already spreading .

  14. 我对她翻来覆去的重复不胜厌烦,于是我一把抓过新娃娃,把它猛地摔在地上。

    I became impatient at her repeated attempts and , seizing the new doll , I dashed it upon the floor .

  15. 突然他的脸上露出了喜色,他在垃圾堆上发现了一大块废金属,高兴得一把抓了起来。

    Suddenly he spotted a huge piece of waste metal on the rubbish heap and he pounced on it with great delight .

  16. 近几个月来,随着问题变得更明显,汤普森开始胡子眉毛一把抓。

    In recent months , as the problems became more evident , Thompson took the tack of trying everything all at once .

  17. 大雕发起了进攻,用它的利爪将猎物从树枝上一把抓了起来,那利爪长在与人的手腕一般粗的腿上。

    Then the eagle strikes , plucking its prey from its perch with talons bome on legs the thickness of your wrists .

  18. 他一把抓着那张信纸,连诗一道扔到一边,弄得这朵花儿也落到地上了。

    He took hold of the letter very roughly , and threw the verses away , so that the Flower fell on the ground .

  19. 她一把抓过那个男孩的手腕,把他从那两个袭击者的身旁拉开,并对他们大喊走开!

    She grabbed the boy 's wrist and pulled him from under his attackers , screaming in their faces , ' Get out of here !

  20. 无论做什么事情都应该有个轻重缓急,因为眉毛胡子一把抓是不明智的。

    Whatever you do , priorities should be set because it is unwise to try to attend to big and small matters all at once .

  21. 显然他也正在拆他的圣诞礼物,他胳膊上搭着一件鼓鼓囊囊的毛衣,弗雷德一把抓了过去。

    He had clearly gotten halfway through unwrapping his presents as he , too , carried a lumpy sweater over his arm , which Fred seized .

  22. 彼得忽然起了一个念头,他一把抓过约翰头上的帽子,敲掉帽顶,把帽子扣在了屋顶上。

    This gave Peter an idea . He snatched the hat off John 's head , knocked out the bottom ( top ), and put the hat on the roof .

  23. 但迎客主人一把抓过那钱钞,对出租司机大骂不止,称他是一文不值的寄生虫,并说他企图宰国外来客,真是丢尽了他们国家的面子。

    But the host grabbed the bills and initiated a verbal assault upon the cabby , calling him a worthless parasite and a disgrace to their country for trying to overcharge visitors .

  24. 宙斯被伊特别的气质深深吸引,一个罪恶的念头油然而生。他从天空俯冲下来,一把抓起伊,将他带回了神殿。

    At this moment , an evil thought came into his mind and Zeus flew down to the mountain in the form of a large bird , whisking Ganymede away to the heavens .

  25. 年青的国王走上前去准备把它们拿起来,但忠实的约翰却把它们一把抓过,扔进火里烧掉了。

    The young king went towards it and was about to take hold of it , but faithful Johannes pushed him away , seized it with gloves , carried it quickly to the fire , and burned it up .

  26. 但眼睛锐利的主人一把抓过钱,对出租司机说了很多难听的话,称他是歧视外来客人的一文不值的寄生虫,只把半数的钱扔给司机,告诉他永远别再回来。

    But the eagle-eyed host snatched the bills and said some bad words to the cabby , calling him a worthless parasite for discriminating visitors . The host threw half the amount at the driver and told him never to return .

  27. 他们沿着小路继续往前走着,最后他失去了控制,说:“艾米,我需要你依赖我。”查尔斯只在心里自私地想着自己的需要。他一把抓过轮椅,推着她飞跑起来。

    As they went down the path Charles selfishly only thought of his own needs , finally he lost control and said , " Amy , I need to have you dependent upon me . " He grabbed the wheelchair and pushed her along .

  28. 松鼠志得意满地尖叫了一声,一把抓过破布,从她身上跳下去,蹦蹦跳跳地跑进了漆黑的夜色里。它跳上一棵树,钻进树干上的一个洞,舒舒服服地坐下来点了支香烟。

    The squirrel shrieked triumphantly , grabbed the rag back , leapt off her , ran scampering into the dark , enclosing night , darted up into a tree , dived into a hole in the trunk , settled back and lit a cigarette .

  29. 她一把抓过那个男孩的手腕,把他从那两个袭击者的身旁拉开,并对他们大喊“走开!”这时,她的丈夫—一位身高6英尺(约1.83米)的前海军陆战队士兵来到了门廊上,袭击者逃跑了。

    She grabbed the boy 's wrist and pulled him from under his attackers , screaming in their faces , ' Get out of here ! ' Her husband , a 6-foot former Marine , stepped onto the porch , and the attackers fled .

  30. 胖子跳了起来,一把抓过棍子,把泽猪的脑袋打成黏糊糊,湿漉漉的一团,整个糊在薄薄的地毯上,自己则站在旁边使劲喘着粗气,就好像在挑衅:看你再敢动试试,来啊。

    The fat man jumped to his feet , grabbed the stick , beat the boghog 's brains into a sticky , pulpy mess on the thin carpet , and then stood there breathing heavily as if daring the animal to move again , just once .