
  • 网络Sanming;sanming city
  1. 基于GIS和RS的三明市荆东生态工业区土地开发生态适宜度和景观结构分析

    GIS & RS-based Ecological Suitability Assessment for Land Development and Landscape Structure Analysis : A Case Study of Jindong Eco-industrial Park , Sanming City

  2. 三明市木材加工企业的物流管理现状与对策

    Logistics Management and Suggestions for Timber Processing Industry in Sanming City

  3. 目的了解福州、三明市城区居民糖尿病(DM)、糖调节受损(IGR)患病率及其分布特征。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus ( DM ) and impaired glucose regulation ( IGR ) among the permanent urban inhabitants in Fuzhou and Sanming .

  4. 闽西三明市生态旅游发展状况研究

    Study on the Development of Ecotourism in Sanming of Western Fujian

  5. 三明市医疗保险基金赤字原因分析及相应对策

    Cause Analysis and Countermeasures for Deficit of Sanming Medical Insurance Fund

  6. 三明市草场资源开发建设及其利用的研究

    Study on exploitation and utilization of grassland resources in Sanming city

  7. 三明市水稻气候条件分析与气候区划

    Climatic Condition Analysis and Agroclimatological Regionalization of Rice Planting in Sanming

  8. 三明市汛期中尺度降水的若干特征

    Some Features of Medium-scale Precipitation in Flood Season at Sanming City

  9. 三明市森林结构规划设想及效益展望

    The Forest Structure Planning Envisagement and Benefit Prospect in Sanming City

  10. 三明市超级稻发展现状与对策

    Present Situation and Countermeasure on Super Hybrid Rice Development in Sanming

  11. 三明市森林资源景观格局分析研究

    Research on Landscape Patterns of Forest Resources in Sanming City

  12. 三明市食用菌生产农业气候资源分析与区划

    Analysis and Regionalization of Agro-Climatic Resources for Edible Fungi Planting in Sanming

  13. 三明市集体林产权制度变迁研究

    Study on the Collective Forests Property Rights Institutional Transformation of Sanming City

  14. 福建省三明市旅游深度开发战略构想

    Strategic Design About the Deep Tourist Development of Sanming City in Fujian

  15. 三明市水稻钾镁缺素的调查与矫治措施

    Investigation and Rectification on K and Mg of Rich in Sanming City

  16. 三明市集体林产权制度改革走在全国前列

    Sanming takes the lead in collective forests property right reform

  17. 三明市发展生态旅游的战略性研究

    A Strategic Research on the Ecotourism Development of Sanming Municipality

  18. 三明市珍稀野生植物资源调查

    Inventory of the Rare Wild Plant Resources in Sanming City

  19. 三明市粮食产量的灰色动态模式

    Grey dynamic model to the grain yield of Sanming city

  20. 三明市速生丰产用材林基地建设评价与发展对策

    The Evaluation and Development Countermeasures of the Base Construction of Fast Growing and

  21. 三明市林化工业的发展思路与对策

    The Thinking and Countermeasures of Developing the Chemical Industry of Forest Products in

  22. 三明市森林资源结构调整

    The Structural Adjustment of Forest Resources in Sanming City

  23. 林业活起来林农富起来林区强起来&三明市推进集体林权制度改革的实践与体会

    Invigorated Forestry-Practice and Experience of Collective Forest Property System Reform of Sanming City

  24. 休闲农业旅游产品在三明市受到了越来越多旅游者的欢迎,迫切的社会需求成为了三明发展休闲农业的重大机遇。

    Leisure agriculture is becoming more and more popular among tourists in Sanming .

  25. 三明市水稻生产现状与发展对策浅析

    Analysis on the Production Status and Development Countermeasures of Rice in Sanming City

  26. 三明市酸、碱降水成因研究

    Study on the Formative Cause of Acid and Alkaline Rain in Sanming City

  27. 三明市用人单位职业健康监护现状调查

    Present status survey on health surveillance in Sanming city

  28. 三明市市区2005年居民死亡原因分析

    Analysis the Death Cause Among Inhabitants of Sanming City in Fujian Province in 2005

  29. 三明市影剧院预应力梁的设计

    Design of the Prestressed Beam of Sanming Theatre

  30. 三明市饮用水源地农村面源污染的防治措施

    Prevention Measures for Rural Surface Pollution of Ground Drinking Water Sources in Sanming City