
wàn lóng
  • Bandung
万隆[wàn lóng]
  1. 患者为西爪哇万隆一名20岁男子。

    The patient is a20-year-old male from Bandung , West Java .

  2. 万隆精神与中国-东盟自由贸易区

    Spirit of the Bandung Conference and China-ASEAN Free Trade Area

  3. 以上结果证实了万隆霉素以双插入模式插入到双链DNA分子的碱基对中,同时还存在一定的非特异性的静电作用。

    These results proved that Wanlongmycin not only intercalates among the base pairs of the DNA double-helical structure , but also has nonspecific electrostatic interactions with DNA .

  4. nov.(灰色变异链霉菌万隆亚种);突变品种的种植面积达1000万公顷。

    The mutant cultivars released have covered more than 10 million hectares in total area .

  5. 通过对野外露头的详细观察和描述、室内薄片观察、扫描电镜、能谱分析等测试手段,揭示了二道江剖面万隆组的地层、岩石、臼齿构造(MT)及沉积岩相和沉积环境特征。

    Based on the observation and description of outcrops , thin-section observation , scanning electron microscope and energy spectrum analysis , the characteristics of strata , lithology , Molar-tooth structure , lithofacies and sedimentary environments are respectively documented .

  6. 万隆精神是不朽的,值得我们倍加珍惜,发扬光大!

    We must hold dear and carry forward the ever-lasting Bandung spirit .

  7. 亚非国家会议(万隆会议)

    Conference of Asian African Countries ( Bandung Conference )

  8. 西安万隆制药有限责任公司

    Xi ' an vertex pharmaceutical co. , ltd

  9. 论万隆会议及其影响

    On the Bandung Conference and Its Influences

  10. 另外2例发生于西爪哇万隆的一名10岁女童及其18岁哥哥。

    Two additional cases occurred in a10-year-old girl and her18-year-old brother from Bandung , West Java .

  11. 万隆保险股份有限公司。

    Wan Long Insurance Company Ltd.

  12. 二十世纪,我以为最为重大而值得纪念的事件就是万隆会议。

    I believe the most important and memorable episode in our exchanges in the20th century is the Bandung Conference .

  13. 万隆会议后,中国和亚洲国家的关系进一步发展,与非洲和阿拉伯国家的关系有所突破。

    Soon after the Bandung Conference , China made a breakthrough by establishing diplomatic relations with Asian and African countries .

  14. 我为了了解这段历史,曾经专程到万隆去看了看。

    In order to know more about that important historical event , I once paid a special trip to Bandung .

  15. 在万隆硅砂矿土地复垦工程投资概算的基础上,对土地复垦工程进行费用效益分析和财务分析。

    Based on budget estimate of land reclamation projects , for cost-benefit analysis and financial analysis of the land reclamation project .

  16. 在西爪哇岛的万隆出生并长大的阿纳斯称,他为自己长相酷似奥巴马而感到幸运。

    Anas , who was born and raised in Bandung , West Java , said he feels lucky to resemble Obama .

  17. 和平、合作、发展的万隆精神,是亚洲人民的共同财富。

    The spirit of the Bandung Conference of peace , cooperation and development is the common wealth of the Asian people .

  18. 分别在东西方成长起来的万隆和卢特尔也分别将一家区域性肉类加工企业变成了行业巨头。

    Messrs. Luter and Wan , growing up on opposite sides of the world , both helped turn modest regional meatpackers into industry giants .

  19. 东南亚联盟,中国-东盟自由贸易区,是和平共处五项原则和万隆精神的继承和发展。

    Association of Southeast Asian Nations , and China-ASEAN Free Trade Area are the inheritance and development of the five principles of peaceful coexistence and the spirit of Bandung Conference .

  20. 其中两名护士护理了于5月22日在西爪哇万隆住院并于第二天死亡的兄妹,即一名10岁女孩和她的18岁哥哥。

    Two of the nurses cared for siblings , a10-year-old girl and her18-year-old brother , who were hospitalized in bandung , West java , on22 may and died the following day .

  21. 卢特尔向万隆提出合资提议时他仍在担任首席执行长,提议涉及到在美国合作建造一座工厂,专门生产向中国出口的猪肉。

    Mr. Luter 's joint-venture proposal to Mr. Wan , made when he was still CEO , involved building a plant together in the U.S. dedicated to producing pork for export to China .

  22. 亚洲国家率先倡导和平共处五项原则,并同非洲国家一道,在万隆会议上提出处理国家间关系的十项原则。

    Asian countries were the first to advocate the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence and , together with African countries , put forward the Ten Principles on handling state-to-state relations at the Bandung Conference .

  23. 但他们确信的一点是,双汇董事长万隆以及他的支持者们拿出了一项能向公开市场兜售的商业主张&他们指出,相对于其他方面来说,那是推动交易实现的最主要因素。

    But what they are certain of is that the chairman and his backers have created a commercial proposition that can be sold to the public markets – and that outcome more than anything else drove the deal , they say .

  24. 该公司总部设在河南,是中国最大肉类处理企业的大股东。双汇董事长万隆被称作“中国第一屠夫长”。从该公司的财报看,双汇一年屠宰的生猪数量约为1500万头。

    Based in Henan province , the company is the majority shareholder of China 's largest meat processor , whose company chairman Wan Long has been dubbed " China 's No. 1 Butcher . " According to company statements , Shuanghui slaughters some 15 million pigs a year .