
  • three unders in coal mining
  1. 对基于GIS的三下采煤方案设计、开采沉陷的环境影响评价以及矿山开采沉陷的预测预报的基本思路和数据结构的组织方式进行了分析;

    The basic idea and data structure of schema designing on special mining , estimate on environment impact of mining subsidence and the prediction and forecast of mining subsidence based on GIS are analyzed .

  2. 浅谈三下采煤技术

    Talking about " under three " coal mining technology

  3. 用系统理论和方法解决三下采煤复杂问题

    Systematic Theory and Method Applied to Solve Complicated Coal Mining Problems Under Three Circumstances

  4. 浅议三下采煤技术体系

    The Technology System of Three Under Coal Cutting

  5. 淮南煤矿进行三下采煤的技术对策

    Technical counter measures for coal mining under buildings , water-bodies and railways in Huainan coal mines

  6. 南二上采区三下采煤综合治理技术

    Technology of Comprehensive Control of " Under three " Coal Mining at South II Mining Area

  7. 深部黏土的工程特性以及在三下采煤中的应用

    Engineering characteristics of deep clay and its application in coal mining under building structure , railway and water body

  8. 条带开采作为三下采煤的主要方法之一,在我国煤矿矿区被广泛应用。

    Strip mining mining as the " three under " mining one of main methods , In our coal mine area has been widely used .

  9. 条带开采是作为“三下”采煤的主要技术措施,在我国有很广泛的应用。

    Strip-partial mining has an abroad application as an important method of coal mining under buildings .

  10. 前言:覆岩破坏规律探测是“三下”采煤,尤其是水体下采煤不可缺少的部分。

    It is indispensability of overburden failure law for mining under buildings , water bodies and railways , especially mining under water bodies .

  11. “三下”采煤的安全问题是长期以来在采矿中值得注意的问题,它关系到矿井作业的安全和经济效益问题。

    Mining under the village , the railway and the water is a problem in mining , which is related to the safety and the economic benefit in every coal pit .

  12. 云冈矿三下压煤面积大,且建筑物、水体、铁路连成一体,为典型的三下采煤。

    Yungang Mine is typical three unders mining district in which there is a big area together with water , railway and buildings . 3.coal shaking ;