
  • 网络Universal Life;universal life insurance
  1. 万能寿险内在收益率测算与影响因素分析

    Calculation of the internal rate of return of universal life insurance product and analysis on relevant factors

  2. 随着人寿保险市场发展,人寿保险产品也不断推陈出新,在传统保障性产品的基础上出现了变额寿险、万能寿险、变额万能寿险、分红险等新型寿险产品。

    With the development of life-insurance , there are the innovation products of life-insurance in the insurance market , including Variable life insurance , Universal life , Variable universal life and Life Participating .

  3. 例如,对于一名健康的40岁男子来说,TIAA-CREF价值50万美元的、有现金增值功能的万能寿险将带来约3600美元的年成本;对于50岁男子来说,年成本为5700美元;对于60岁男子来说,年成本为9300美元。

    For example , a $ 500000 universal life-insurance policy -- which builds cash value -- from TIAA-CREF would cost about $ 3600 a year for a healthy 40-year-old man , $ 5700 a year for a 50-year-old , and $ 9300 a year for a 60-year-old .

  4. 为了特别强调保险业的独特属性,本文着力探讨那些未由其他金融服务提供商提供的服务,但像终身或万能寿险产品的契约储蓄功能除外。

    In order to highlight specifically the unique attributes of insurance , it is worth focusing on those services that are not provided by other financial services providers , excluding for instance the Contractual Savings features of whole or universal life products .